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Judy, My Friend: A Tribute to an Unparalleled Disability Rights Legend

Judy, My Friend: A Tribute to a Disability Rights Legend

Judy my friend, I miss you dearly

But your legacy lives on, ever so clearly

As a trailblazer, a hero, a friend

Your spirit will never, ever end

Judy my friend, you fought for disability rights

Breaking down barriers, shattering stereotypes

Your message of inclusion inspiration to all

Your voice, your vision, standing miles tall

Judy my friend, your spirit was fierce

A force to be reckoned with, year after year,

Your passion and commitment, a shining light

Guiding us disabled forward, with all your might.

Judy my friend, your words still inspire

Be "disabled and fiesty," you said, to reach higher

Demanding what we believe in, with every breath

For if we don’t, we'll never find success.

You challenged us to respect ourselves

To demand what we believe in, to excel

Your message of empowerment, a call to action,

For all of us, to pursue satisfaction.

Judy my friend, you always had a smile for me,

A kind word, a gentle touch, helping me see

The potential within, the strength to strive,

Encouraging and motivating, keeping my hope alive.

Judy my friend, your praise was too high,

"Fantastic Work " you said with a gleaming eye

You called me "a Rising Star," just too humbling.

To have your support, in a world that's so isolating.

Judy my friend, your pride in my accomplishments

Gave me the courage, to challenge impediments

Your belief in me, was a guiding light

Helping me to find my own might.

Judy my friend, you inspired me to dream,

To strive for the impossible, to break the seams,

We can be warriors, advocates, and leaders too

Demanding respect, and inclusion true.

Judy my friend, collaboration-cooperation, a term I learned from you,

Key to  advocacy, you said, it's the way to break through.

Encouraging us to continue the fight

To make a difference, with all our might

Judy my friend, you were a beacon of hope

Inspiring us to push forward, to learn to cope,

To be proud of who we are, to demand respect,

To never give up, to fight back and deflect.

Judy my friend, I miss you so,

Your wisdom, your kindness, your glow

My heart cries a river, for you I grieve

But your memory and legacy will always live.

Judy my friend, we mourn your passing

But celebrate your life, your impact everlasting

Your legacy will continue, a beacon of hope

For a future where all can thrive and cope

Judy my friend… I join a million others in saying

We so so miss you guide and friend. 


Very saddened and devastated Judy’s passing.

What an HUGE HUGE, HUGE OVERSIZED IMPACT she has had on perceptions on my own disability and disability rights.

I had been so fascinated by her since Victor Pineda had mentioned her in very first lecture of my first ever Disability Studies class. My mind boggled with the thought - where would folks like me be today if not for the path laid down by folks like her. Would I even be in college or in this class at Berkeley listening to her story.

“Collaboration-Cooperation” (from my Daily Cal interview) is a word I forever associate with her. It's the essence to advocacy.

And with the bonus of the continued guidance and mentorship over the years since. Not just in advocacy - I remember her even coming for my undergrad academic colloquia for my research presentations and for the encouragement, praise and guidance in various aspects of my life.

Judy my friend… I join a million others in saying
We so so miss you guide and friend.

Daily Cal Article https://www.dailycal.org/2019/11/26/a-conversation-with-disability-rights-activist-judith-heumann

Newspaper articles goes through multiple rounds of editing for word count. Here is the uncut longer draft of our conversation with more information.

Another post where Judy has words of wisdom to add.

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