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Read here to learn more about me . My graduate research investigates peripersonal space (PPS) in autism, exploring how differences in sensor...

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Showing posts with label Publications. Show all posts


Hari’s ultimate aspiration is to combine policy with research to effect meaningful change for marginalized populations globally.

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Intensified Mourning


Sensory Overload and Communication Challenges intensifies autistic mourning experiences - Hari Srinivasan

Caught Between Tears and Stoicism

When society expects the neurodiverse to conform to neurotypical standards of emotional expression, it reinforces a narrow view of what it means to be human.

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Research Methodologies

"In order to increase representation of a wider profile of autistics in research, it is crucial to reconsider research methodologies and the tasks involved.

...we should leverage advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to develop new technologies or repurpose existing ones used in other fields.

...we should explore innovative approaches like mobile labs which increase geographic reach, diversity and accessibility."

-Hari Srinivasan, Time

A Disheartening Lack of Progress in Practical Solutions

"My own experience reveals a disheartening lack of progress in practical solutions for autistics like me in the past 2.5 decades, since my diagnosis as a toddler. Autism, now recognized as the fastest growing neurodevelopmental disability, stands at 1 in 36 children according to the CDC" 
- Hari Srinivasan, Newsweek

Disability and Multilingualism

Language is not just a means of communication; it is also a carrier of cultural identity and personal expression

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Little research to help autistics like me

If I have not fully understood my own disability, it is, in part, because there has been little research to help autistics like me understand the full scope of it, as well as targeted education, medical, or therapeutic interventions that can help us navigate it.
-Hari Srinivasan, Time


Disability and Multilingualism

UNESCO is celebrating this International Literacy Day 2024 by highlighting multilingual changemakers on a global scale. Among them is Hari Srinivasan, a trailblazer for disability rights, who is a multilingual American child of immigrants

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"The solution for such autistics cannot be... the liberal use of the psychotropic medications, which are unreliable Band-Aids with long- term health effects. Many of my peers in special education slowly disappeared into the black hole of being sent away to the modern day equivalents of institutions as their behaviors were no longer "manageable’ at home or in a community setting. Out of sight also means out of mind for society."
- Hari Srinivasan, Newsweek


Caught Between Tears and Stoicism


It is patronizing of social media to imply that expressions of emotion are "OK" after learning he’s disabled, as if society is willing to make the occasional exception rather than challenge its norms.

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