Showing posts with label Altruism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Altruism. Show all posts


 Contemplation, one line a day, in the quest for humanity.
Altruism is the humility that recognizes our interdependence and interconnectedness


Altruism transforms selflessness into a profound connection, weaving the fabric of humanity with threads of compassion and understanding.  - Hari Srinivasan


Altruism is the radiant light of compassion that illuminates the interconnectedness of all beings, reminding us that our true fulfillment lies not solely in self-interest but in the profound joy of lifting others toward their own potential.

In daily life, practice altruism by embracing small acts of kindness, listening with empathy, and extending a helping hand whenever you can, for it is in these moments that the beauty of our shared humanity truly shines.