Some nice comments about my talk "Redefine The Table" at the @ITAKOM conference

And again, the solution is system change. Individual approaches for the people who need it more, which means centering the most disenfranchised ND people... This benefits everyone.

Brilliant, brilliant talk by @HariSri108 at #ITAKOM @ITAKOM_CONF #Neurodiversity conference. Emphasizing the need to improve research methods to expand the "zone of testable autistics"

Touched on functioning labels for autistic people. 💭Take aways💭Changing labels doesn’t necessarily change the stigma autistic people with high support needs face. We need to ACT by creating challenged based solutions and strengths based opportunities for inclusion.
Today's #ITAKOM talk was @HariSri108 talking about communication, stigma & support. This is such a powerful talk - I recommend it incredibly highly Hari brings tons of insight, and advocates powerfully for the needs & contributions of autistic people with high support needs.

I especially loved his call for translatable research that can generate actionable solutions that include autistics with high support needs. and his point about the fact that autism research terminology can be both humane and scientifically precise.

"when it comes to autism, we need to not just sit at the table, but need to redefine the table itself"
No one is an autism expert, no one is an expert on you, even the experts are still learning - an important reminder from ⁦@HariSri108⁩ ⁦

If you go back and watch one session online from #ITAKOM, it needs to be @HariSri108 and his talk on communication and stigma and assistive devices. Never learnt so much in 40 minutes before. What an amazing man who has achieved amazing things. @ITAKOM_CONF

Brilliant talk by @HariSri108 at #ITAKOM on the stigma and exclusion faced by high-support autistic people, the need for robust assistive communication systems, and the importance of research into physical health, amongst many other things. Always presume competence folks

For anyone in the education panel at @ITAKOM_CONF listening to the excellent discussion about the needs of non-verbal folk, you might want to later catch up on a talk by AAC user
@HariSri108 on communication stigma and awe!

Its brilliant @HariSri108

Having access to communication through AAC gives many autistic people a voice. Great to hear @HariSri108 at #ITAKOM advocating for more inclusive research and practice for minimally verbal people

Really enjoying a talk from @HariSri108 on how to tackle supports and reduce stigma for autistic AAC users.

Two days after #ITAKOM23 & still finding new highlights. @HariSri108 s superb talk on balancing challenge-based solutions with strengths-based opportunities is excellent. Without #AAC their incredible insights, drive and campaigning for disability justice might never be heard.

Hi Hari, I saw your presentation at ITAKOM. I really enjoyed it and was very insightful. I especially liked "expand the zone of testable autistics". That was a really good phrase. I will be using  it.... I am a PhD researcher at the University of  Edinburgh. Thank you for your talk. All the best, 

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