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Read here to learn more about me . My graduate research investigates peripersonal space (PPS) in autism, exploring how differences in sensor...
Fractured Certainty
Anxiety spikes, I lose control,
In a world where nothing’s ever near.
Endless Strain
Grad school trials and endless strain,
Disability threads through each day,
I wait and wait to see what they want of me
Shrouded Weight
What is the expectation of me?
Disability is a weight indeed.
Uncertain Fate
Staying afloat, with hope so thin,
Struggling each day, just to survive within.
Waves of doubt come crashing in.
Waiting on undefined academic expectations, I'm supposed to meet
Disability adds weight to my limbs,
And anxiety skyrockets within.
Can the sun's rays chase the gray?
Grad School challenges run deep.
Disability already a minefield
Midday Muddle
It's worth noting that not all bat species would react the same way, and the extent to which they become active would likely vary depending on the local environment, the species, and the specific circumstances of the eclipse.
There is some irony in the hashtag. Today is
On this day, we tweet and we post.
Hashtags to flaunt, kindness to boast.
A day to be kind, as if it's a task.
"Do good deeds," our social feeds ask.
But why, oh why, do we need reminders?
Is kindness so rare, that we wear blinders?
Shouldn't it weave through our daily thread,
Not just on days when hashtags are spread?
Should kindness not be our everyday quest?
Compassion the core of our heart's daily vest.
Lives have worth, without the #sign.
Kindness not staged for a digital reaction.
But the essence of our daily interaction.
A Complex Discord of Autism and ADHD
Autism and ADHD, a complex discord.
In one mind-body how do both strike a chord?
Autism seeks a world slow, steady and same.
Routine's embrace, stability it claims.
ADHD bored by routine, seeks a rapid pace.
Mind, chasing change, an endless race.
Risk averse autism craves the comfort of the known.
Risk taker ADHD, seeker of the unexplored zone.
Autism insists on the same tasks - present, future, past.
Autism attention zooms inward- seeking comfort within.
ADHD attention flits externally - from thing to thing to thing.
In one mind-body, a battlefield unseen.
Autism's order, ADHD's ever-changing scene.
How can these opposites coexist?
Prefrontal Cortex, all in a twist?
Constant tug of war in this mind-body.
An unanswered quandary, how do I find clarity?
Crimson Fridays
Feeling end of semester pressure #gradschool
If Blue is for Monday, then I assign Crimson for Friday
Topsy Turvy
Éphémère Joie and Time
Éphémère Joie and Time
(Ephemeral joy and time)
Dans la danse des jours, a ephemeral fleet
(In the dance of days)
Les mois s'envolent, moments so sweet.
(The months fly by)
Où sont passés les jours, oh, so fast
(Where have the days gone)
Jamais revenir, from the past
(Never coming back)
Serre fort, each moment just right
(Hold tight)
Soutenu par la joie, day and night
(Supported by joy)
Le temps n'attend personne, c'est true
(Time waits for no one, its)
Nos vies valent la peine, cherish it anew
(Our lives have worth)
Dans l'étreinte tendre, a life of empathy
(In the tender embrace)
L'éclat d'âme, a radiant symphony
(The radiance of the soul)
L'esprit tendre chuchote, soft and clear
(The tender spirit whispers)
Chéris chaque instant, hold it near.
(Cherish each moment.)
À travers le temps, where memories beat.
(Through time)
Les mois s'envolent, leaving traces so sweet.
(The months fly by)
Serre fort, cher ami, let optimism anew
(Hold tight, dear friend)
Dans la vie en rose, find joy in you.
(In life’s rosy glow)