Organizers: NSF EVRA (Engineering Research Visioning Alliance)
Event: Engineering Design to Equip a Neurodiverse Workforce. (Jan '25)
Role: Invited Visioning
Event: (Nov '24)
Organizers: American Psychological Society
Event: Global Psychological Science Summit (Oct '24)
Role: Research Poster (VR Investigations of PPS in Autism)
Organizers: Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Event: VKC Science Day, 2024 (Oct '24)
Role: Research Poster (VR Investigations of PPS in Autism)
Organizers: SfN (Society for Neuroscience)
Event: SfN, 2024 (Oct '24)
Role: Research Poster (VR Investigations of PPS in Autism)
Organizers: College Autism Network
Event: College Autism Summit (Oct '24)
Role: Research Poster (VR Investigations of PPS in Autism)
Organizers: Office of National Autism Coordination
Event: IACC Strategic Plan Update
Role: IACC Committee Member
Organizers: NIEHS (Sep '24)
Event: Workshop: aWARE (Web Based Tool for Autism and the Environment)
Role: Invited Workshop Participant
Organizers: Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology (Aug '24)
Event: VICB Research Symposium
Role: Research Poster (VR Investigations of PPS in Autism)
Organizers: NIH
Event: Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (Jul '24)
Role: Non-federal committee member
Organizers: Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Event: Academic Psychiatry Day (Jun '24)
Role: Research Poster (VR Investigations of PPS in Autism)
Organizers: IMRF. International Multisensory Research Forum, Reno, NV
Topic: Academic Research (Jun '24)
Role: Research Poster (VR Investigations of PPS in Autism)
Organizers: AAPI, NIH
Event/Topic: Disability, May ‘24
Role: Panelist
Recording at:
Organizers: Duke Center for Autism & Brain Development/ Duke Autism Center for Excellence
Event: Autism Acceptance Month (Apr ‘24)
Role: Keynote Speaker.
Organizers: Folsom High School Youth TedX
TedX Event: Unleash (Apr ‘24)
Role: TedX Speaker
Recording at: https://www. 3xydg58
Organizers: The Lancet and Cell Press
Topic: Inclusive Language in Scientific Publications
Role: Panelist and Presenter (Apr '24)
Recording at:
Organizers: Autism in Adulthood & Cell Press
Topic: Positive Psychology and Autism
Role: Panelist ('Apr 24)
Publication Link:
Organizer: Drexel University and ASAN
Event/Topic: AFRU , “Ask a Neuro-Bio Researcher”, “Apraxia”
Topic: Role: Panelist for 2 sessions (Oct ‘23)
Organizer: Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Event: ASAN Annual Gala
Role: Master of Ceremonies (Nov ‘21)
Organizer: Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin
Event: Integral 2021. Support Skills & Society”. Adult Autism Conference (Nov ‘21)
Role: Keynote (Nov ‘21)
Organizer: UC Davis Institute, UC Davis MIND Institute Panel on Mental Health, I
Topic: Insights into the Complexity of Mental Health and Disability (Aug ‘21)
Role: Panelist
Organizer:Able, South Carolina
Event: “Plug into your Future” Youth Leadership Conference (Jul ‘21)
Role: Keynote
Organizer: Autism Society of America, Central Virginia
Event: Summer Speaker Series. (Jul ‘21)
Role: Presenter
Organizer: Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Topic: ACI Leadership Training (Jul ‘21)
Role: Panelist
Organizer: Missouri Office of Special Education
Event: Transition Training Conf (Jun ‘21)
Role: Keynote Speaker
Organizer: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Event: Conference for Transition Youth (May '21)
Role: Keynote Speaker
Organizer: ABLE, South Carolina
Event: Advocacy Day for Access & Independence (Apr '21)
Role: Presenter (Empowering a Future)
Organizer: United Nations
Event: World Autism Awareness Day (Apr '21)
Role: Panelist
Organizer: Twitter
Event: Twitter Voices. Twitter and the Disability Community (Mar '21)
Role: Panel Participant
Organizer: Frist Center for Autism & Innovation, Vanderbilt University
Event: Autistics Roundtable Webinar: Representation in the Media (Mar '21)
Role: Panelist
Organizer: Mozilla
Event: Mozilla Fest (Mar '21)
Role: Presenter (A Growth Mindset is a Shift of Perspective)
Organizer: Center for Independent Living, South Carolina
Event: Empowering the Future (Mar '21)
Role: Keynote Speaker
Organizer: Spectrum at Cal, UC Berkeley
Event: Autism Advocacy Awareness & the importance of Belonging (Mar '21)
Role: Co-presenting with Spectrum Board Member for Neurodiversity Celebration Week
Organizer: Autism Society of America
Event: Coronavirus Series, Year End Recap (Jan '21)
Role: I interview ASA President, Chris Banks (Jan '21)
Organizer: Doha Debates
Event: "Dear World" with Judy Heumann and Haben Girma (Dec 20)
Role: Guest Student Speaker
Organizer: University College, Dublin, Ireland.
Event: Neurodiversity, A Paradigm Shift in Higher Ed and Employment. (Dec '20)
Role: Presenter (The Opportunity of Education)
Organizer: ASAN
Event: Transitions to Adulthood (Nov '20)
Role: Panelist
Organizer: Spectrum at Cal, UC Berkeley
Event: Log Kya Kahenge (What will people say). Abelism in the South Asian Community (Oct '20)
Role: Panelist
Organizer: Autism Society of America
Event: Coronavirus Information Series. "College, Advocacy and Beyond" (Aug '20)
Role: Guest Speaker
Organizer: UC Santa Barbara.
Event: Disability Studies Initiative Summer Speaker Series. (Jul '20)
Role: Presenter (Potential & Possibilities through a Disability Justice Lens)
Organizer: Communication First
Event: A Chat With Judy Heumann
Role: Co-moderator with Bob Williams
Organizer: Paul K Longmore Institute for Disability, San Francisco State University in partnership with Netflix' Crip Camp'
Event: Crip Camp Conversations 3: Disability Leaders facing Covid-19. (Apr '20)
Role: Panelist
Organizer: UCSF Office of continuing Medical Education,
Event: 9th Annual Dev Disabilities Conf. Update for Health Professional (Mar '20)
Role: Presenter (A Growth Mindset. Reimagining Possibilities for Minimally Speaking Autistics)
Organizer: The Brain Foundation
Event: Synchrony 2019 (Nov '19)
Role: Presenter (Standard of Care for Mental Health in Autism)
Organizer: The Brain Foundation
Event: Turnabout for Autism (Nov '18)
Role: Presenter (The Search for Restorative Sleep)
Organizer: Cal Lutheran University, CA
Event: 3rd Spectrum of Opportunity (Oct '18)
Role: Presenter (The Path of Possibility)
Organizer: Reach Every Voice, Maryland
Event: (Jul '18)
Role: Presenter.
Organizer: Sri Ram School, New Delhi, India.
Event: (Jun '18)
Role: Presenter (Autism from the Inside)
Organizer: SCAN, Chennai, India.
Event: Special Event (Jun '18)
Role: Presenter (Autism from the Inside)
Organizer: Santa Clara Office of Education, San Jose, CA
Event: Growth Mindset Conference (Mar '18)
Role: Presenter (Communication & Competence)
Podcast: DeStigmatizing Autism: Conversation with Berkeley Seniors on their "Spilling the Cha Podcast" - where Eli and I discuss Spectrum StudentOrg , Autism Decal and living with Autism.
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