In the News

In the News 

UNESCO (Sep '24)

I'm featured in an UN Article for International Literary Day. How cool is that!!

Frist Center for Autism & Innovation (Jul '24)

PD Soros Fellowship (Jul '24) (Jun '24)

Vanderbilt News (Jun '24)

Frist Center for Autism & Innovation (Jun '24)

Frist Center for Autism & Innovation (Apr '24)

Frist Center for Autism & Innovation (Apr '24)

Frist Center for Autism & Innovation (Apr '24)

Autistic Self Advocacy Network (Dec '23)

Frist Center for Autism & Innovation (Aug '23)

Frist Center for Autism & Innovation

Frist Center for Autism and Innovation (Jul 28)

Public Voices Fellow

Autism Europe Congress

Autism Society Press Release

Remembering Judy Heumann

Berkeley News: 


Daily Cal:

2022 UC Berkeley News Recap (I got a mention for the month of April)


NISE Fellow Hari Srinivasan Attends White House’s ADA Event 

Vanderbilt Graduate School News - May 2022 Student Spotlights

Frist Center for Autism & Innovation:  Frist Center Scholar awarded Prestigious Fellowship: 

Vanderbilt University: Two Vanderbilt Students Named To Paul And Daisy Soros Fellowship Program For New Americans

Berkeley News: In times of Crisis 2022 University Medal Finalists Summoned Resilience Hope

Berkeley News: Minimally Speaking Autistic student wins Soros Fellowship for PhD.

    Berkeley Profs said some nice things about me, Thank you.

    “Hari has embraced his Berkeley experience to the very fullest in the classroom, research laboratory, on campus and more broadly,” said UC Berkeley psychology chair Serena Chen. “Along the way, he has touched so many people — fellow students, staff and faculty alike — and has achieved so much against formidable odds, to boot.”   
    “Hari is a transcendent human being, beyond words in his talents, intellect, kindness, understanding and what he will do, and is doing, for our world,” said Keltner, a leading scholar in the science of emotions.
Berkeley Graduate Division: A Thirst for Education and Autism Advocacy lead
Hari Srinivasan to Prestigious Soros Ph.D. Fellowship

Berkeley Psychology: Congratulations to Hari Srinivasan for receiving Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans

UC Berkeley Scholarship connection: Berkeley senior and recent alum awarded P D Soros Fellowships: 

Berkeley Letters & Sciences. 

The Daily Californian: UC Berkeley Senior wins Soros Fellowship to pursue PhD.
California Magazine: I am a minimally speaking person who was not expected to go to college. Now he's getting his PhD.

Page 5 of the New York Times
Made it to Page 5 of the New York Times
Forbes: How’s That American Dream Working Out? A Tale Of Passports And Heroes. 

PD Soros: Meet the Class of 2022

PD Soros:  Meet the fellows. Hari Srinivasan

Herald Times: Just Because He's Nonverbal, That Doesn't Mean He Has Nothing To Say. 

Autism Society of America: Hari Srinivasan selected as 2022 Paul and Daily Soros Fellow:  

ABC news:

#Indian-American Newspapers 
 #IACC #PDSoros #UCBerkeley #Vanderbilt

So nice of Dr Josh Gordon (NIMH Director) to announce news of Vanderbilt and PD Soros at the beginning of the IACC meeting. 


I should frame this tweet as inspiration and aspiration. 
Words of praise from the legendary Judy Heumann. 
Thank you Judy for your words of praise. We all learn from you and strive to add those additional tiny pebbles that contribute to widening the ripples that you initiated in the pond of change. 

Tweet from Prof Allison Harvey, who taught my Treatment of Mental Illness class 
I was a research assistant in her Golden Bear Mood and Sleep clinic for 2 semesters.
Thank you Prof Harvey for your invaluable advice, support and encouragement during the grad school application process. 



Made it to page 5 of the New York Times

#Project Illuminate Initiative (2020): Faces of the Neurodiverse. 

#Spilling the Cha. Destigmatizing Autism

# Autism Society of America: College Advocacy and Beyond.

 #Stanford Neurodiversity Summit 2020. Speaker & Panelist
Hari's Presentation: timestamp 1:48:38 - 2:05:33
Panel Discussion with Cole and Hari: 2:47:33 - 3:40:27

More in the News
#ResearchPaper #Empathy
Fletcher-Watson, S., & Bird, G. (2020). Autism and empathy: What are the real links? Autism, 24(1), 3–6.

#Books #Autism
Garcia, E. (2021). We're not broken: Changing the autism conversation. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 

Jeffress, M. S. (2021). Disability representation in film, Tv, and print media. Routledge. 

#Time #MediaRepresentation
Kurchak, S. (2021, Feb 25). Sia’s Music Disability Debate Goes Beyond Representation | TIME

#The Independent #Autism #MediaRepresentation
Brown, H. (2021, Feb 25) Face the Music: Why Sia’s dangerous film doesn’t deserve a Golden Globe | The Independent. (n.d.).


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