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Read here to learn more about me . My graduate research investigates peripersonal space (PPS) in autism, exploring how differences in sensor...

Informal Removals

This is so deja vu for me. 
Never mind even the struggles involved in getting access to general ed classrooms, 
even special education classrooms only want the Good Patients. 


"During her son’s elementary years, Ms. LaVigne was called almost daily to pick him up hours early because he was having “a bad day.” By middle school, he was only attending an hour a day..."

"...tactic that schools... use to remove challenging students with disabilities from class. The removals — which can include repeated dismissals in the middle of the day or shortening students’ education to a few hours a week."

"In a report last year, the National Disability Rights Network, a national nonprofit established by Congress more than four decades ago, found informal removals occurring hundreds and perhaps thousands of times per year as “off-the-book suspensions.” The report said the removals also included “transfers to nowhere,” when students are involuntarily sent to programs that do not exist."

"The removals largely escape scrutiny because schools are not required to report them in the same manner as formal suspensions and expulsions, making them difficult to track and their impact hard to measure."

"continuation of the practice sends a terrible message to students and to school communities about which students deserve an education.”

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