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Read here to learn more about me . My graduate research investigates peripersonal space (PPS) in autism, exploring how differences in sensor...

Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts

Transcription Bloopers

Actual Audio: You want to go into superior colliculus a bit more?

Transcription Software: You want to go into the spiritual leaders a bit more.

Audio: So the input is converging. 

Software: So the imprint is converging


Midday Muddle

There is a total solar eclipse today and Nashville lies in the path of totality.

A fun poem poking fun at bats and the eclipse. 

Midday Muddle
Bats take flight in solar eclipse gloom.
The day must had donned its nightcap, zoom!
A dance of glee, a faux night delight
Till sunlight peeked, they fled in flustered flight.

But do bats really come out during solar eclipse thinking it's night?

The idea that bats come out during a solar eclipse, mistaking it for night, is based more on anecdotal observations than solid scientific evidence. Bats use a combination of cues for navigation and determining the time of day, including light levels but also their internal biological clocks. While it's plausible that the sudden darkness of a total solar eclipse could confuse some bats into thinking it's dusk or dawn, prompting them to emerge, scientific studies on this specific behavior are limited. However, there are reports and observations of animals, including bats, exhibiting unusual behavior during solar eclipses, such as birds falling silent or nocturnal animals briefly becoming active.

It's worth noting that not all bat species would react the same way, and the extent to which they become active would likely vary depending on the local environment, the species, and the specific circumstances of the eclipse.

Special Interests - Autism Humor on Autism Sterotypes



 Brain Humor 

Check out more humor in this blog and on YouTube

Topsy Turvy

In the realm of the whimsically absurd
Logic takes flight like a fantastical bird
In a realm where the whimsical reigns.
Logic takes a back seat on this fantastical train
In a realm where logic takes flight
Find whimsy and wonder in the absurdity of night
In a world turned topsy-turvy. 
Where words dance and logic is quirky


p-value goes knock knock

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
P-value who?
P-value less than 0.05, and I'm statistically significant enough to knock your null hypothesis out of the park!

-Hari Srinivasan

Keyless Musings

In musings deep, my mind does roam
Engulfed in thoughts like a garden gnome
Ideas pirouette meandering free
In this atypical brain of me

But, oh no, in this mental spree
forget where I left my keys!

No Eye Contact. No problem.

No Eye Contact?
No Problem!
Sunglasses are your personal Eye Contact Filter. 

#AutismHumor #AutismSolutions

Slow Burn

Usually you get to see the Cal-Stanford rivalry during the Big Game every year!

Stanford-Burn in the Night Agent series... Too funny, 

Larkin: "I thought I could read my way to Stanford."

Sutherland: "...you went to Stanford?"

Larkin: "No. Those bastards rejected me. I went to a community college then transferred to Berkeley. When I started my company I hired a bunch of Stanford grads to grab me coffee."


CRH who?

Neuroscience humor. Studying CRH-PVN neurons and stress this week. 

Knock knock.
Who's there? 
CRH who? 
CRH releasing PVN, causing stress to you!

Stress v Anxiety in Autism - what's the difference.

First a lighthearted take

Stress is when you're stuck in traffic and late for an important meeting, while anxiety is when you're stuck in traffic and your brain starts to imagine all the worst-case scenarios that could happen at the meeting. They both make you feel like you're about to lose your mind, but with anxiety, you have to deal with the added bonus of your own overactive imagination!

Bayes Squad

 The Bayes Squad

A Probability Party with Formula Fellows

Bayes Theorem BT: Alright folks, let's get this Bayesian statistics party started! I'm Bayes Theorem, and I'm the king of the castle around here.

Prior Probability PA(A): Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there, Bayes. You may be the main formula, but I'm the one who sets the foundation. I'm Prior Probability, and I establish the probability of events before any data is collected.

Likelihood P(A): And I'm Likelihood, the star of the show. I calculate the probability of evidence given the hypothesis.

Neurotransmitters go Knock Knock

Knock knock. Who's there? 

Glutamate. Glutamate who? Glutamate to meet you!

GABA. GABA who? GABA nice day today, isn't it?

Dopamine. Dopamine who? Do-pa-mine if I tell you a joke?

Serotonin. Serotonin who? Serotoninly you didn't forget about me!

When Axons Meet GPS Robot Cops

When Axons Meet GPS Robot Cops

Robo: Alright team, let's get these axons where they need to go. Slit, you're up first.

Slit: Alright, alright, don't rush me. Let me just activate my molecular mechanisms real quick.

Comm: Oh here we go, Slit and his molecular mechanisms. Always showing off.

Axon: Hey, can someone explain to me what's going on?”

Robo: Don't worry little guy, we're here to guide you. Slit is going to help you navigate to your destination.

Slit: That's right. I'm Slit, named after the slit-like spaces that I bind to. Not the most glamorous name, but hey, it's better than being called "sticky" like some other proteins. 

Comm: Hey, don't be dissing my molecular mechanisms. They may not be as flashy as yours, but they get the job done.”

Axon: I don't mean to interrupt, but what do you do, Comm?

Comm: Oh, me? I'm the commissure, here to make sure you cross the midline properly. But my full name is commissural neuron guidance molecule, which makes me sound like some sort of cop.

Robo: And I'm Robo, short for Roundabout. I know, I know, I sound like a robot. But hey, I'm the protein that helps guide you around obstacles and keep you on the right path.

Slit:  And together, we make a great team. The protein trio of axon guidance GPS. 

Axon: so I’m gonna interrupt again. But why do I need to cross the midline at all? Why do you need to guide me. What’s going on here and where am I going?”

Robo: Well Axon, to answer your earlier question about the big picture, it's all about forming the correct connections in the nervous system. The brain is made up of billions of neurons, and each neuron needs to make connections with other neurons to form a functional network. These connections allow us to do everything from sensing our environment to controlling our movements and thoughts.

Comm: And that's where we come in. We help guide axons to their appropriate targets, ensuring that the connections are made correctly. Without us, the nervous system would be a chaotic mess.

Slit: Exactly. And that's why it's so important for us to do our job correctly. Even a small mistake can lead to a misconnection that could have serious consequences for the individual.

Axon: Wow, I had no idea that I was part of such a complex process. It's kind of overwhelming.

Robo: Don't worry, little guy. We've got your back. Just trust us, and we'll guide you to where you need to go.

Slit: And who knows? Maybe someday you'll become a fully-formed neuron, making connections with other neurons and contributing to the functioning of the nervous system.

Comm: Yeah, and maybe you'll even be guiding another axon someday.

Axon: That sounds amazing. I can't wait to see where this journey takes me.

Robo: Alright team, let's get back to work. We have some important connections to make.

Axon: Wait, I have one more question. How did you all become proteins that guide axons?

Slit: Oh, it's a long story. It all started when we were just humble genes, waiting to be transcribed and translated.

Comm: And then one day, we were lucky enough to be selected to play a crucial role in axon guidance.

Robo: It's not the most glamorous job, but hey, someone's got to do it.

Axon: Well, I'm grateful for you guys. Thanks for guiding me through this crazy nervous system.

Slit: Anytime, dude. That's what we're here for.

Axon: Hey Robo, have you ever thought about what life would be like if you weren't proteins?

Robo: I can't say I have, Hey Slit and Comm. Do you want to be something else?

Slit: I don't know, maybe a neurotransmitter or something. Imagine how cool it would be to transmit information between neurons.

Comm: And I could be a transcription factor in a different system altogether. I could be regulating gene expression in a plant or something.

Robo: Oh come on, you guys. We're perfectly happy being proteins that guide axons. Let's not get too carried away with these fantasies.

Slit: Fine, fine. But you have to admit, it would be pretty cool.

Comm: Now let's get back shaping the intricate architecture of the nervous system. Lots of traffic to manage. 

Delta Notch Numb: Neurogenesis Society

A humorous science skit. 

Delta Notch Numb: Neurogenesis Society

Delta: Hey guys, have you ever wondered why we have such unusual names? I mean, put together, we sound like a Notched-up college Greek Society; a bunch of undergrads that go totally Numb after an exhausting Rush.

The Neurotransmitter Showdown: GABA v Glutamate in the Courtroom.

The Neurotransmitter Showdown: GABA v Glutamate in the Courtroom.

GABA: Good day, Glutamate. How do you plead today?

Glutamate: Not guilty Your Honor. My actions were justified.

GABA: Oh, please. You know that you always overexcite the receptors and cause chaos in the brain.

Glutamate: That's simply untrue. I only activate the NMDA, AMPA, and kainate receptors as needed.

GABA: Needed? 
Your excessive activation of those receptors leads to seizures and neurotoxicity and not to mention hyperactivity, mood swings, social communication challenges, and sensory dysfunction in autistics. 
You are totally implicated in the Excitatory-Inhibition Imbalance theory in autism.

Hari: You Said It, GABA!! Tell it like it is. 

Judge (pounding table with mallet): Order in the court! The audience is not allowed to speak. 

Hari: Your Honor, I was not speaking out loud. It was all in my mind. 

Judge: But we are in your mind so everyone here can hear you. 

Hari: Oh, Ok. Then I'll go off and take a nap. 

Judge. Thank you Hari. 

(Pounding with mallet) Order! Order!I call order in the courtroom!

A frog hijacked my voice

Been having a sore throat and completely lost my voice for last 2 week now. 
Hope it's not a chronic thing. 


Chai or Kappi?

The South Indian Society at Cal had a Chai Chat.
They sold out. I'd don't drink chai anyway.

The preferred drink for South Indians is coffee (pronounced as Kappi) not tea (Chai)
They should have a "Kappi Chat" next time.

I'm looking forward to the planned "Sambar Social"