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CSBS - Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales

Lexicon [Measures] - CSBS

The Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales (CSBS) is an assessment tool used to evaluate the communication and symbolic behavior skills of infants and young children (6 months -24 months).

The CSBS is designed to assess three key areas of development: social interaction, communication, and symbolic behavior. It focuses on early communication skills and the ability to use gestures, sounds, and symbols to convey meaning.  It is administered through direct observation by a trained professional who interacts with the child and scores their behaviors related to social interaction, communication, and symbolic play. The assessment may involve the use of toys and props to facilitate communication and symbolic behavior.

Limitations of the CSBS include the reliance on direct observation by a trained professional, which may limit its accessibility and feasibility in certain settings. Additionally, the CSBS primarily focuses on early communication skills and symbolic behavior, and may not comprehensively assess other aspects of development or potential co-occurring conditions.

Three sub-measures of CSBS:
  • Social Interaction Scale: evaluates the child's ability to engage in social interactions, joint attention, and social reciprocity.
  • Communication Scale: assesses the child's use of gestures, vocalizations, and words to communicate with others.
  • Symbolic Behavior Scale: measures the child's understanding and use of symbolic play and the ability to use objects in a representational manner.
Scoring and Interpretation:
The CSBS uses a scoring system that assesses the child's behaviors in each of the three sub-measures. The scores are based on specific criteria and rating scales. Interpretation involves comparing the child's performance to normative data for their age group. The CSBS provides descriptive information about the child's skills and identifies areas of strength and areas that may require further attention or intervention.

The CSBS was developed by Amy M. Wetherby and Barry M. Prizant in 1993. 

Wetherby, A. M., & Prizant, B. M. (2002). Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile (CSBS DP™) First Normed Edition. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.