Showing posts with label BioPhysical Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BioPhysical Health. Show all posts

Misunderstanding that autistics with higher support needs do not experience mental health issues.

"Accessibility and inclusivity of positive psychology interventions is limited across the spectrum, particularly for the most marginalized members… A critical misunderstanding that exemplifies these issues is the misconception that autistics with higher support needs do not experience mental health issues. This not only excludes a significant portion of the autistic population from mental health initiatives but also from the benefits that positive psychology can offer, highlighting the urgent need for more inclusive and accessible practices in this field." - Hari Srinivasan

Understanding Neurophysiological and Neurobiological Perspectives in Autism

When discussing autism, we often focus on behaviors—how someone communicates or interacts with others. However, to truly understand autism, it’s important to look deeper into the brain's functioning. Neurophysiological and neurobiological perspectives offer insights into the brain's activity and structure in autism.

Neurophysiology: The Brain in Action

Neurophysiology refers to the study of the brain's electrical and chemical processes. In simpler terms, it looks at how the brain functions in real time. For autistics, neurophysiology can explain why sensory experiences might feel more intense or overwhelming. Research using EEG has shown that autistic brains often respond differently to sensory stimuli, with variations in brain wave patterns that suggest heightened sensitivity or delayed processing . This difference in neural activity can contribute to sensory overload and the need for certain sensory accommodations.

Neurobiology: The Brain's Structure and Development

Neurobiology, on the other hand, examines the brain's physical structure, development, and genetics. It looks at the brain's "hardware"—its neurons, synapses, and the genes that influence its development. In autism, neurobiological studies have found variations in brain regions involved in social behavior and emotion processing, such as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex . These differences can affect how autistic individuals perceive and respond to social stimuli, contributing to the diverse range of social behaviors seen in autism.

Genetic research also plays a significant role in neurobiology. Many studies have identified genes associated with autism, highlighting the genetic underpinnings that contribute to brain development and function . These insights are crucial for understanding the diverse expressions of autism and for developing personalized approaches to support autistic individuals.

Bridging Neurophysiology and Neurobiology

Combining neurophysiological and neurobiological perspectives provides a more comprehensive understanding of autism. For example, if an autistic person has a neurobiological difference in the connectivity between brain regions involved in emotion processing, this might lead to a neurophysiological response that is heightened or atypical when encountering emotional or social cues.


  1. Orekhova, E. V., Stroganova, T. A., Nyström, P., & Gillberg, C. (2006). Excess of high frequency electroencephalogram oscillations in boys with autism. Biological Psychiatry, 62(9), 1022-1029.
  2. Schumann, C. M., & Amaral, D. G. (2006). Stereological analysis of amygdala neuron number in autism. Journal of Neuroscience, 26(29), 7674-7679.
  3. Geschwind, D. H. (2011). Genetics of autism spectrum disorders. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15(9), 409-416.

Stress Anxiety and Autism

Stress and anxiety are often used interchangeably, but from a scientific perspective, they are distinct concepts that involve different physiological and psychological processes.

What is Stress?

Stress is the body’s response to any demand or challenge, which can be physical, emotional, or psychological. It’s a natural reaction to specific stressors like an upcoming exam, a work deadline, or even a physical threat.

Types of Stress:

  • Acute Stress: This is a short-term response to an immediate threat or challenge, often referred to as the "fight or flight" response. During acute stress, the body releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol to prepare for action.
  • Chronic Stress: This occurs when stressors persist over a longer period, leading to a prolonged stress response. Chronic stress can negatively impact physical and mental health, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, depression, and anxiety disorders.
Physiological Response: When faced with a stressor, the body activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous system. This results in the release of stress hormones, which cause physiological changes like an increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and heightened alertness. While stress is not inherently negative and can motivate individuals to meet deadlines or perform well under pressure, prolonged stress can become maladaptive.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety, on the other hand, is a psychological state characterized by feelings of worry, nervousness, or fear that are typically disproportionate to the actual threat or challenge. Unlike stress, which is a response to an external stressor, anxiety often persists without a clear or immediate cause.

Types of Anxiety:

  • Situational Anxiety: This is a normal response to a stressful situation, such as public speaking or taking a test.
  • Anxiety Disorders: These are mental health conditions where anxiety is excessive, persistent, and interferes with daily life. Examples include generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias.
Physiological and Psychological Components: Anxiety involves both cognitive and physical symptoms. While it can trigger the body’s stress response, anxiety often includes a significant anticipatory element—worrying about future events or outcomes that may never occur. Neurobiologically, anxiety is associated with dysregulation in brain regions such as the amygdala, involved in fear and emotional processing, and the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in decision-making and emotional regulation. Neurotransmitters like serotonin, norepinephrine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) also play roles in anxiety.

Key Differences Between Stress and Anxiety

  • Trigger: Stress is typically a response to a real, identifiable stressor, while anxiety may not have a clear trigger and is often more generalized.
  • Duration: Stress can be acute or chronic, depending on the presence of the stressor. Anxiety tends to be more persistent and can exist even in the absence of stressors.
  • Physiological Response: Both stress and anxiety can activate similar physiological responses, but anxiety often includes a more significant cognitive component focused on worry and fear about potential future events.
  • Adaptiveness: Stress can be adaptive and helpful in certain situations by preparing the body to handle a challenge. In contrast, anxiety, especially when excessive or disproportionate, can be maladaptive and debilitating.

The Intersection of Stress, Anxiety, and Autism

For autistics, the experience of stress and anxiety can be more pronounced and complex. Autistics often face unique stressors, such as sensory overload, social challenges, and difficulties in communication. These stressors can contribute to both acute and chronic stress. Additionally, anxiety is highly prevalent among autistic people, with studies suggesting that up to 40% of autistics may also have an anxiety disorder.

Why Are Autistic Individuals More Vulnerable to Stress and Anxiety?

  1. Sensory Sensitivities: Many autistic individuals have heightened sensory sensitivities, which can make everyday environments overwhelming. This constant bombardment of sensory input can lead to chronic stress and anxiety.
  2. Social Challenges: Navigating social interactions can be particularly stressful for autistic individuals. Misunderstandings, the pressure to conform to social norms, and difficulties in interpreting social cues can all contribute to anxiety.
  3. Routine and Predictability: Autistic individuals often prefer routine and predictability. Sudden changes or disruptions to their routine can cause significant stress and anxiety, as they may struggle to adapt to new situations or cope with uncertainty.
  4. Communication Difficulties: Many autistic people experience challenges with communication, which can lead to frustration and misunderstandings, further exacerbating stress and anxiety levels.

Diagnostic Overshadowing

In PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader

Diagnostic overshadowing happens when doctors or healthcare workers focus so much on a person's autism that they miss other health problems the person might have. This can mean that other illnesses or conditions are not noticed or treated properly.

Key Points:

  1. Mixing Up Symptoms: Sometimes, signs of other health problems are mistaken as just part of autism. For example, if an autistic person feels very anxious or has stomach pain, it might be seen as just them acting up due to autism instead of a separate issue.

  2. Communication Barriers: Many autistic people find it hard to explain their feelings or symptoms and may have other communication challenges. This can make it harder for doctors to understand what's really going on.

  3. Assumptions: Doctors might assume all problems are because of autism and not look for other causes. This can lead to missed diagnoses. Usually any acting up behaviors is redirected back to behavior therapy, when they actually needed different solutions.

  4. Lack of Training: Not all doctors know how to spot other health problems in autistic people. They might need more training to do this well.

  5. Poor Treatment: If other health issues are not found, the person might not get the right treatment. This can affect their immediate and long term health and well-being.


  • Mental Health: If an autistic person is feeling very sad or has depression, it might be ignored because it's thought to be just part of their autism.

  • Physical Health: If an autistic person has pain in their stomach, it might be seen as just a behavior issue rather than a real medical problem.

How to Fix This:

  1. Thorough Check-Ups: Doctors should look at the whole person and not just their autism. They should check for other health issues and underlying issues too.

  2. Better Training: Doctors should learn more about how to spot other health problems in autistic people.

  3. Clear Communication: Finding better ways for autistic people to share how they feel can help doctors understand their symptoms better.

  4. Awareness: Helping everyone, including caregivers and educators, and professionals understand that autistic people can have other health problems too.

Disability and Poverty is a tough cycle

In PlainSpeak for Lay Audience

Disability and Poverty: A Tough Cycle

Disability and poverty are closely connected. This makes life harder for disabled people. Here’s why.

  1. Education: Many disabled people don’t get a good education. This makes it hard for them to learn skills needed for good jobs.

  2. Jobs: Disabled people often face problems finding jobs. There aren’t enough job opportunities, and some employers discriminate against them. Without good jobs, it’s hard to earn enough money.

  3. Healthcare: Poor people often can’t afford good healthcare. This can lead to untreated health problems that cause or worsen disabilities.

  4. Support Services: Disabled people need special support, like assistive devices or home modifications, but these can be expensive. Without money, they can’t get the help they need.

The National Council on Disability says that these problems make more disabled people live in poverty. The World Health Organization also says that we need to solve both poverty and disability issues together.

To break this cycle, we need to:

  • Provide better education for disabled people.
  • Create more job opportunities and stop workplace discrimination.
  • Offer better social support services.
  • Make healthcare and housing affordable and accessible for everyone.

When we invest in these areas, we help disabled people live better lives. This also helps reduce poverty and builds a stronger, fairer society for everyone.

2 versions of this post

In PlainSpeak Plain Language for Lay Reader

For Scientific/Academic Audience

Disability is both a cause and consequence of poverty


"Disability is both a cause and consequence of poverty. 
We're more that 2x likely to live in poverty than non-disabled people"

Disability and poverty are intrinsically linked, creating a vicious cycle that exacerbates the challenges faced by the disabled. This disparity stems from systemic barriers in education, employment, and healthcare. Disabled individuals often encounter limited job opportunities, workplace discrimination, and inadequate support services, significantly hindering their ability to secure stable and well-paying employment. According to the National Council on Disability, these employment challenges contribute heavily to the higher poverty rates among disabled individuals (National Council on Disability, 2017). The lack of accessible education further compounds this issue, as it restricts the skill development necessary for competitive employment.

Moreover, poverty can lead to or worsen disability, creating a continuous loop of disadvantage. Individuals living in poverty often have limited access to healthcare, resulting in untreated medical conditions that can lead to further disability. The financial strain associated with poverty can prevent people from obtaining necessary assistive devices or modifications, further diminishing their quality of life and ability to participate fully in society. The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes that this cyclical relationship underscores the need for comprehensive policies and programs that address both poverty alleviation and disability inclusion simultaneously (WHO, 2011). Breaking this cycle requires concerted efforts to create inclusive educational and employment opportunities, enhance social support systems, and ensure equitable access to healthcare and other essential services for disabled people. Investing in these areas not only improves the lives of disabled individuals but also fosters a more inclusive and equitable society, reducing overall poverty and promoting economic stability.


A plain language version

Disability and Poverty: A Tough Cycle

Disability and poverty are closely connected. This makes life harder for disabled people. Here’s why:

  1. Education: Many disabled people don’t get a good education. This makes it hard for them to learn skills needed for good jobs.

  2. Jobs: Disabled people often face problems finding jobs. There aren’t enough job opportunities, and some employers discriminate against them. Without good jobs, it’s hard to earn enough money.

  3. Healthcare: Poor people often can’t afford good healthcare. This can lead to untreated health problems that cause or worsen disabilities.

  4. Support Services: Disabled people need special support, like assistive devices or home modifications, but these can be expensive. Without money, they can’t get the help they need.

The National Council on Disability says that these problems make more disabled people live in poverty. The World Health Organization also says that we need to solve both poverty and disability issues together.

To break this cycle, we need to:

  • Provide better education for disabled people.
  • Create more job opportunities and stop workplace discrimination.
  • Offer better social support services.
  • Make healthcare and housing affordable and accessible for everyone.

When we invest in these areas, we help disabled people live better lives. This also helps reduce poverty and builds a stronger, fairer society for everyone.

2 versions of this post

In PlainSpeak Plain Language for Lay Reader

For Scientific/Academic Audience

Diagnostic Overshadowing

Autism Lexicon: Diagnostic Overshadowing

Diagnostic overshadowing in autism occurs when the symptoms and behaviors associated with autism obscure or overshadow the presence of other mental or physical health conditions. This can lead to misdiagnosis, underdiagnosis, or delayed diagnosis of other conditions, ultimately impacting the individual's overall care and treatment outcomes. 

PlainSpeak: Diagnostic overshadowing in autism is when doctors focus too much on autism and miss other health problems because they think it must be all because of autism.  

Read in more detail...

The role of the autistic in research

Thoughts around autistic people leading research rather than only participate by giving accounts of lived experiences.

I think rather than talking about one autistic or neurotypical being the leader, which seems to imply a position of dominance by one group, we should be thinking more in terms of what Judy Heumann used to term as Collaboration Cooperation. Both disabled researchers and non disabled researchers need to work together for meaningful change. And most research is a team effort anyway. What the non disabled researchers bring to the table is a lot of experience in how to go about research and they’ve had a couple of centuries of head start in this. When you combine this with collaboration and leadership of autistic researchers you get the following added benefits.
  1. Autistic insights through a nuanced understanding of autistic experiences that cannot be fully captured by observation or second-hand accounts. 
  2. Innovative approaches through distinct cognitive and perceptual experiences. This can lead to innovative research methods and findings that might be overlooked by non-autistic researchers. 
  3. Increased relevance and application towards practical and relevant issues. 
  4. Empowerment and representation as autistics in leadership, challenges traditional narratives of them only being research subjects. 
  5. Reducing bias in data interpretation from a neurotypical lens. 
  6. Building trust among autistic participants that this research is likely to be ethical and beneficial.  
  7. Policy and practice impact as autistic researchers are more likely to advocate for changes that directly improve the lives of autistics. Their leadership in research can influence policy, educational practices, and therapeutic approaches in ways that are more aligned with the needs of the autistic community.

Racial Bias in Autism

Correll et al. (2002), points to societal judgements made about the Black community; that they are somehow less deserving. Goff et al. (2014) highlights racial bias in that Black children are thought to be less innocent than their White counterparts. What this racial bias translates to is substantial delays in the diagnosis of ASD for Black children, after the parents initially expressed concerns about the child’s development, despite the parents having health insurance (Costantino et al., 2020)

Read on here.....[link]

To drive true progress and improve the quality of life of all autistics we need BOTH Strengths_based_Opportunities AND Challenges_based_Solutions. 
It is not Either-Or.

#Autism #Research #Strengths_based_opportunities #Challenges_based_solutions.

To drive true progress and improve the quality of life of all autistics we need BOTH Strengths_based_Opportunities AND Challenges_based_Solutions. 
It is not Either-Or.

#Autism #Research #Strengths_based_opportunities #Challenges_based_solutions.

Dispel notion that any medical intervention is inherently harmful

To drive true progress and improve the quality of life of all autistics we need BOTH Strengths_based_Opportunities AND Challenges_based_Solutions. 
It is not Either-Or.

#Autism #Research #Strengths_based_opportunities #Challenges_based_solutions.

To drive true progress and improve the quality of life of all autistics we need BOTH Strengths_based_Opportunities AND Challenges_based_Solutions. 
It is not Either-Or.

#Autism #Research #Strengths_based_opportunities #Challenges_based_solutions.

Dual Approach for Autism

My article in Newsweek

To drive true progress and improve the quality of life of all autistics we need BOTH Strengths_based_Opportunities AND Challenges_based_Solutions. 
It is not Either-Or.

#Autism #Research #Strengths_based_opportunities #Challenges_based_solutions.

Finding the actual cause

YES. I believe there are parallels for autism. There is probably some other physiological stuff going on that is causing all the SIB, meltdown and even struggles with talking ability which fluctuate on a day to day basis - all stuff which what makes or breaks your inclusion in society and gatekeeps opportunities. I bet after a few decades when I am a very old man, i will find out that what I had was some INFLAMMATORY PROCESS that and treatable as a baby itself and I could have had a better quality of life instead of struggles, exclusion and rejections at every step. 

New research suggests that a subset of patients with psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia may actually have autoimmune disease that attacks the brain

Markx and his colleagues discovered that although April’s illness was clinically indistinguishable from schizophrenia, she also had lupus, an underlying and treatable autoimmune condition that was attacking her brain.

... a complex autoimmune disorder where the immune system turns on its own body, producing many antibodies that attack the skin, joints, kidneys or other organs. But April’s symptoms weren’t typical, and there were no obvious external signs of the disease; the lupus appeared to only be affecting her brain.

After months of targeted treatments — and more than two decades trapped in her mind — April woke up.

ERGO: underlying autoimmune and inflammatory processes may be more common in patients with a variety of psychiatric syndromes than previously believed.

undergone many courses of treatment — antipsychoticsmood stabilizers and electroconvulsive therapy — all to no avail.

Discussion on Epilepsy in Autism

on 6/2/23. 


Catatonia in Autism

Catatonia in autistic individuals is characterized by significant motor abnormalities, which can include immobility, rigid posturing, repetitive or stereotypic movements, and a markedly reduced responsiveness to external stimuli.

Catatonia in autism can present through various symptoms:

  • Mutism: The inability to speak, which may be due to disruptions in neural circuits involving speech production and motor planning.
  • Echolalia: The repetition of words or phrases, potentially linked to dysregulation in the neural pathways associated with language processing and executive function.
  • Stereotypic Movements: Repetitive, non-functional movements that may involve neural dysfunctions in the basal ganglia and motor cortex.
  • Posturing: The adoption and maintenance of unusual body positions, which could indicate abnormalities in motor planning and proprioceptive feedback systems.
  • Stupor: A state of severe unresponsiveness, possibly associated with altered activity in the thalamocortical and limbic systems, affecting consciousness and responsiveness.

These manifestations suggest complex interactions between various neural systems, including the motor cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum, and prefrontal cortex. Understanding the neural underpinnings of catatonia in autism can inform the development of targeted therapeutic interventions.


Plain Language Version

Catatonia in Autism: What You Need to Know

Catatonia in autistic people means having big problems during a catatonia episode with movement  and responding to the world around them. This can look like:

  • Not Speaking (Mutism): Some autistic people with catatonia can't talk.
  • Repeating Words (Echolalia): They might repeat words or phrases they hear.
  • Repetitive Movements (Stereotypic Movements): They might move in the same way over and over.
  • Holding Strange Positions (Posturing): They might stay in unusual body positions for a long time.
  • Not Responding (Stupor): They might not respond to things happening around them.

These symptoms show that there are problems with how their brain controls movement and responds to the environment. Understanding these issues can help us find better ways to support and treat autistic people with catatonia.