Showing posts with label PlainSpeak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PlainSpeak. Show all posts

Blindsight and its relevance to Autism

Autism Lexicon: Blindsight

Blindsight refers to the residual visual capabilities in individuals with damage to the primary visual cortex, allowing them to respond to visual stimuli without conscious perception. Its relevance to autism lies in investigating the potential for similar dissociations between conscious and subconscious sensory processing in autistic individuals.[Read More: Academic/Scientific Audience ]

PlainSpeak: Blindsight is a phenomenon where people with certain types of brain damage can respond to visual stimuli without consciously seeing them. Its connection to autism involves exploring how sensory information might be processed differently in both conditions, sometimes without conscious awareness. [Read more: PlainSpeak Plain Language for Lay Audience]

Understanding Autistic Inertia

PlainSpeak. In Plain Language for the Lay Audience

Newton's Law of Inertia

Newton's Law of Inertia says that an object will stay still if it's already still, and if it's moving, it will keep moving in the same direction and speed unless something makes it change.

Autistic Inertia

We use this idea to describe how some autistic people have trouble starting or stopping tasks.

  • Starting Tasks: Just like an object at rest, some autistic people find it hard to begin tasks. They might feel stuck and need something to help them get going.

  • Stopping Tasks: Once they start a task, it can be hard to stop. They might keep doing the same thing over and over, like being stuck in a loop.

This difficulty also affects:

  • Switching Between Tasks: Changing from one activity to another can be tough.
  • Adjusting to Changes: Adapting to new environments or situations can be challenging.
  • Maintaining Focus: Staying focused on a task can be hard, but so can switching off that focus when needed.
  • Decision Making and Planning: Making decisions, planning, and following through with plans can be difficult.
  • Mental Health: Anxiety and depression can make these challenges worse.

Even if someone knows they need to start or stop a task, they might feel stuck and unable to do so, which can be exhausting. This can lead to burnout, where they feel completely worn out.


Autistic inertia can be caused by:

  • Sensory Overload: Too much sensory input can make it hard to start or stop tasks.
  • Motor Issues: Problems with movement and coordination.
  • Executive Dysfunction: Difficulty with planning and organizing.
  • Anxiety: High levels of anxiety can make these challenges worse.

This can make it hard to finish tasks, meet deadlines, and stick to a schedule for work or school, often leading to burnout.


Sometimes, autistic inertia can help with hyper-focus, allowing someone to deeply concentrate on learning a specific topic.


Autistic inertia is often misunderstood as laziness or lack of motivation. It can affect anyone, regardless of their support needs or ability to speak. It can be even more complex for those with movement issues, sensory challenges, and coordination problems.

What Can Help

To help manage autistic inertia:

  • Use Reminders: Set reminders on your watch or calendar.
  • Get Support: Ask others for help when needed.

Everyone’s needs are different, so the type and amount of help will vary from person to person.

Hostile Attribution Bias

Autism Lexicon: Hostile Attribution Bias 

Hostile attribution bias is a cognitive tendency to interpret ambiguous behaviors of others as having hostile intent or leading to hostile outcomes. In autism, this bias is linked to social communication challenges and a heightened sensitivity to perceived social threats. 

PlainSpeak:   Hostile attribution bias is when someone thinks others are being mean on purpose, even if it's not clear. In autism, this happens more often because autistic people can struggle with understanding social cues and might feel more easily threatened.


Read more on Hostile Attribution Bias: [Version for Scientific/Academic Audience],  [PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader], [A Simple Definition]

Related Posts on [Neuroception], [Negative Attribution Bias] 

Diagnostic Overshadowing

In PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader

Diagnostic overshadowing happens when doctors or healthcare workers focus so much on a person's autism that they miss other health problems the person might have. This can mean that other illnesses or conditions are not noticed or treated properly.

Key Points:

  1. Mixing Up Symptoms: Sometimes, signs of other health problems are mistaken as just part of autism. For example, if an autistic person feels very anxious or has stomach pain, it might be seen as just them acting up due to autism instead of a separate issue.

  2. Communication Barriers: Many autistic people find it hard to explain their feelings or symptoms and may have other communication challenges. This can make it harder for doctors to understand what's really going on.

  3. Assumptions: Doctors might assume all problems are because of autism and not look for other causes. This can lead to missed diagnoses. Usually any acting up behaviors is redirected back to behavior therapy, when they actually needed different solutions.

  4. Lack of Training: Not all doctors know how to spot other health problems in autistic people. They might need more training to do this well.

  5. Poor Treatment: If other health issues are not found, the person might not get the right treatment. This can affect their immediate and long term health and well-being.


  • Mental Health: If an autistic person is feeling very sad or has depression, it might be ignored because it's thought to be just part of their autism.

  • Physical Health: If an autistic person has pain in their stomach, it might be seen as just a behavior issue rather than a real medical problem.

How to Fix This:

  1. Thorough Check-Ups: Doctors should look at the whole person and not just their autism. They should check for other health issues and underlying issues too.

  2. Better Training: Doctors should learn more about how to spot other health problems in autistic people.

  3. Clear Communication: Finding better ways for autistic people to share how they feel can help doctors understand their symptoms better.

  4. Awareness: Helping everyone, including caregivers and educators, and professionals understand that autistic people can have other health problems too.

Disability and Poverty is a tough cycle

In PlainSpeak for Lay Audience

Disability and Poverty: A Tough Cycle

Disability and poverty are closely connected. This makes life harder for disabled people. Here’s why.

  1. Education: Many disabled people don’t get a good education. This makes it hard for them to learn skills needed for good jobs.

  2. Jobs: Disabled people often face problems finding jobs. There aren’t enough job opportunities, and some employers discriminate against them. Without good jobs, it’s hard to earn enough money.

  3. Healthcare: Poor people often can’t afford good healthcare. This can lead to untreated health problems that cause or worsen disabilities.

  4. Support Services: Disabled people need special support, like assistive devices or home modifications, but these can be expensive. Without money, they can’t get the help they need.

The National Council on Disability says that these problems make more disabled people live in poverty. The World Health Organization also says that we need to solve both poverty and disability issues together.

To break this cycle, we need to:

  • Provide better education for disabled people.
  • Create more job opportunities and stop workplace discrimination.
  • Offer better social support services.
  • Make healthcare and housing affordable and accessible for everyone.

When we invest in these areas, we help disabled people live better lives. This also helps reduce poverty and builds a stronger, fairer society for everyone.

2 versions of this post

In PlainSpeak Plain Language for Lay Reader

For Scientific/Academic Audience

The Role of Parvalbumin Neurons in Autism

A PlainSpeak version for the Lay Reader

The Role of Parvalbumin Neurons in Autism


Scientists believe that a special type of brain cell called Parvalbumin (PV) interneurons (INs) may play a key role in autism. Even though autism can be caused by many different genetic and environmental factors, people with autism often show similar behaviors. This suggests that there might be a common issue in the brain across different individuals with autism (1).

Understanding the role of PV+ interneurons in autism helps us see why many symptoms of autism occur, like sensory sensitivity and seizures. 

The Balance of Brain Signals

Our brains need a balance between "go" signals (excitation) and "stop" signals (inhibition) to work properly. In autism, it was first thought that there is too much excitation and not enough inhibition, leading to an imbalance. This imbalance could explain why some people with autism have seizures (4,5). However, this idea is too simple because many types of brain cells are involved in maintaining this balance.

What We Know About PV+ Cells in Autism

Researchers have found that PV+ cells in the brains of autistics are often not working as they should:

  • Fewer PV+ cells: There are fewer of these cells in the brain, and they produce less of a protein called parvalbumin.
  • Changes in brain waves: These cells help control brain waves called gamma oscillations. In autism, the power of these gamma waves is higher than normal.
  • Reduced activity: PV+ cells show less activity in response to visual signals.

PV+ cells are the most common type of inhibitory ("stop/slow down") neuron in the brain, but other types of neurons may also be involved in autism.

Brain Excitability and Sensory Sensitivity

When PV+ cells don't function properly, the brain becomes overly excitable and synchronized, making seizures more likely. This can also cause exaggerated responses to sensory inputs, like touch or sound. For example, in a mouse model of autism, the response to whisker movement is weaker in certain brain cells.

Sensory Overload

Autistics often experience sensory overload because their brains can't tune out irrelevant information. This may be due to a failure of brain cells to adapt to continuous stimulation (2).

Visual Processing

PV+ neurons are important for fine-tuning the way we see things, helping us to distinguish between different visual inputs.

Brain Waves and Communication

Increased gamma wave activity, which is linked to sensory and communication issues, is common in autism. PV+ cells help generate these waves, and their dysfunction leads to irregular brain activity patterns (3).

2 Versions of this Post

For the Science/Academic Reader

PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader

A short definition


  • 1.Contractor, A., Klyachko, V. A., & Portera-Cailliau, C. (2021). Reduced density and activity of parvalbumin interneurons in autism. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 13(1), 1-15.
  • 2.Green, S. A., & Gu, Y. (2015). Sensory hypersensitivity in autism spectrum disorders. Current Biology, 25(18), R876-R879.
  • 3.Guyon, N., & Nahmani, M. (2021). Role of parvalbumin interneurons in gamma oscillations and sensory processing in autism. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15, 692872.
  • 4. Hussman, J. P. (2001). Suppressed GABAergic inhibition as a common factor in suspected etiologies of autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 31(2), 247-248.
  • 5. Rubenstein, J. L., & Merzenich, M. M. (2003). Model of autism: Increased ratio of excitation/inhibition in key neural systems. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 2(5), 255-267.

E-I Imbalance Theory of Autism

The E-I Imbalance hypothesis posits that an imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory signaling in the brain contributes to the sensory, cognitive, and behavioral features of autism.

PlainSpeak: This idea says that a mix-up between signals that excite and calm the brain can cause the sensory, thinking, and behavior issues in autism.

Read in more detail about E-I Imbalance

Monotropism and Special Interests - what you need to know

In  plain language for lay audience 

When we talk about autism, two important ideas often come up: monotropism and special interests. These ideas help explain how autistic people focus on things they love, but they mean slightly different things.

Monotropism is a way of thinking that means autistic people tend to focus really hard on a few things at a time. Imagine being able to dive deeply into something you’re really interested in, like a favorite hobby or subject. This can make autistic people very knowledgeable and passionate about their interests. But it can also make it tough to switch focus to other things they find less interesting.

Special Interests are those specific things that autistic people get really excited about. These can be anything from dinosaurs to trains, from art to computers. These interests often last for a long time and can bring a lot of joy and comfort. They’re a big part of who they are. Sometimes, though, other people might not understand why these interests are so important to them.

So, what’s the difference? Monotropism is about the way autistic people focus their attention, while special interests are the actual things they focus on.

Scientists think that the way autistic brains work makes this deep focus possible. It’s not just a quirky behavior – it’s how their brains process information. This means autistic people often put a lot of mental energy into their favorite things, which can make it hard to deal with tasks they don’t enjoy as much.

By understanding monotropism and special interests, we can better support autistic people. We can appreciate their focus and passion while also helping them with strategies to manage tasks they find challenging. 

Two Versions of this post

Understanding the E - I Imbalance Theory of Autism

In PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader
Caveat: Always keep in mind there is no single theory that perfectly explains autism.

The Excitatory-Inhibition (E-I) Imbalance idea says that a mix-up between signals that excite and calm the brain can cause the sensory, thinking, and behavior issues in autism.

What Can Cause the E-I Imbalance?

Too Much Glutamate and Overactive Exciting Neurons
Glutamate is the main chemical that makes brain cells more active. If there is too much glutamate or the exciting neurons are too active, it can make the brain overly excitable. This can cause people with autism to be very sensitive to sounds, lights, and other sensory inputs and make thinking and processing information harder.

Not Enough GABA to Calm the Brain
GABA is the main chemical that calms brain cells. In autism, there can be less GABA, problems with GABA receptors, or less active calming neurons. This means the brain doesn’t have enough calming signals to balance the exciting ones, making the E-I imbalance worse.

Problems with Exciting and Calming Neurons
Neurons are the cells in the brain that send and receive signals. Exciting neurons make other neurons more active, while calming neurons reduce activity. In autism, there might be differences in the number, function, or connections of these neurons. For example, changes in certain calming neurons can disrupt the brain’s local circuits, leading to more excitement and less calming.

Important Development Periods
The E-I balance is especially important during key development times when the brain is growing and changing rapidly. If the balance is off during these times, it can affect brain development and function in the long term. This can impact learning, memory, and the formation of proper brain connections.

Changes in Synaptic Proteins

Proteins like neuroligins and neurexins help brain cells stick together and send signals. In autism, changes or problems with these proteins can lead to abnormal connections between brain cells, affecting the E-I balance.

Ion Channel Problems
Ion channels help neurons send signals by letting ions in and out. Ions are tiny charged particles, like sodium, potassium, or calcium, that neurons need to function properly. In autism, problems with these ion channels can change how neurons send signals, affecting the E-I balance.

Problems with Synaptic Plasticity
Synaptic plasticity is the ability of connections between brain cells to get stronger or weaker over time. This is important for learning and memory. Long-term potentiation (LTP) is when these connections get stronger with activity, helping with learning new things. Long-term depression (LTD) is when these connections get weaker, which helps remove unnecessary information. In autism, problems with LTP and LTD can make it harder to learn and remember things.

Role of Supporting Brain Cells (Astrocytes and Microglia)
Astrocytes and microglia are supporting cells in the brain that help maintain E-I balance. Astrocytes manage levels of glutamate and GABA, while microglia help prune synapses during development. Pruning is like trimming a tree; it removes extra connections between brain cells to make the network more efficient. Problems with these cells can lead to too much excitation or not enough inhibition.

Genetic and Epigenetic Factors
Our genes, which are like instructions for how our body works, can influence the E-I balance. Changes in how these genes are turned on or off can also affect the brain. Many genes linked to autism affect how brain cells connect and communicate, leading to differences seen in autism.

Environmental Influences
Things in the environment, like exposure to toxins, infections, and stress during pregnancy, can impact the E-I balance. These factors can change how the brain develops and works, leading to long-term effects on brain signals.

Predictive Coding Theory of Autism

Predictive coding is a theoretical framework in which the brain is modeled as a hierarchical system that generates predictions about incoming sensory data, constantly updating its internal models to minimize prediction errors. Autism, in the context of predictive coding, is hypothesized to involve atypicalities in how the brain generates, updates, and weights predictions and prediction errors, contributing to sensory sensitivities, repetitive behaviors, and social difficulties.[Read in more detail]

PlainSpeak: Predictive coding is the idea that the brain works like a prediction machine, guessing what’s going to happen next and adjusting when something unexpected happens. Autism might involve the brain having a harder time making and adjusting predictions, which can lead to challenges with senses, routines, and social interactions. [ Read in detail. PlainSpeak Version]

Read in More Detail about Predictive Coding Theory of Autism

For the Scientific/Academic Audience

PlainSpeak Plain Language for Lay Reader

A Short Definition

Weak Central Coherence Theory

 PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader

Caveat: There is no single theory that can fully explain autism. 

Weak Central Coherence Theory 

Definition: The Weak Central Coherence Theory suggests that autistics tend to focus more on details rather than the overall picture. This affects how they see and understand the world around them.

The Weak Central Coherence Theory tries to  explain why autistics often excel at noticing details but might struggle with seeing the bigger picture. This unique way of thinking brings both strengths and challenges, affecting everyday tasks, social interactions, and work or hobbies.

Key Concepts

  1. Detail-Focused Thinking:

    • What It Means: Autistics are often really good at noticing small details that others might miss.
    • Why It Happens: Their brains are wired in a way that makes them pay extra attention to these details.
  2. Difficulty Seeing the Big Picture:

    • What It Means: It can be harder for  autistics to combine these details into a complete, overall understanding of a situation.
    • Why It Happens: The connections in their brains might not work as smoothly to bring all the details together into one big picture.

Examples and Implications

  1. Everyday Tasks:

    • Strengths: They might be great at tasks that need attention to detail, like solving puzzles or spotting differences in pictures.
    • Challenges: They might find it harder to understand tasks that need seeing the whole picture, like following a story with lots of characters and events.
  2. Social Situations:

    • Challenges: In social settings, understanding body language or implied meanings in conversations can be tough because these require seeing the whole context, not just individual parts.
  3. Work and Hobbies:

    • Strengths: Jobs or hobbies that require careful attention to detail, like coding or building models, can be areas where they excel.
    • Challenges: Roles that need quick understanding of complex, big-picture concepts might be more difficult.

Two Versions of this post

The PV Hypothesis of Autism

The Parvalbumin (PV) hypothesis of autism suggests that dysfunction in PV-expressing interneurons leads to an imbalance in excitation and inhibition, contributing to core features of autism such as sensory hypersensitivity and seizures. [Read in more detail For the Science/Academic Reader]

Layspeak: The PV hypothesis of autism proposes that problems with specific brain cells called PV neurons cause an imbalance in brain signals, leading to common autism traits like sensitivity to sensory inputs and a higher chance of seizures. [Read in more Detail PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader]

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PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader

For the Science/Academic Reader

A short definition

MTT Mental Time Travel

Mental Time Travel (MTT) refers to the cognitive ability to mentally project oneself backward in time to recall past events or forward in time to anticipate future scenarios. In relation to autism, MTT research explores how individuals with autism may experience differences in episodic memory and future-oriented thinking, potentially leading to challenges in recalling specific personal events or imagining detailed future scenarios. [ Read in more detail on MTT]

PlainSpeak: Mental Time Travel (MTT) is our brain’s way of thinking back to past memories or imagining what might happen in the future. For people with autism, MTT might work differently, sometimes making it harder to remember personal events or imagine future plans. [Read in more detail, a PlainSpeak Version]


Related Posts: [Autism Theories], [Sensorimotor], [Neuroscience of Autism]

Understanding Short-Term Brain Changes and Autism

PlainSpeak Plain Language Version for the Lay Reader

Our brains constantly change how neurons (nerve cells) communicate to help us learn and remember things. Some of these changes happen very quickly and are known as short-term synaptic plasticity. This is when the connection strength between two neurons changes for a few seconds to a few minutes. Two important types of these changes are paired pulse facilitation (PPF) and paired pulse depression (PPD).

Paired Pulse Facilitation (PPF) happens when two signals arrive close together at a neuron connection, and the second signal is stronger than the first. This is because the first signal leaves behind some calcium, which helps release more chemical messengers for the second signal, making it stronger.

Paired Pulse Depression (PPD) is the opposite. When two signals come close together, the second signal is weaker. This happens because the first signal uses up most of the available chemical messengers, leaving fewer for the second signal.

These short-term changes are important for how our brains process information. In autism, scientists have found that these changes can be different. For example, certain gene mutations linked to autism can affect how well these short-term changes work. Some of these genes, like SYN1 and SYN2, help control the availability of chemical messengers at neuron connections. Mutations in these genes can lead to an imbalance in brain activity, making some signals too strong and others too weak (Frontiers, 2015)​ (Frontiers)​.

Other studies have shown that mutations in another gene, neuroligin-3, which is also linked to autism, can change how neurons communicate in different parts of the brain. These mutations can increase the strength of certain signals and disrupt the balance of brain activity (Molecular Psychiatry, 2015)​ (Nature)​. This imbalance can contribute to some of the behaviors seen in autism.

Understanding these short-term brain changes helps scientists learn more about how autism affects the brain and can lead to new ways to help people with autism.

2 versions of this post

For the Academic/Scientific Audience

PlainSpeak in plain language for the lay reader

Diagnostic Overshadowing

Autism Lexicon: Diagnostic Overshadowing

Diagnostic overshadowing in autism occurs when the symptoms and behaviors associated with autism obscure or overshadow the presence of other mental or physical health conditions. This can lead to misdiagnosis, underdiagnosis, or delayed diagnosis of other conditions, ultimately impacting the individual's overall care and treatment outcomes. 

PlainSpeak: Diagnostic overshadowing in autism is when doctors focus too much on autism and miss other health problems because they think it must be all because of autism.  

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Understanding Hostile Attribution Bias in Autism

 in PlanSpeak Plain Language for Lay Reader

Hostile Attribution Bias is when someone thinks others are being mean or hostile, even when their actions are unclear or accidental. For example, if a person with this bias gets accidentally bumped into, they might believe it was done on purpose. This can lead to more misunderstandings because they react as if they are being threatened.

Hostile Attribution Bias and Autism. 

But because autistic people often struggle with social cues and communication, it's possible they might also experience this bias.

Studies have found that autistics are more likely to see ambiguous situations as hostile compared to non-autistics. This can lead to higher levels of social anxiety and problematic behaviors like aggression or self-injury.

The Role of Society However, this bias in autistic people might not just be due to their difficulty with social cues. It can also come from a lifetime of facing social stigma, exclusion, and misunderstanding. When someone is repeatedly treated negatively, they can become more sensitive to potential threats. They lose trust that others will treat them well. This sensitivity means they might see even innocent actions as harmful.

Challenges Faced by Autistics. Autistics often face unique social challenges and stigma, which can make interpreting social cues even harder. They are frequently misunderstood and rejected. This is even worse for those with more noticeable behaviors or communication issues. From a young age, they might be placed in educational systems with low expectations, reinforcing a belief that they can't succeed. The very people (professional/educators) put in place to support them can often end up limiting opportunities and discriminating againsst them. This cycle of negative experiences can make them more likely to develop hostile attribution bias.

Impact on Mental Health. The combination of social difficulties inherent in autism and external societal stigma can create a strong foundation for developing hostile attribution bias. This not only affects their social interactions but also adds to their mental health struggles.


Read more on Hostile Attribution Bias: [Version for Scientific/Academic Audience],  [PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader], [A Simple Definition]

Related Posts on [Neuroception], [Negative Attribution Bias] 

Understanding Predictive Coding in the Brain

In PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader 

Researchers have come up with many theories to try to explain different aspects of thinking and behavior in autism. The Predictive Coding Hypothesis is one such set of explanations. 

Understanding Predictive Coding in the Brain 

This hypothesis says that the brain acts like a prediction machine, always guessing what's going to happen based on past experiences. For example, if you hear a familiar sound, like a door creaking, your brain might predict that someone is entering the room. When something happens, the brain compares it to what it expected and updates its guesses to be more accurate next time.

Predictive Coding in Autism

Scientists think that the brains of autistic people might process these predictions differently. This could explain some common characteristics of autism, like sensory sensitivities, repetitive behaviors, and social challenges.

Slow Updating Theories

What This Means: Autistic people might update their brain’s predictions more slowly. This means their brain doesn’t adjust as quickly when something new or unexpected happens.

Possible Effects:

  • Repetitive Behaviors: They might rely more on routines or repetitive actions to cope with the world because it feels more predictable and safe.
  • Sensory Sensitivities: Because their brain takes longer to adjust, unexpected noises, lights, or touches might feel very intense or overwhelming.
  • Social Challenges: Social interactions often require quick thinking and adapting, so slow updating might make it harder to understand and react to what others are doing or saying.

Examples of Slow Updating Theories:

  1. Predictive Coding Deficit Theory: Autistic people may have a harder time updating their brain’s predictions with new information, which can make adjusting to changes difficult.
  2. Reduced Sensory Prediction Error Theory: The brain might not be good at noticing when it made a wrong prediction, leading to slower updates and more intense sensory experiences.

High-Precision Theories

What This Means: Autistic people might focus too much on the details of what they sense, giving a lot of importance to every little thing they see, hear, or feel.

Possible Effects:

  • Sensory Overload: Because they notice so many details, it can become overwhelming and lead to sensory overload.
  • Literal Thinking: They might take things very literally and have trouble understanding implied meanings or jokes.
  • Detail-Oriented: They might focus a lot on small details but find it hard to see the bigger picture.

Examples of High-Precision Theories:

  1. Aberrant Precision of Prediction Errors: Autistic people might give too much importance to their senses, leading to strong reactions to things like noise or bright lights.
  2. Increased Sensory Precision Theory: Their brain treats all sensory input as very important, making it hard to ignore unimportant details.
  3. Attenuated Priors Hypothesis: Their brain’s expectations (or “priors”) are weaker, so they rely more on the immediate sensory input, giving it more weight.

Other Theories in Autism

Aberrant Salience Theory: Autistic people might over- or under-estimate the importance of certain things they sense, which can make it hard to focus on what really matters.

Precision of Priors and Prediction Errors: There might be an imbalance in how the brain handles predictions and errors. This could lead to rigid behaviors or heightened sensory responses.

Adaptive Coding Hypothesis: The brain of an autistic person might be tuned differently, focusing on details that others might not notice. This could explain both their strengths, like noticing small details, and challenges, like understanding social cues.

Enhanced Perceptual Functioning Model: Autistic people might be really good at noticing small details but might struggle to see the bigger picture.

Predictive Homeostasis Theory: Autistic people might aim to keep their brain in a balanced state, which could explain why they prefer routines and predictability.

Intense World Theory: The brain of an autistic person might be hyper-sensitive, making the world feel very intense. This might lead to sensory overload and a preference for predictable environments.

Combining Theories

These different theories aren’t mutually exclusive; they can coexist in the same person. For example, someone might experience both slow updating and high precision, leading to a mix of challenges, like sensory overload and a need for routines.

Autism and Abstract Thinking

There’s a stereotype that autistic people can’t think abstractly or see the big picture. This isn’t true for everyone. While some autistic individuals might focus on details, many also excel in areas that require abstract thinking, like art, poetry, and storytelling. These creative activities often involve both concrete details and abstract ideas, showing the diverse cognitive strengths within the autistic community.

Final Thoughts

Understanding how autistic people think and process information is complex, and these theories help provide some explanations. However, it’s important to remember that every autistic person is different, and more research is needed to better understand and support them. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to autism, and each person’s unique experience should be respected.

versions of this post

For the Scientific/Academic Audience

PlainSpeak Plain Language for Lay Reader

A Short Definition

What is LTP and LTD and how do they relate to Autism?

PlainSpeak. In Plain Language for the Lay Reader

Our brain cells (neurons) connect with each other through synapses, which are like tiny bridges for communication. These connections can change in strength, helping us learn and remember. Two key ways these connections change are Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) and Long-Term Depression (LTD).

  • LTP: This is when the connection between two neurons gets stronger. Think of it like a friendship that grows stronger the more you interact.
  • LTD: This is when the connection weakens, similar to a friendship that fades when you stop interacting.

Hebbian Plasticity

Hebbian plasticity is a rule that explains how these changes happen: "cells that fire together, wire together." This means that if two neurons are active at the same time, their connection strengthens (LTP). If one neuron is active while the other is not, their connection weakens (LTD).

How LTP and LTD are Different in Autism

Research has shown that people with autism often have differences in how LTP and LTD work, which can affect learning and behavior:

  1. Memory and Learning:

    • Studies on animals have shown that the hippocampus, a brain area crucial for memory, has trouble with LTP in autism. This might explain some learning difficulties seen in autism (Rubenstein & Merzenich, 2003; Bourgeron, 2015)​ (Frontiers)​​ (Nature)​.
  2. Movement and Coordination:

    • The cerebellum, which helps control movement, shows problems with LTD in autism. This can lead to issues with coordination and motor skills (Fatemi et al., 2012)​ (Nature)​.
  3. Genes and Synapses:

    • Certain genes that help keep synapses strong and flexible can be different in people with autism. For example, genes like SHANK3 and NRXN1 are important for synaptic strength. Changes in these genes can disrupt the balance of LTP and LTD, affecting how neurons communicate (Durand et al., 2007; Südhof, 2008)​ (Frontiers)​​ (Nature)​.
  4. Role of Dopamine:

    • Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that helps regulate mood and movement. It also affects LTP and LTD. In autism, dopamine might not work the same way, influencing learning and behavior (Yagishita et al., 2014)​ (Frontiers)​.

Understanding these differences helps scientists find better ways to support autistics, aiming to improve learning, memory, and coordination.

2 versions of this post

PlainSpeak. Plain Language for the Lay Reader

For the Academic/Scientific Audience

Understanding Autism and The Cocktail Party Effect

 Plain Language Version for Lay Reader

The "cocktail party effect" is the brain's ability to focus on one sound, like a conversation, while ignoring other noises around us. Imagine you're at a busy party with many people talking. You can still listen to and talk with one person without getting distracted by the background noise. This skill involves parts of the brain that handle hearing and attention. The term was first used by scientist Colin Cherry in the 1950s.

How It Works

At a noisy event, like a party, you can focus on what one person is saying even though many other conversations are happening at the same time. This shows how we can pick out specific sounds in a noisy place. Scientists study this to understand how our attention and hearing systems work together.

Autism and the Cocktail Party Effect

For autistics, the cocktail party effect can work differently because of how they process sounds and focus their attention. Here are some key points:

  • Auditory Filtering: Autistics might find it harder to separate speech from background noise. This is sometimes called "auditory filtering problems."
  • Research Findings: Studies show that autistic children often have more trouble focusing on speech in noisy places compared to non-autistic children. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed by too much noise.
  • Brain Differences: The parts of the brain that deal with sound might work differently in autistic people. This can make it hard to tell apart important sounds (like someone talking to you) from background noise.

Why It Matters

Understanding these differences is important to help autistic people feel more comfortable in noisy places. Schools, workplaces, and social settings can use this knowledge to create better environments that consider their sensory needs.

Versions of this article: Academic/Scientific Audience, Plain Language for Lay Reader

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Understanding Mental Time Travel and Autism

A PlainSpeak Plain Language version for Lay Reader

What is Mental Time Travel (MTT)?

MTT is our brain's amazing ability to think back to past events or imagine what might happen in the future. For example, you might think back to a fun birthday party or imagine what your next vacation will be like. MTT helps us move through time in our minds, so we can remember, plan, and dream.

How Do Scientists Measure MTT?
Scientists have a way to measure this ability called the MTT Task. In this task, people are given words like "graduation" or "vacation" and asked to either remember something from their own life or imagine something in the future. For example, you might think of your own graduation day in the past or imagine what a future vacation could be like.

Scientists use this task to understand how well people can remember specific events from their lives (like their own birthday) or think about events that could happen in the future (like planning a holiday). This helps them learn more about how our brains work when we think about the past and future, especially in people with different conditions like aging or mental health issues.

MTT and Autism: What Do We Know?

Scientists are starting to learn that autistics might think about the past and future a little differently. Some autistics might find it hard to remember specific personal events or to imagine detailed future plans. This could be because of differences in how their brains work when recalling memories or imagining the future.

But it's important to remember that everyone with autism is different. Some may find these tasks easy, while others may find them more challenging. By studying how autistics use MTT, scientists hope to learn more about how they think about time and how we can better support them.

Future research could look at
  • How Autistics Remember: Understanding how autistics remember personal events and how this might be different from others.
  • Imagination and Planning: Learning more about how autistics imagine the future and plan for it.
  • Brain Studies: Using special brain scans to see how the parts of the brain involved in MTT might work differently in autistics.