Showing posts with label Festivals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Festivals. Show all posts

Winter Solstice

Dec 21 is Winter Solstice

The winter solstice is an astronomical event that occurs annually around December 21st or 22nd in the northern hemisphere and around June 20th or 21st in the southern hemisphere. It marks the shortest day and longest night of the year.

It occurs when the Earth's axial tilt is farthest away from the sun. In the northern hemisphere, the North Pole is tilted directly away from the sun, resulting in the lowest position of the sun in the sky and shorter daylight hours. Conversely, in the southern hemisphere, the South Pole is tilted directly towards the sun, leading to longer days and shorter nights.

During the winter solstice, the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky at noon, and the length of daylight is at its minimum. This phenomenon occurs because of the Earth's axial tilt, which causes variations in the amount of sunlight received by each hemisphere throughout the year.

The winter solstice tends to be more significant in non-equatorial regions because the changes in day length and sunlight are more noticeable. In these regions, the winter solstice marks the turning point of the seasons, with colder temperatures and shorter days leading up to it. Culturally, this transition has been associated with themes of rebirth, renewal, light, and the hope for the return of warmth and longer days.

Fall Equinox

The Fall equinox (September equinox, autumn equinox,fall equinox) is an astronomical event that occurs annually around September 22nd or 23rd in the northern hemisphere and around March 20th or 21st in the southern hemisphere. It marks the moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator; the Earth's axis is not tilted toward or away from the sun. As a result, the sun appears directly over the Earth's equator, and day and night are approximately of equal duration across the globe.

Rituals and celebrations associated with the fall equinox tend and be more significant in regions that are further away from the equator; where the changing of seasons, including the transition from summer to fall, is more noticeable, and the equinoxes have a greater impact on day length and seasonal shifts. However, variations of rituals and celebrations related to the fall equinox can be found across different latitudes and cultural backgrounds, reflecting the significance of this celestial event in various traditions.

  • Harvest Festivals: Many cultures celebrate the fall equinox as a harvest festival, giving thanks for the abundance of crops and the bountiful harvest season. Examples include Thanksgiving in North America, Chuseok in Korea, and the Harvest Moon Festival in China.
  • Mabon: Mabon is a neopagan festival that is often celebrated around the fall equinox. It is a time to honor the balance between light and dark and to express gratitude for the harvest. Rituals may involve feasting, making offerings to deities, and communing with nature.
  • Day of the Dead: In some Latin American countries, including Mexico, the fall equinox coincides with the beginning of the Day of the Dead celebrations. This multi-day festival involves honoring deceased loved ones, creating altars, and participating in processions and ceremonies.
  • Mid-Autumn Festival: The Mid-Autumn Festival is widely celebrated in East Asia, including China, Vietnam, and other regions with Chinese cultural influence. It typically falls around the fall equinox and is marked by the lighting of lanterns, family gatherings, moon-viewing, and the consumption of mooncakes.
  • Pagan and Druidic Traditions: In certain pagan and druidic traditions, the fall equinox is known as "Mabon" or "Alban Elfed." It is considered a time of balance, with rituals centering on themes of thanksgiving, reflection, and preparing for the coming winter.
Day meets night, in a dance of equinox light
where seasons change in harmonious flight

Summer Soltice

Sun's longest sojourn
Heat waves dance in the daylight
Melting ice cream dreams.

The summer solstice is an astronomical event that occurs annually around June 20th or 21st in the northern hemisphere and around December 21st or 22nd in the southern hemisphere. It marks the longest day and shortest night of the year.

Astronomically, the summer solstice happens when the Earth's axial tilt is most inclined towards the sun. This means that the North Pole is tilted directly towards the sun, resulting in the sun appearing at its highest position in the sky, and the rays of sunlight falling more directly on the northern hemisphere. Conversely, in the southern hemisphere, the South Pole is tilted away from the sun, leading to shorter days and longer nights.

During the summer solstice, the sun reaches its highest point in the sky at noon, and the length of daylight is at its maximum. This phenomenon occurs because the Earth's axis is tilted approximately 23.5 degrees relative to its orbit around the sun. As the Earth orbits the sun, this tilt causes the amount of sunlight received by each hemisphere to vary throughout the year, leading to the changing seasons.

Many western european cultures celebrate the summer solstice. Some examples. 
  • Stonehenge, England:  People gather to witness the sunrise aligned with the ancient stone monument.
  • Midsummer's Eve  in Scandinavia (countries like Sweden, Denmark, and Norway) is celebrated with bonfires, traditional dances around maypoles, and feasts. It is a significant holiday in these cultures, often associated with fertility, love, and the celebration of nature.
  • Sankthans (St Johns Eve), Norway: is celebrated on June 23rd in Norway. People gather around bonfires, sing songs, and enjoy traditional food and drinks. It is a time for community bonding and merriment.
  • Fête de la Musique (Music Day), France:  musicians of all genres perform in the streets, parks, and public spaces. It is a day of music appreciation and open-air concerts.
However, summer solstice festivities tend to be less common or less significant in regions closer to the equator (eg: parts of Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia). This is because the equatorial regions experience relatively consistent day lengths and sunlight throughout the year, with only minor variations so the seasons are less pronounced. As a result, the solstices do not bring about significant changes in the length of the day or the angle of the sun, as they do in regions farther from the equator. 

There are however some festivals in these regions that somewhat align and happen around the time of summer solstice. 
  • The Massai of East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania): A traditional  warrior dance called Adumu (jumping dance) is performed during special occasions, including the solstices, as a way to celebrate and mark important events in their calendar.
  • The Kukuya of Central Africa (Congo): have a solstice ritual called the "Iboundji" ceremony where people gather around a sacred tree and engage in traditional dances and songs to honor the sun and its role in their lives.
  • The Dayak of Borneo: The  "Gawai" festival is held around June 1st coincides with the rice planting season and the beginning of the rainy season, and includes various rituals and celebrations that pay homage to the sun, earth, and spirits for a bountiful harvest.
  • The T'boli of the Philippines:  During the summer solstice, people perform ceremonies and rituals related to the T'nalak art form (traditional weaving of abaca fibers into intricate patterns), which is believed to have spiritual and cosmic significance. 

Happy Pongal

All set for Pongal this morning, complete with Tiruman and Veshti (traditional attire).
Happy Pongal everyone.  

Ready to make some noise with a plate and spoon along with cries of "Pongal O Pongal" when the clay pot of (newly harvested) cooked rice boils over.
Happy Pongal everyone.
A Pongal lunch spread. While farmers celebrate the rice harvest, we celebrate their hardwork by feasting!! Happy Pongal everyone.

Diwali w Veena

Celebrating Diwali with my Veena Athai and Tilak Atimber
Except she does not want to be called Athai
She's too young she says.
Not the generation of my Dad!!


Holi 2019 @ Cal

3/16: Another March Holi at Cal that was a total Blast

Holi 2018 @ Cal

Holi March 2018 at Cal in the Foothill Parking Lot was loud and crazy.
I loved it.

Here's a video of Holi at Cal from a previous year