Showing posts with label Academic Conference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Academic Conference. Show all posts

APS Poster Acceptance

From: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2024 4:36 PM
To: Srinivasan, Hari <>
Subject: Your APS Submission Notification - Virtual Summit

Dear Hari,

Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that your poster submission, "Navigating the Near: VR Investigations of Peripersonal Space in Autism", has been accepted for presentation at the 2024 APS Global Psychological Science Summit, October 23-24, 2024. 

Vanderbilt Brain Institute Travel Grant


I got awarded the Vanderbilt Brain Institute Travel Grant
Funds towards travel expenses for the SfN Conference in October

Research headed to SfN 2024

My research abstract accepted at Society for Neuroscience, SfN 2024 conference. 

Dear Hari Srinivasan
Thank you for submitting a Scientific Abstract for Neuroscience 2024 taking place Oct 5-9 in Chicago. 

For more on my conference experience in Oct click on the link below

Academic Psychiatry Day 2024

Presenting my autism research poster at Academic Psychiatry Day event. 
Very happy at how I was able to handle myself. The room gets pretty crowded during the event (which can be overwhelming) and there are numerous people crowded around your poster. And you are expected to be by your poster the entire time. 


I submitted an Abstract

Submitted my first Grad School abstract to 
SfN Society for Neuroscience Conference. 

How about that!!


Psychiatry Symposium

10:45-10:50amWelcome and Introduction
10:50-11:50amOral Session #1
12:00-1:00pmCollaboration Talks
1:10-2:10pmPoster Session 
1:10-1:40pm   Group A
1:40-2:10pm   Group B
2:20-3:20pmOral Session #2
3:20-3:25pmClosing Remarks
3:25-4:00pmIce Cream Social

Anxiety in ASD

Went for a guest lecture by Dr. Trenesha Hill, Asst Prof at U Nebraska Medical Center. 

What caught my attention was atypical/autistic anxiety (vs non-autistic-anxiety) as being related to core characters of Autism. Especially the suggestion that hypersensitivity (ie: sensory differences) was a main factor distinguishing autistic-anxiety from non-autistic anxiety. Totally worth investigating the sensory aspect which I wish this study had done. 

SPSS Poster Presentation

Got to present my very first Research Poster at the SPSS (Society for Personality and Social Psychology) conference today.  

Was an interesting experience. 


 Another first coming up. I will be presenting my research poster at SPSS conference next Feb. 

My first Psychology conference. 

Haas Scholars Fall Colloquium

Presented my research at the Haas Scholars Fall Colloquium today.
Overall, got very positive feedback. 

Prof Brian Powers, Sociology: I’m really overwhelmed with the depth of this research and the impact it's going to have. Well thought out project, personal as it is. It’s incredibly scholarly.

Prof Dacher Keltner, Psychology: I think many of you know that Hari writes for the Daily Cal. When he was in my class, he would send me his poetry all the time. He is a brilliant writer and a brilliant thinker and I think you all felt that in that presentation. That was an incredible tour of 13 minutes and 47 seconds, from the personal to the humorous to the in-depth critique to the societal critique to the measures to the theory. I mean that, I’ve never felt, I’ve never had a presentation in my lab of that precision. The second thing is Hari’s presentation tells us why we need diversity in scholarship. His scholarship is just you know, its a devastating critique on measures and theories out there and we need these perspectives. What a rich perspective, so it was a remarkable presentation and he’s a remarkable young scholar.