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My research interests

Read here to learn more about me . My graduate research investigates peripersonal space (PPS) in autism, exploring how differences in sensor...

The Forgotton People on Planet X

A blog post written by me many years back in early teens....

Consider:- Once upon a time, we were all babies. Our life track was defined - preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, college, job etc. ....Some of those babies however, ended up on a path that wandered off into disability.....  biologically, the bodies kept growing and voila, they became Teens with Disabilities!.... [Continue reading]

Winter Solstice

Dec 21 is Winter Solstice

The winter solstice is an astronomical event that occurs annually around December 21st or 22nd in the northern hemisphere and around June 20th or 21st in the southern hemisphere. It marks the shortest day and longest night of the year.

It occurs when the Earth's axial tilt is farthest away from the sun. In the northern hemisphere, the North Pole is tilted directly away from the sun, resulting in the lowest position of the sun in the sky and shorter daylight hours. Conversely, in the southern hemisphere, the South Pole is tilted directly towards the sun, leading to longer days and shorter nights.

During the winter solstice, the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky at noon, and the length of daylight is at its minimum. This phenomenon occurs because of the Earth's axial tilt, which causes variations in the amount of sunlight received by each hemisphere throughout the year.

The winter solstice tends to be more significant in non-equatorial regions because the changes in day length and sunlight are more noticeable. In these regions, the winter solstice marks the turning point of the seasons, with colder temperatures and shorter days leading up to it. Culturally, this transition has been associated with themes of rebirth, renewal, light, and the hope for the return of warmth and longer days.

Thank you Julia

Thank you for your kind words about me Julia. We are sorry to see you leave ASAN which has been a big part of your life for 12 years. 



Applications are now open for the next cohort for INSAR's ARC.  

The INSAR Autistic Researchers Committee (ARC) was launched in 2020 as a dedicated space within the society to serve the growing demographic of autistic autism researchers. This body, composed of autistic researchers across multiple career stages, serves to advance the interests of autistic researchers within INSAR and advocate for adequate inclusion of this group across all INSAR programs.

The aims of the Autistic Researchers Committee are as follows: 
  • To directly advocate for the integration and needs of autistic INSAR members (including students, trainees, early career researchers, senior researchers, and other member types) in INSAR programs.
  • To create opportunities for scientific career development for autistic autism researchers.
  • To ensure autistic scientists have adequate venues to offer their insights to the field across INSAR programs.
  • To encourage autistic and non-autistic researchers within INSAR to engage in more participatory research that incorporates stakeholder input.
  • To make INSAR conferences more accommodating and welcoming for autistic members and attendees.
  • To promote the inclusion of and consideration of issues important to autistic people in INSAR meetings and in autism research across the sciences, social sciences, humanities, education, and other disciplines.
  • To advise the INSAR Board on issues important to autistic people.
Being part of ARC is an excellent opportunity to connect with and work alongside fellow students, trainees, and leaders in the field of autism research from around the world.

Racial Bias in Autism

Correll et al. (2002), points to societal judgements made about the Black community; that they are somehow less deserving. Goff et al. (2014) highlights racial bias in that Black children are thought to be less innocent than their White counterparts. What this racial bias translates to is substantial delays in the diagnosis of ASD for Black children, after the parents initially expressed concerns about the child’s development, despite the parents having health insurance (Costantino et al., 2020)

Read on here.....[link]


To drive true progress and improve the quality of life of all autistics we need BOTH Strengths_based_Opportunities AND Challenges_based_Solutions. 
It is not Either-Or.

#Autism #Research #Strengths_based_opportunities #Challenges_based_solutions.

Oddball Paradigms in Autism Research

Lexicon: Oddball Paradigms

Oddball trials, also known as oddball tasks or oddball paradigms, are a type of research experimental design used in cognitive and sensorimotor research. The oddball paradigm has been widely used in autism research to investigate sensory processing differences, attentional issues, and cognitive control. During an oddball task, researchers typically measure various physiological and behavioral responses, such as reaction times, accuracy rates, ERPs (via EEG) or fMRI (to examine neural activity patterns).

The oddball paradigm typically consists of two types of stimuli and participants are asked to detect and respond to the oddball.

  • Standard Stimuli: These are the most common stimuli presented in the sequence and serve as the baseline / control stimuli, occurring with higher frequency. Participants are generally instructed to ignore standard stimuli and withhold any response to them
  • Target Stimuli: These are the less frequent or "oddball" stimuli that differ in some way from the standard stimuli. The target stimuli can be defined by various characteristics, such as a different color, shape, sound, or any other perceptual feature.

The purpose of oddball trials is to investigate how the brain processes and detects rare or deviant stimuli amidst a background of more common stimuli. By manipulating the frequency and characteristics of the target and standard stimuli, researchers can examine various aspects of cognitive processing, including
  • Attention: how participants allocate and sustain their attention to detect infrequent target stimuli. It allows researchers to explore the mechanisms of selective attention, attentional capture, and the ability to filter out irrelevant information.
  • Perception & perceptual processing: how the brain discriminates between different stimuli; how the brain detects and discriminates deviant stimuli based on sensory features, and how it forms representations and expectations about the environment
  • Memory and Cognitive Control: Participants may be required to remember the occurrence or characteristics of the target stimuli and maintain this information for subsequent recall or recognition. Also sheds light on cognitive control processes, such as response inhibition and response selection when distinguishing between standard and target stimuli.

Oddball Paradigms in Autism Research

Oddball paradigms in autism research, offer a window into the sensory processing differences, attentional mechanisms, and cognitive control capabilities.

  1. Sensory Processing Differences: One of the core areas of investigation in autism is sensory processing as autistics often exhibit atypical responses to sensory stimuli, which can range from heightened sensitivity to specific stimuli to a diminished response to others. Oddball paradigms help researchers understand these sensory anomalies by comparing how autistics detect and respond to infrequent target stimuli compared to neurotypical controls. This can reveal whether there is an enhanced perceptual sensitivity or other unique patterns of sensory processing in autism.

  2. Attention and Attentional Allocation: Studies focus on how autistics sustain and allocate their attention when faced with rare target stimuli amidst a stream of more common stimuli. Findings often indicate differences in how attention is captured and maintained, which can be linked to broader attentional issues in autism. For instance, some research suggests autistics may focus more on local details rather than global features of stimuli (Weak Central Coherence theory)

  3. Cognitive Control and Inhibition: Cognitive control, including response inhibition and flexibility in shifting attention, is frequently assessed through oddball tasks. These tasks can highlight the executive functioning issues, such as challenges with inhibiting inappropriate responses or switching attention between different tasks or stimuli.

Key Findings from Autism Research

Research using oddball paradigms has provided several key insights into the neurocognitive characteristics of ASD:

  • Enhanced Perceptual Sensitivity: Some studies suggest that autistics may exhibit enhanced perceptual sensitivity, reacting more quickly or accurately to target stimuli than neurotypical individuals. This heightened sensitivity might be associated with an increased focus on specific features in the environment.

  • Atypical Neural Responses:  Differences in the amplitude and latency of ERP components, such as the P3 wave, which is linked to attentional processes and cognitive evaluation, have been noted (1).

  • Attentional Allocation Differences: The way individuals with autism allocate their attention during oddball tasks often differs from that of neurotypical individuals. This can include a tendency to focus more narrowly on specific stimuli aspects, potentially reflecting a unique attentional strategy or sensory processing style (2).

  • Cognitive Control Challenges: Oddball tasks also reveal cognitive control issues, such as difficulties with response inhibition and flexibility in attention shifting. These findings are consistent with broader patterns of executive dysfunction observed in autism (3).


  1. Gomot, M., et al. (2008). Atypical auditory processing in children with autism: A cohort study with event-related potentials. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38(7), 1307-1316.
  2. Sokhadze, E. M., et al. (2009). Atypical prefrontal cortex development in autism: ERP evidence of abnormal inhibitory control in a Go/NoGo task. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 5, 9.
  3. Hill, E. L. (2004). Executive dysfunction in autism: A review of the evidence for specific deficits. Developmental Psychopathology, 16(3), 377-401.

A Complex Discord of Autism and ADHD

A Complex Discord

Autism and ADHD, a complex discord.
In one mind-body how do both strike a chord?

Autism seeks a world slow, steady and same.
Routine's embrace, stability it claims.

ADHD bored by routine, seeks a rapid pace.
Mind, chasing change, an endless race.

Risk averse autism craves the comfort of the known.
Risk taker ADHD, seeker of the unexplored zone.

Autism insists on the same tasks - present, future, past. 
ADHD craves for 10 new things each moment, a whirlwind cast.

Autism attention zooms inward- seeking comfort within.
ADHD attention flits externally - from thing to thing to thing.

In one mind-body, a battlefield unseen.
Autism's order, ADHD's ever-changing scene.

How can these opposites coexist?
Prefrontal Cortex, all in a twist?

Constant tug of war in this mind-body.
An unanswered quandary, how do I find clarity?

Spoon Theory and Autism

Spoon Theory: Spoon theory is a conceptual framework that uses "spoons" as units to represent finite daily energy reserves in individuals with disabilities or chronic illnesses. In autism, it underscores the significant energy demands associated with sensory processing challenges and social interactions, which can lead to rapid energy depletion.[Read on at.. 

PlainSpeak: Spoon theory is a way to explain the limited energy people with disabilities or chronic illnesses have, using "spoons" as a metaphor for energy. For autistic people, it highlights how everyday activities and sensory experiences can quickly deplete their energy, helping others understand the need for empathy and support.


 Brain Humor 

Check out more humor in this blog and on YouTube


In search of Humanity. Contemplation, one line a day all week. 

In the search for Humanity (and our own mental health), let's take a pause for contemplation, one thought at a time. As we navigate the complexities of existence, let compassion be our guide, fostering empathy and connection. In the realm of self-discovery, let confidence be the cornerstone, a quiet strength that speaks volumes.  Amidst the chaos, find solace in the simplicity of now. Unleash the boundless potential within, for creativity knows no boundaries.  Cultivate a thirst for knowledge, for curiosity fuels the engine of growth. 
#MentalHealth #humanity 

Compassion is the wind that carries us to new heights of understanding.

Confidence is not arrogance, its self-assurance.

Contentment is the simplicity that comes from living in the present moment. 

The beauty of creativity is that it has no limits.


The thirst for knowledge drives curiosity

Crimson Fridays

 Feeling end of semester pressure #gradschool

If Blue is for Monday, then I assign Crimson for Friday


Check out my other poetry on this blog or on YouTube

Topsy Turvy

In the realm of the whimsically absurd
Logic takes flight like a fantastical bird
In a realm where the whimsical reigns.
Logic takes a back seat on this fantastical train
In a realm where logic takes flight
Find whimsy and wonder in the absurdity of night
In a world turned topsy-turvy. 
Where words dance and logic is quirky


Éphémère Joie and Time

This is a poetic reminder on the transient nature of time and inspired by Edith Piaf’s "La Vie en Rose,” and her other music. It encourages us to cherish each ephemeral moment, and be supported by joy. It explores themes of empathy, radiance, and the tenderness found in our shared human experience. Ultimately, it's an ode to seizing the present, holding tight to cherished moments, and discovering joy amidst life's ever-evolving tempo, echoing the optimism and rosy glow of "La Vie en Rose."

ÉphĂ©mère Joie and Time 

(Ephemeral joy and time)

Dans la danse des jours,  a ephemeral fleet

(In the dance of days)

Les mois s'envolent,  moments so sweet.

(The months fly by)

OĂą sont passĂ©s les jours,  oh, so fast

(Where have the days gone)

Jamais revenir,  from the past 

(Never coming back)

Serre fort,  each moment just right

(Hold tight)

Soutenu par la joie, day and night 

(Supported by joy)

Le temps n'attend personne, c'est true

(Time waits for no one, its)

Nos vies valent la peine, cherish it anew

(Our lives have worth)

Dans l'Ă©treinte tendre, a life of empathy
(In the tender embrace)
L'éclat d'âme, a radiant symphony
(The radiance of the soul)
L'esprit tendre chuchote, soft and clear
(The tender spirit whispers)
Chéris chaque instant, hold it near.
(Cherish each moment.)

Ă€ travers le temps, where memories beat.
(Through time)

Les mois s'envolent, leaving traces so sweet.
(The months fly by)
Serre fort, cher ami, let optimism anew
(Hold tight, dear friend)
Dans la vie en rose, find joy in you.
(In life’s rosy glow)

Perception Runs Independently

 Perception Runs Independently

The Strengths and Challenges of Autonomous Sensory Processing

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Enhanced Perceptual Functioning (EPF) model is the idea that, for many autistic individuals, sensory processing operates more independently from higher-level cognitive influences, like attention or expectation. This can be understood through the concepts of top-down and bottom-up processing—two different ways the brain handles sensory information.

Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Processing:

In a neurotypical brain, sensory processing often follows a top-down model, where the brain relies on past experiences, expectations, and context to interpret incoming sensory information. Top-down processing is heavily influenced by cognitive control areas, such as the prefrontal cortex (PFC), which helps direct attention and filter out irrelevant stimuli. This kind of processing ensures that we don’t get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of sensory data—our brains focus on what we expect to see or hear, filling in the gaps based on previous experiences.

For example, when you walk through a busy street, your frontal cortex might direct your attention to familiar sounds, like a car engine or a friend's voice, while tuning out irrelevant details like background noise. This ability to prioritize sensory input helps you function efficiently, without being overwhelmed by the countless stimuli around you.

In contrast, the EPF model suggests that autistics experience a stronger reliance on bottom-up sensory processing. This means that their brains process raw sensory input before cognitive filters have a chance to influence what is perceived. Bottom-up processing starts in the sensory pathways—for instance, visual information is processed from the eyes through the thalamus to the primary visual cortex in the occipital lobe, and auditory information moves from the ears through the thalamus to the primary auditory cortex in the temporal lobe.

In this bottom-up process, the brain takes in a more direct and unfiltered version of sensory input, without as much modulation from higher cognitive regions like the prefrontal cortex. As a result, the autistic brain may prioritize details that neurotypical brains might quickly dismiss. While this means autistic individuals often have a clearer, more detailed perception, it also means their brains may struggle to filter out irrelevant stimuli in a noisy environment, leading to sensory overload.

The Role of Attention and Sensory Pathways
The differences in top-down and bottom-up processing in autism can also be understood in terms of how the brain handles attention. In neurotypical individuals, the dorsal attention network (DAN) and ventral attention network (VAN) play key roles in guiding attention to relevant stimuli. The DAN, which involves regions like the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) and the frontal eye fields, helps direct voluntary attention to important stimuli based on goals or expectations (top-down). The VAN, which includes areas like the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), responds to unexpected but relevant sensory information (bottom-up).

In autistics, research suggests that these attentional networks may function differently. The brain might have a harder time using top-down signals from areas like the prefrontal cortex to guide attention, leading to an increased reliance on bottom-up sensory input. This could explain why many autistic people seem to notice small details others miss—their brains are less influenced by pre-existing expectations and more tuned in to the raw sensory data arriving from their environment.

This also ties into findings of hyperconnectivity or altered connectivity between sensory regions and higher cognitive areas in autism. Studies using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) have shown that autistic brains may have more local connectivity in sensory areas, meaning that signals in these regions are processed more intensely, while long-range connectivity to cognitive control areas may be weaker. This imbalance can contribute to heightened sensory experiences and challenges with regulating attention.

A Clearer, Less Biased Perception

The benefit of this autonomy is that autistic individuals often perceive the world in a way that is less biased by assumptions or distractions. For example, while a NT brain might overlook subtle differences in a visual scene because it’s focused on the overall picture or expected patterns, an autistic may notice these fine details with ease. This ability to see things without the brain’s automatic filters allows for incredibly precise perception in many situations.

Consider the case of an autistic artist. While many people would glance at a tree and interpret its general shape and structure, an autistic artist might perceive the unique texture of the bark, the subtle variations in leaf color, or the intricate patterns of shadow and light. These details aren’t blurred by the brain’s expectations of what a tree "should" look like—they are seen as they truly are.

This enhanced attention to detail has clear advantages in fields that rely on precision. This may explain why some autistics may excel in areas like programming, scientific research, music, and visual arts because their brain processes sensory information in a highly accurate, detailed way that isn’t as easily influenced by preconceived ideas.

Sensory Pathways and Overload

The way sensory information travels in the brain also provides insight into why sensory overload can be more common in autistic individuals. In a neurotypical brain, the thalamus, often referred to as the brain’s “sensory relay station,” plays a major role in filtering out unnecessary sensory input before it reaches the cortex. However, research has suggested that in autism, the thalamus may not perform this filtering function as effectively, allowing more sensory data to pass through to higher brain regions.

Once this unfiltered sensory information reaches the cortex, the autistic brain—especially with heightened local connectivity in sensory areas—may amplify the sensory experience. This is why an autistic individual walking through a crowded mall might be overwhelmed by every sound, every light, every movement around them. Their brain is processing all stimuli equally, without prioritizing which are most important for the situation.

However, this independence from top-down cognitive filtering comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to sensory overload. Imagine walking through a crowded mall. For most people, the brain quickly decides what sensory information is relevant—focusing on navigating the crowd and maybe listening to the person they’re walking with, while tuning out background music, chatter, and bright displays.

In contrast, an autistic individual may perceive all the stimuli equally, because their brain isn’t filtering out irrelevant details as efficiently. The result can be overwhelming. Every sound, every light, every movement is processed with equal importance, which can make it incredibly difficult to focus on any one task. This is why autistic individuals often report feeling overwhelmed or anxious in environments that are filled with sensory input—there’s simply too much to take in.

This phenomenon is a key part of what many call sensory hypersensitivity in autism. The inability to tune out irrelevant stimuli doesn’t mean that the brain is malfunctioning; rather, it’s processing far more information than the average person. While this can lead to sensory overload, it also means that in more controlled environments, autistic individuals can exhibit an extraordinary level of focus on tasks that rely on the ability to notice and analyze small details.

Balancing Strengths and Challenges

The EPF model presents both strengths and challenges due to this reliance on bottom-up processing. On the positive side, it explains why many autistic individuals excel in areas requiring high attention to detail. The precision of their perception allows them to see, hear, and feel things that others might miss, making them particularly skilled in fields like art, music, programming, and scientific research.

However, the same ability that allows for such detailed perception can also lead to sensory overload in environments with a lot of stimuli. Without the same level of filtering, every sound, every sight, and every touch is processed with equal importance, which can make it hard to focus on any one thing.

Supporting Autistic Sensory Processing

The EPF model encourages us to view this type of sensory processing not as a defect but as a different way of experiencing the world. The challenge, then, is to find ways to support autistic individuals in environments that might overwhelm their senses, while also allowing them to harness their heightened perceptual abilities in ways that suit them.

Understanding how top-down and bottom-up processing work differently in autism helps us find better ways to support autistic individuals. For example, in educational settings, creating sensory-friendly environments—with softer lighting, quieter spaces, and less clutter—can help reduce the burden of sensory overload. Allowing students to use noise-canceling headphones or providing breaks in quieter areas can help them manage sensory input more effectively.

In the workplace, offering flexible environments or hybrid work options where autistic employees can adjust lighting or reduce noise can allow them to focus on their strengths, like attention to detail. By recognizing the autonomy of their sensory processing, we can create spaces that support both their sensory needs and their abilities.


 Contemplation, one line a day, in the quest for humanity.
Altruism is the humility that recognizes our interdependence and interconnectedness



Happy Thanksgiving

In Thanksgiving's embrace, 
gratitude whispers the profound truth: 
life's richness resides in acknowledging its simplest gifts. 
- Hari Srinivasan

A Dual Approach to Autism


I signed up today for a Twitter (X?) account for the first time because I read the Newsweek article "A Dual Approach for Autism." I'm married to an autistic man and my grandson is also autistic, and my hopes and wants for/from them are vastly different. I loved your perspective.

And here is the article https://www.newsweek.com/dual-approach-autism-opinion-1818062

Restless Echoes

Restless Echoes

Find my poetry on my YouTube Channel and on this blog. 


What an insightful and well written article. I applaud you! As a pediatrician I too have felt frustrated with the limited information we have to provide parents and children once they receive a diagnosis of Autism. Interestingly, I have noticed that many of my patients with Autism are gifted with almost "special" abilities. For some it is art, for others music for others it is academics. I had 2 patients that went on to study aerospace engineering and amazed me with their knowledge in the office. I have always felt that as a society we should expose children with autism to a vast array of things and concepts to see what resonates with them and then nurture that, instead of forcing them to conform to "how we think children should be". It would be interesting to create a longitudinal study that follows children after a diagnosis over a lifetime to see what helped them develop their skills (parenting styles, conventional schooling and therapies, unconventional..) I feel like with the diagnosis of Autism there is so much we don't know and so much we can learn from them too. Its like untapping parts of the brain we never knew existed. I wish you luck on your advocacy efforts and agree 100%!


To drive true progress and improve the quality of life of all autistics we need BOTH Strengths_based_Opportunities AND Challenges_based_Solutions. 
It is not Either-Or.

#Autism #Research #Strengths_based_opportunities #Challenges_based_solutions.

Crimson Friday

If Blue is Monday BLUES, then I assign color CRIMSON for Fridays - Fridays are playing a fiery catch up rush, on all that was due this week, not quite making the cut and knowing you are adding to next week's already big pile. 

Read more of my poetry on YouTube on on this blog.

OMG I have so much, too much work left to do!!! #gradschoollife

In the thick

 Event hosted by Spectrum at Cal during my undergrad years. 
Panel on Autism Research
Now I'm in the thick of doing Autism Research. How about that!!

And this is the area I will be looking at https://youtu.be/TG67gYXyz1o

Of Consequence

Great workshop and writing with my The OpEd Project Cohort the last 2 days. 

Sensory Neuroscience Reseach



Harmony of the Autism Rhythmic Mind

Harmony of the Autism Rhythmic Mind

In the rhythm of minds, we find our song,
Autism's beat, where we all belong.
Yeah, yeah. Uh-huh.

In minds unique, like constellations so rare,
Autism's mind, it's everywhere.
Questions bloom, in rhythm and rhyme,
Different beats, in every time.


In the tapestry, we find our voice,
A vibrant pulse, our unique rejoice.
Unfolding universes in our mind,
Patterns merge, understanding we find.


Autism's gaze, sincere and deep,
Into mysteries, fearlessly we creep.
In every question, a beacon's glow,
Autism's minds, together, we grow.


Embracing disability, let's learn and flow,
Autism's minds, new insights show.
In the rhythm of thoughts, dreams gleam,
In the poetry of life, we find our dream.



Neuroception and Autism: Unpacking the Neurological Underpinnings of Safety Perception

Neuroception, a concept introduced by Dr. Stephen Porges, refers to the unconscious neural process by which the nervous system evaluates environmental stimuli to determine whether situations or people are safe, dangerous, or life-threatening. This assessment involves complex neural circuits that process sensory input and influence autonomic responses, particularly within the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Neuroception is pivotal in shaping an individual's physiological state and behavioral responses, particularly in the context of social engagement and self-regulation.

Research indicates that neuroception is closely linked to the vagal nerve's activity, a critical component of the parasympathetic nervous system. The polyvagal theory, also developed by Porges, suggests that the vagal nerve's two branches—the myelinated ventral vagal complex (VVC) and the unmyelinated dorsal vagal complex (DVC)—play distinct roles in regulating physiological states and behavioral responses (1). The VVC is associated with social engagement behaviors and a sense of safety, while the DVC is linked to immobilization responses often seen in life-threatening situations.

In autism, atypical neuroception may contribute to differences in sensory processing and social interactions. Autistic individuals often experience heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli, which can result in their perceiving benign environments as overwhelming or threatening. This heightened state of perceived threat can trigger autonomic responses that manifest as anxiety, withdrawal, or challenging behaviors, complicating social engagement and adaptive functioning (2).

Neuroception is not merely a sensory processing issue but can be tied to a broader social construct known as hostile attribution bias. Hostile attribution bias is the tendency to interpret ambiguous situations or behaviors as having hostile intent. In autistic individuals, this bias might manifest due to heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli, where the nervous system erroneously signals danger in non-threatening situations (1; 3).

Studies have shown that autistic individuals are more likely to perceive ambiguous social situations as hostile [4] compared to neurotypical peers, a tendency linked to higher levels of social anxiety and maladaptive behaviors such as aggression and self-injury (SIB). This bias may not only stem from inherent difficulties in social cue interpretation but could also be a result of chronic exposure to societal stigma and exclusion. Research suggests that prolonged negative social experiences, such as discrimination and misunderstanding, can significantly shape cognitive and emotional responses, leading to a heightened sensitivity to potential threats or hostile intentions (3).

Moreover, research has highlighted that the interoceptive accuracy, or the ability to accurately perceive internal bodily signals, may be altered in autism. This alteration can affect the individual's capacity to assess internal states, further influencing neuroception (3). As a result, interventions aimed at enhancing interoceptive awareness and modulating sensory input may offer therapeutic benefits by improving the neuroceptive processes in autistic individuals.

In conclusion, neuroception offers a framework for understanding the underlying neural mechanisms that influence how individuals with autism perceive and respond to their environment. By integrating findings from neurophysiology, sensory processing research, and therapeutic interventions, we can better support the development of strategies that promote adaptive functioning and well-being in the autistic community.

Porges, S. W. (2007). The polyvagal perspective. Biological Psychology, 74(2), 116-143.
Klintwall, L., Holm, A., Eriksson, M., Carlsson, L. H., Olsson, M. B., Hedvall, Ă…., & Fernell, E. (2011). Sensory abnormalities in autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(2), 795-800.
Schauder, K. B., Mash, L. E., Bryant, L. K., & Cascio, C. J. (2015). Interoceptive ability and body awareness in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 131, 193-200.
White, S. W., Ollendick, T., & Bray, B. C. (2011). College students on the autism spectrum: Prevalence and associated problems. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 15(6), 683-701.