DREDF gets a new captain.
Two press releases
Announcing Nicole's hiring at DREDF
Read here to learn more about me . My graduate research investigates peripersonal space (PPS) in autism, exploring how differences in sensor...
DREDF gets a new captain.
Two press releases
Announcing Nicole's hiring at DREDF
Last year, I had been invited to join the DREDF board, my response to joining was a resounding YES.
At the first board meeting on Aug 12,2022, it was the late Judy Heumann who nominated me to the board and the motion was seconded by Christina Mills. The board voted unanimously to have me join the board.
Thinking of you Judy, as we head into the next board meeting without you today. You were there at start of DREDF to make it a reality and later on its board, and we will miss your presence.
This month is Disability Rights. Thrilled to be on the same board with the likes of living disability legends like Judy Heumann. What an honor to be invited.