Nothing standard, fractured light in a prism.
Can we conclude then, so far…..
… no evidence in any evidence really
….no clues. What’s going on in this gallery.
inexplicable me. I continue to be one big vagary.
Will it bring success to my quest?
Simply stated, my answer is yes
Battling through the constant stress, through days, months, years of duress
Though now life may seem like a mess, the quest is not to be the best,
Prioritize self-care, remember to rest
Is it worth it, when all I see, are cloudy skies up over me?
Yes I say, the world will see, what's possible with a degree,
The journey to a PhD is sprinkled serendipity,
But even more importantly, be free to show YOU empathy!
Above all you are my friend, one that will be there 'til the end,
Remember I am here for you, day in, day out, through and through.
Lexicon [Measures] - WAIS
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV) is an IQ test used in adults (ages 16-90) to assess cognitive abilities across different domains. It can take around 60-90 minutes to complete
WAIS-IV has 10 core subtests which are organized into four index scores.
The Neurotransmitter Showdown: GABA v Glutamate in the Courtroom.
GABA: Good day, Glutamate. How do you plead today?(Pounding with mallet) Order! Order!I call order in the courtroom!
"continuation of the practice sends a terrible message to students and to school communities about which students deserve an education.”
Last semester was systems neuroscience, this semester is cellular neuroscience.
What's interesting is the way the course is organized. It's very different from what I'm used to. Every week we get a different professor teaching the class on a different topic followed by a Friday quiz on that topic. Of course the other parts are there like a midterm, final and a class presentation. While the class feels a bit disjointed with a new professor this week (autism & change are not the best of bedfellows), its also kinda cool to be taught a topic by a someone researching that area specifically. They know the topic absolutely inside out. But the quizzes are tough!!
Wk1: Electrophysiology : This week was Bioelectricity of Neurons with Jerod Denton (Anesthesiology). After all, electrophysiology forms the basis of how the nervous system works, it determines how we interact with our environment, how we process that information in the nervous system and how we respond (hopefully appropriately?). And I loved how he said we should be so comfortable with it that we can strike up a casual conversation on the topic at the next VBI (Vanderbilt Brain Institute) meet.
A lot of material is covered in each class. Interesting, a maze and tough all at once.
Some poems being inspired by the neuroscience I'm learning.Gale tosses the woody vines of tall trees.
Strong wind and rustling leaves.
Nature roars, unrelenting crescendo
Rustic music and Woody Vine dance.