A Complex Discord

A Complex Discord

Autism and ADHD, a complex discord.
In one mind-body how do both strike a chord?

Autism seeks a world slow, steady and same.
Routine's embrace, stability it claims.

ADHD bored by routine, seeks a rapid pace.
Mind, chasing change, an endless race.

Risk averse autism craves the comfort of the known.
Risk taker ADHD, seeker of the unexplored zone.

Autism insists on the same tasks - present, future, past. 
ADHD craves for 10 new things each moment, a whirlwind cast.

Autism attention zooms inward- seeking comfort within.
ADHD attention flits externally - from thing to thing to thing.

In one mind-body, a battlefield unseen.
Autism's order, ADHD's ever-changing scene.

How can these opposites coexist?
Prefrontal Cortex, all in a twist?

Constant tug of war in this mind-body.
An unanswered quandary, how do I find clarity?


 Brain Humor 

Check out more humor in this blog and on YouTube


In search of Humanity. Contemplation, one line a day all week. 

In the search for Humanity (and our own mental health), let's take a pause for contemplation, one thought at a time. As we navigate the complexities of existence, let compassion be our guide, fostering empathy and connection. In the realm of self-discovery, let confidence be the cornerstone, a quiet strength that speaks volumes.  Amidst the chaos, find solace in the simplicity of now. Unleash the boundless potential within, for creativity knows no boundaries.  Cultivate a thirst for knowledge, for curiosity fuels the engine of growth. 
#MentalHealth #humanity 

Compassion is the wind that carries us to new heights of understanding.

Confidence is not arrogance, its self-assurance.

Contentment is the simplicity that comes from living in the present moment. 

The beauty of creativity is that it has no limits.


The thirst for knowledge drives curiosity

Crimson Fridays

 Feeling end of semester pressure #gradschool

If Blue is for Monday, then I assign Crimson for Friday


Check out my other poetry on this blog or on YouTube

Infantile Autism v Regressive Autism

 Did you know?

Infantile Autism vs Regressive Autism

Topsy Turvy

In the realm of the whimsically absurd
Logic takes flight like a fantastical bird
In a realm where the whimsical reigns.
Logic takes a back seat on this fantastical train
In a realm where logic takes flight
Find whimsy and wonder in the absurdity of night
In a world turned topsy-turvy. 
Where words dance and logic is quirky


Éphémère Joie and Time

This is a poetic reminder on the transient nature of time and inspired by Edith Piaf’s "La Vie en Rose,” and her other music. It encourages us to cherish each ephemeral moment, and be supported by joy. It explores themes of empathy, radiance, and the tenderness found in our shared human experience. Ultimately, it's an ode to seizing the present, holding tight to cherished moments, and discovering joy amidst life's ever-evolving tempo, echoing the optimism and rosy glow of "La Vie en Rose."

Éphémère Joie and Time 

(Ephemeral joy and time)

Dans la danse des jours,  a ephemeral fleet

(In the dance of days)

Les mois s'envolent,  moments so sweet.

(The months fly by)

Où sont passés les jours,  oh, so fast

(Where have the days gone)

Jamais revenir,  from the past 

(Never coming back)

Serre fort,  each moment just right

(Hold tight)

Soutenu par la joie, day and night 

(Supported by joy)

Le temps n'attend personne, c'est true

(Time waits for no one, its)

Nos vies valent la peine, cherish it anew

(Our lives have worth)

Dans l'étreinte tendre, a life of empathy
(In the tender embrace)
L'éclat d'âme, a radiant symphony
(The radiance of the soul)
L'esprit tendre chuchote, soft and clear
(The tender spirit whispers)
Chéris chaque instant, hold it near.
(Cherish each moment.)

À travers le temps, where memories beat.
(Through time)

Les mois s'envolent, leaving traces so sweet.
(The months fly by)
Serre fort, cher ami, let optimism anew
(Hold tight, dear friend)
Dans la vie en rose, find joy in you.
(In life’s rosy glow)


 Contemplation, one line a day, in the quest for humanity.
Altruism is the humility that recognizes our interdependence and interconnectedness



Happy Thanksgiving

In Thanksgiving's embrace, 
gratitude whispers the profound truth: 
life's richness resides in acknowledging its simplest gifts. 
- Hari Srinivasan

A Dual Approach to Autism


I signed up today for a Twitter (X?) account for the first time because I read the Newsweek article "A Dual Approach for Autism." I'm married to an autistic man and my grandson is also autistic, and my hopes and wants for/from them are vastly different. I loved your perspective.

And here is the article https://www.newsweek.com/dual-approach-autism-opinion-1818062