TIME Magazine (Sarah Kurchak), February 25, 2021
- ("In the interest of fairness, I did watch Music for the sake of this piece. I won’t evaluate it as representation, as I believe that non-speaking autistic people should be leading that conversation. (For more on the topic, I recommend starting with the short film produced by CommunicationFIRST and the essays by Mickayla and Hari Srinivasan.)")
The Independent (Helen Brown), February 25, 2021
- As the film’s final contributor, Hari Srinivasan, concludes: 'If you have a voice, you can use it to help bring dignity back for the members of the more marginalized autistics.' He says that we need to change the narrative around non-speaking autistics and improve visibility in society – and pop culture – so that more actors who might better fill a role like Music in Sia’s film can come to the fore and be seen, and I agree. It’s only those tired old stereotypes that deserve to be crushed.")
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Gloria Macarenko), February 18, 2021
- (non-transcripted radio clip) ("One of the big organizations, I believe they are called CommunicationFIRST, ... and they were completely ignored [by Sia]. ... That type of false promise is so damaging for trust in terms of a disability community or a minority community against a majority voice that is trying to talk over us." "As autistic AAC users like Cal Mongtomery, Damon Kirsebom, and Hari Srinivasan said in the film LISTEN, which was made in response to Sia's film, 'Ask nonspeaking autistics. Listen to nonspeaking autistics.'")