Showing posts with label Life Moments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Moments. Show all posts

A nice note

 Got a nice package in the mail with this note,  as I head into the next Duke ACE meeting. 

Journal Article Mentions

A new Roundtable Discussion in the peer-reviewed journal Autism in Adulthood explores how the two fields of positive psychology and autism might integrate and benefit each other, and the autism community at large. Click here to read the Roundtable.

The Roundtable was co-moderated by Patricia Wright, PhD, MPH who is the Executive Director of Proof Positive: Autism Wellbeing Alliance, an organization committed to integrating autism services and the field of positive psychology and Rachel Moseley, PhD, from Bournemouth University. Expert panelists included Dan Tomasulo, PhD, from Teachers College, Columbia University; Hari Srinivasan, a PhD neuroscience student at Vanderbilt University; Jodie Wilson, BVSc, MAPP, from Latrobe University; Sara Woods, PhD, University of Washington; and Tayyab Rashid, PhD, a licensed clinical and school psychologist in Toronto.

Positive psychology helps answer the question, "What makes life worth living?" In addition to alleviating suffering, it is important to provide the tools to enhance elements of positive emotions: cultivating relationships, learning how to engage, have a meaningful life with accomplishments. Positive psychology can benefit the autism community by understanding strengths and how to use them. Appreciating character strengths can impact interpersonal dynamics, communication dynamics, and the framework through which a person responds.

Rather than solely addressing deficits, positive psychology adjusts, enhances, and amplifies strengths. It provides the tools, techniques, and processes to adapt to those strengths.


It was a such an honor and privilege to get the opportunity to give a TedX Talk.
This is the recording of my TedX Talk:

News coverage of the event by the Frist Center. 

In the spirit of spreading ideas, TEDx is a program that brings people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, live speakers and TEDTalks videos combine to spark profound conversations and connections in a small group.

The upcoming TEDxFolsom High School Youth event promises to be an inspiring experience. The speakers are prepared to unleash their inner selves, share their stories and emotions, and spread the one idea everybody has been waiting for. They aim to bring change to the community and show their spark to the world. The event will allow high school students to stand alongside adults and unleash their hidden power.

One of these speakers will be FCAI’s own Hari Srinivasan, Neurodiversity Inspired Science and Engineering Fellow. This event is open to the public, and tickets are available here.

Apr 20, 2024 (In-Person) in Folsom, CA
TedX Event:
Hari Srinivasan: "Pebbles in the Pond of Change"


Public Voices Fellowship Year One

Introducing the inaugural collection of op-eds penned by the 2023 cohort of Public Voices Fellows, a partnership between The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans and The OpEd Project. Representing a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences, and expertise, these twenty Paul & Daisy Soros Fellows were chosen from a competitive pool of over 60 applicants, all alumni of the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships. Throughout the year, these writers received unparalleled support, honed their leadership skills, and deepened their understanding of how to shape public discourse. The op-eds presented here reflect their dedication to influencing not only their respective fields but also the broader conversations shaping our society. Dive into this compilation to explore thought-provoking perspectives from the first year of the Public Voices Fellowship program


Got a nice note today. 

Just wanted to tell you the articles you are publishing are very well-written and insightful into the mind of someone with autism. I have a little brother who is autistic, so I am very fascinated by what you write as it helps me understand him better and makes me better equipped to help him navigate his grief at any time he may require. I sincerely appreciate and admire your work man, just wanted to reach out and let you know. Take care of yourself!

Not a good start to 2024

 I can't believe its Feb 1 already. This year has not a had a great start. I lost my grandpa on December 14, we were barely back from that and then heard my grandma passed away due to a cardiac arrest on Jan 6 so again rushed back from India. Emotionally, one loss is heard but a double loss is heard to handle on any account. 

Add to that some horrible travel woes. Lost luggage the first trip - my luggage went to London instead of Chennai. Last minute flight cancellation in Frankfurt leaving us stranded as to how to move on. The 2nd journey no better. Stranded in a cold Newark airport this time. Terrible journeys. 

To top it all poicked up illness on the journey or flight (planes are testtubes of disease) and now entire family is sick and quite crazy sick the last couple of weeks with an unknown virus. The saga continues. 

Strength Spotting Saturday

I was spotlighted along with some rather kind words by an org today on social media 

It's Strength Spotting Saturday, and today we're spotlighting Hari Srinivasan!

🌟Perspective - Mr. Srinivasan graciously shares his view of the world in a manner that is accessible to the general public. His contributions to the widely distributed Time Magazine increase the understanding and awareness of his lived experience.

🌟Perseverance - The achievements in scholarship demonstrated by Mr. Srinivasan are demonstrative of his perseverance. Honors in his undergraduate program at the University of California Berkeley and entrance into the prestigious neuroscience program at Vanderbilt University as a doctoral candidate are just a few of his achievements in higher education.

🌟Judgment - Mr. Srinivasan serves in many advisory roles, including membership of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, which advises federal policy and priorities, and on the Council of Autistics Advisors for the Autism Society of America. In these roles, he adeptly views different opinions and weighs the evidence to guide decision-making for the betterment of the autism community.

A cycle of dependency

Congratulations. Hari. This is such a moving piece that sheds light on the unspoken experience many endure. I love how you conclude with " actuality, all humans live in a cycle of dependency. The perceived division between independence and dependence is a flawed notion." 

An incisive perspective

"This piece really hit home Hari. Thank you for writing it and offering such a thoughtful, nuanced, and incisive perspective. Gives us a lot to think about regarding how to achieve more balance."

Metaphorical Mic Drop!

Hari what a wonderful piece in Time - every paragraph was a metaphorical mic drop!

Really good points - you put into words a lot of what I’ve been thinking about as a self advocate and as a clinician

My other articles in Time:

Changing of the Guard

DREDF Executive Director Susan Henderson to Retire in 2024

We will miss you Susan Henderson. Thank you for being at DREDF for 26 years (WOW!!) and steering the ship. I've enjoyed getting to know you as a member of DREDF's board.

Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) is now on the hunt for a new Executive Director.