Showing posts with label Research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Research. Show all posts

Dual Approach for Autism

My article in Newsweek

To drive true progress and improve the quality of life of all autistics we need BOTH Strengths_based_Opportunities AND Challenges_based_Solutions. 
It is not Either-Or.

#Autism #Research #Strengths_based_opportunities #Challenges_based_solutions.


The nuances of research bias

 Research is exclusionary in many ways, limited by bias and so many boundaries in the name of being able to clearly see particular results. So, in reality who does it actually serve?

Loving Hari Srinivasan's article, and the nuanced things made clear when you read about his few experiences and insights caught in this one page.

Time Magazine Article

My article in Time Magazine
" autism research has ... essentially oversampled the same, narrow band of what are considered the easily “researchable autistics,” and expected those findings (as well as the applications and interventions that resulted from them) to apply to everyone."
" If we are left out of research, we are left out of the solutions as well. "

Perna et al - Autism and Vision, A Meta Analysis

    Association between Autism and vision problems. A systematic review and meta-analysis

  • Visual impairments, including refractive errors and reduced convergence, are more prevalent in autism compared to the general population.
  • Sensory abnormalities, such as altered visual perception and global motion perception deficits, are commonly observed in autistics
  • There is a need for further research to understand the relationship between visual impairments and autism, as well as the impact of these in Autistics.

Perna, J., Bellato, A., Ganapathy, P.S. et al. Association between Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and vision problems. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mol Psychiatry (2023).

Body Schema and Autism. How Our Bodies Shape Our World

Body Schema and Autism: How Our Bodies Shape Our World

Our bodies and brains are extraordinary, working together in harmony to help us navigate the world around us. Have you ever thought about how your brain creates a mental map of your body? It might sound strange, but this internal blueprint, known as the "body schema," plays a crucial role in how we interact with the world around us. For many autistics, this mental map can be a bit more complex, leading to challenges in motor coordination, body awareness, and proprioception - the sense of our body's position in space. 

What is Body Schema?

To put it simply, body schema is like a GPS system inside our brains. It constantly tracks the position of different body parts and their movements, allowing us to perform everyday tasks with ease. Think of it as an internal representation that guides our physical actions, helping us walk, talk, and even dance without consciously thinking about every single movement.

Autism and Body Schema: Unraveling the Connection

Researchers have uncovered a wealth of evidence indicating that autistics may experience unique challenges with their body schema. This could manifest in various ways, affecting their motor coordination, proprioceptive feedback, and overall body awareness. But how exactly do we know this?

Insights from Brain Scans: In a study by Haswell et al. (2009), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to observe the brains of autistic children. The researchers discovered differences in the internal model of action, a critical component of body schema related to the outcomes of motor actions. These differences in the motor system could be connected to the social and communication deficits often seen in autism.

Touch and Proprioception in Autism: Cascio et al. (2012) found that autistics might process touch and proprioception differently compared to neurotypical individuals. Proprioception refers to our sense of our body's position in space, and differences in how it is perceived could impact the development and maintenance of an accurate body schema in people with autism.

The Mystery of "Motor Noise": Another study by Izawa et al. (2012) shed light on the phenomenon of "motor noise" in autistics. Motor noise refers to inconsistent and uncontrolled movements, which could suggest disruptions in the body schema. This finding highlights a possible link between motor difficulties and the challenges in social communication often experienced by autistics.

Motor Difficulties and Proprioceptive Feedback: Whyatt and Craig (2013) conducted research that revealed children with autism faced greater difficulties in motor tasks that required proprioceptive feedback compared to neurotypical children. This points to a potential challenges in their body schema, further supporting the correlation between autism and challenges with body representation.

Implications and Hope for the Future: As our understanding of body schema and its connection to autism deepens, there is also hope for potential therapeutic interventions and supports. The emerging field of haptic technologies - technologies that engage our sense of touch - could hold promise in aiding individuals with autism to develop a more robust and accurate body schema.

Haswell, C. C., Izawa, J., Dowell, L. R., Mostofsky, S. H., & Shadmehr, R. (2009). Representation of internal models of action in the autistic brain. Nature Neuroscience, 12(8), 970–972.
Cascio, C. J., Foss-Feig, J. H., Burnette, C. P., Heacock, J. L., & Cosby, A. A. (2012). The rubber hand illusion in children with autism spectrum disorders: Delayed influence of combined tactile and visual input on proprioception. Autism, 16(4), 406-419.
Izawa, J., Pekny, S. E., Marko, M. K., Haswell, C. C., Shadmehr, R., & Mostofsky, S. H. (2012). Motor learning relies on integrated sensory inputs in ADHD, but over-selectively on proprioception in autism spectrum conditions. Autism Research, 5(2), 124-136.
Whyatt, C., & Craig, C. (2013). Sensory-motor problems in Autism. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 7, 51.

Null but Noteworthy Results

[Concepts in Research] 

Unearthing Hidden Gems: The Power of Null but Noteworthy Results. 

We live in a world obsessed with "success" and "results," where everyone craves those flashy headlines and dazzling breakthroughs. But there is also that captivating realm of science where the unsung heroes of research reside: the "Null but Noteworthy" results!

Picture this: scientists, huddled in labs, fervently running experiments, only to be met with a lack of statistically significant findings. It's when scientists don't get that big "Eureka!" moment they hoped for, meaning their experiments didn't yield any jaw-dropping, statistically significant results. 

In the world of research, null results are sometimes brushed aside like yesterday's news. But here's the kicker – they still have a story to tell.  Imagine you're digging for treasure, and instead of finding gold, you stumble upon ancient artifacts that offer a glimpse into an unknown civilization. Those artifacts might not be shiny, but they are undoubtedly noteworthy!

Our pursuit of knowledge should never be solely about finding "yes" or "no" answers. Embracing "Null but Noteworthy" results sparks curiosity, opening doors to entirely new avenues of inquiry. Like a maze with countless paths, these unassuming results may hold the key to groundbreaking revelations.

By acknowledging and sharing these seemingly modest findings, researchers foster an environment of honesty and integrity in science. No more sweeping those "unsuccessful" studies under the rug! It's time to celebrate the courage it takes to publish these results and the potential they have to refine our understanding of the world.

I think we need to remember that in a universe brimming with complexity, not every puzzle piece fits perfectly – and that's okay! These "Null but Noteworthy" results serve as guideposts for future investigations, leading us towards answers that might have otherwise remained hidden.

So, the next time you stumble upon a study with lackluster headlines, pause for a moment and give it a chance. Embrace the power of "Null but Noteworthy" - you never know what intriguing revelations might lie beneath the surface.

Stay curious, stay bold, and let's celebrate the beauty of scientific exploration in all its forms! 🧠

Low Crohbach's Alpha

[Concepts in Research Statistical Analysis] 

In psychological and social sciences research, Cronbach's alpha is often used as a measure of internal consistency, which reflects how closely related a set of items are as a group. 

The alpha coefficient ranges in value from 0 to 1 and can be used to describe the reliability of factors extracted from dichotomous (that is, questions with two possible answers) and/or multi-point formatted questionnaires or scales. 

A high value of alpha (usually 0.7 or above) is taken as an indication that the items measure an underlying (or latent) construct. In other words, it indicates that the scale or test has good internal consistency and that the items within the scale reliably measure the same construct. 

If the Cronbach's alpha is low (below 0.7, and especially below 0.6), it suggests that the items in the scale may not be measuring the same construct; they could be disparate and not well related. For instance, if you have a low alpha for the specific subscale, it suggests that the questions intended to measure that subscale may not be working well together to accurately and reliably assess extraversion in your sample. 

However, a low alpha doesn't necessarily mean your measure is "bad." It could be that your measure is multidimensional (i.e., measuring multiple factors) rather than unidimensional. In addition, alpha is sensitive to the number of items in a scale; scales with fewer items can result in a lower alpha. Further, sometimes scales designed to cover a broad concept may naturally have a lower alpha. 

ie, a low alpha can be an indicator to check your scale or test more thoroughly to understand whether all items are appropriate for your construct and your population. It may also signal the need for additional scales or tests to ensure you're capturing all aspects of a construct.

Autistic Traits in the General NT Population

 I'm somewhat conflicted on this research. We have hardly gotten around to understanding and finding solutions for the vast heterogeneity that is autism today. Frankly its one hot mess right now.

Are we adding to the confusion with studies like this which are going about investigating the general NT population to see if they too have "autistic traits." Its almost like trying to prove, everyone has some autistic traits which is all nice for a coffee chit chat, but is distracting us from focus on research based solutions that many of the more impacted autistics desperately need. Because if everyone has autism, then no further action is needed.


Article 1

Palmer CJ, Paton B, Enticott PG, Hohwy J. 2015. “Subtypes” in the presentation of autistic traits in the general adult population. J. Autism Dev. Disord. 45:1291–301 

Key Takeaways.

  • The study examined the presentation of autistic traits in a large adult population sample using the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ).
  • Cluster analysis was used to identify two subgroups with distinguishable trait profiles related to autism.
  • The first subgroup (n = 1,059) reported significantly higher scores on the AQ subscales related to social difficulties (Social Skills and Communication) and significantly lower scores on the Detail Orientation subscale.
  • The second subgroup (n = 1,284) reported significantly higher scores on the Detail Orientation subscale and significantly lower scores on the Social Skills subscale.
  • The study also found that the AQ had a three-factor solution, with two related social-themed factors (Sociability and Mentalising) and a third non-social factor that varied independently (Detail Orientation).
  • These findings suggest that there is significant variability in the presentation of autistic traits in the general adult population, and that different profiles of autistic characteristics tend to occur in nonclinical populations.
Article 2

Austin EJ. 2005. Personality correlates of the broader autism phenotype as assessed by the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Personal. Individ. Differ. 38:451–60

Key Takeaways
  • There is evidence to suggest the existence of a broader autism phenotype, with non-autistic relatives of autistic individuals showing similar traits and characteristics.
  • The study aimed to characterize the five-factor personality model profile of the broader autism phenotype as assessed by the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) which has shown to be a valid tool for assessing autism traits in the general population. 
  • The AQ and personality scale were completed by 201 undergraduates and a second group of 136 adults completed the personality scale and the Asperger screening measure.
  • High scores on both 'autism' measures were associated with high neuroticism and low extraversion and agreeableness.
  • Three of the five proposed sub-scales of the AQ emerged from the factor analysis.
  • Males had higher AQ scores than females, 'hard' science students had higher scores than other students, and students with parent(s) in a scientific occupation had higher scores.
  • The AQ and sub-scales had satisfactory or near-satisfactory reliabilities.
  • Male participants, science students, and individuals from a scientific family background tend to have higher scores on the AQ, indicating a higher likelihood of autistic traits.
This study explored the broader autism phenotype and its association with personality traits using the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). The study found correlations between AQ scores and personality traits, suggesting that the broader autism phenotype is associated with high Neuroticism and possibly Conscientiousness, as well as low Extraversion. The factor structure of the AQ was also examined, and group differences in AQ scores were observed. The study also compared the results from the student group with a screening instrument for Asperger syndrome in an older adult group. Overall, the AQ was found to have good psychometric properties and provided valuable insights into the broader autism phenotype.

Article 3: 

Ruzich E, Allison C, Smith P, Watson P, Auyeung B, et al. 2015. Measuring autistic traits in the general population: a systematic review of the Autism-Spectrum Quotient.  

Key Takeaways:
  • The study reports a comprehensive systematic review of the literature to estimate a reliable mean AQ score in individuals without a diagnosis of an autism, in order to establish a reference norm for future studies.
  • Mean AQ score for the nonclinical population was 16.94 (95% CI 11.6, 20.0), while mean AQ score for the clinical population with ASC was found to be 35.19 (95% CI 27.6, 41.1).
  • In the nonclinical population, a sex difference in autistic traits was found, although no sex difference in AQ score was seen in the clinical ASC population.

Task Load Index

[See posts on other Screening/Assessment Tools, Psychological Measures]

The NASA-TLX (Task Load Index) questionnaire is a tool developed by NASA to assess the workload and subjective workload experienced by individuals performing a task. Though initially designed for pilots, it is widely used across various industries including autism research 

The questionnaire has 6 subscales/submeasures, that assess different dimensions of workload. 
  • Mental Demand: mental effort and cognitive load required to perform the task.
  • Physical Demand: physical effort and exertion involved in performing the task.
  • Temporal Demand: perceived time pressure and the amount of time available to complete the task.
  • Performance: individual's perception of their own performance during the task.
  • Effort: perceived level of effort and energy expenditure required to complete the task.
  • Frustration: degree of annoyance, stress, and dissatisfaction experienced during the task.
Scoring and Interpretation
Participants rate each submeasure on a scale of 0 to 100. Scoring and interpretation vary depending on the specific study or context. Generally, higher scores indicate a higher perceived workload in the respective submeasure. 

Researchers often analyze the individual submeasure scores and the overall workload score to gain insights into the specific dimensions of workload that are most significant in a given task or situation. The questionnaire can help identify areas where workload can be optimized or where additional support or resources may be required.

Examples of use in Autism Research in evaluating workload and cognitive demands 

Study: "Task load and verbal responses to questions in children with autism spectrum disorder"Citation: Nishida, T., Yuhi, T., Kaneoke, Y., Kurosawa, K., & Dan, I. (2014). Task load and verbal responses to questions in children with autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 937.

Study: "Measurement of cognitive workload in individuals with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder using a virtual reality task"Citation: Park, S. M., Chong, S. C., Lim, S. L., Kim, J. S., & Kim, J. S. (2020). Measurement of cognitive workload in individuals with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder using a virtual reality task. Applied Sciences, 10(2), 581.

Simultaneity Window

[Concepts in Sensorimotor Research]

Simultaneity Window (SW) refers to a temporal window within which the brain perceives stimuli from different sensory modalities as occurring simultaneously. It represents the temporal range over which the brain integrates sensory inputs from different modalities into a coherent percept.

If stimuli from different modalities fall within the SW, they are likely to be perceptually integrated, whereas if they fall outside the SW, they may be perceived as separate events.

Commonly used research tasks to measure SW
  • Temporal Order Judgment (TOJ): participants are presented with 2 stimuli, one in each sensory modality (e.g., a flash of light and a beep), and they have to determine the order in which the stimuli occurred.
  • Simultaneity Judgment (SJ): Participants are presented with 2 stimuli, from different modalities, and they have to judge whether the stimuli were perceived as simultaneous or not.
  • Temporal Alignment Task: Participants are presented with a stimulus in one modality and have to adjust the timing of a stimulus in the other modality until it is perceived as synchronous with the first stimulus. This helps in determining the temporal window of integration.
  • Temporal Recalibration Task: Participants are exposed to a consistent asynchrony between stimuli from different modalities over a period of time. Following this exposure, their perception of simultaneity is tested to see if it has been recalibrated.
The perception of simultaneity can vary across individuals and is influenced by various factors such as attention, age, disability, the specific sensory modalities involved, and distance of stimuli (as determined by, say the PPS).

EEG Capping


EEG capping from a neuroimaging researcher perspective at the Vanderbilt EEG research lab 
(rather than as a half sedated patient in a hospital clinic).

Felt like a soggy swim cap. Not the most comfortable feeling but tolerable.

To clarify, in this photo I'm trying on the cap to see what it feels like as I will likely be using neuroimaging methods (EEG, fMRI etc) in my own research design and I will be studying issues in autism.

Psychophysics and Autism

The field of psychophysics explores how humans perceive and interpret sensory information, including vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. It investigates how changes in physical stimuli result in changes in perception, allowing researchers to measure and quantify the relationships between physical stimuli and perceptual experiences.

Psychophysical experiments often involve participants making judgments or providing responses to stimuli under controlled conditions. These experiments use psychophysical techniques to measure and analyze perceptual thresholds, discrimination abilities, response biases, and other aspects of sensory perception.

Some common psychophysical methods and measures include:
  • Threshold determination: Identifying the minimum or maximum level of a stimulus that can be detected or discriminated.
  • Scaling: Estimating subjective perceptions using rating scales or magnitude estimation.
  • Difference thresholds: Assessing the smallest detectable difference between two stimuli.
  • Response time measures: Examining the speed of processing or decision-making in response to stimuli.

Psychophysics has contributed to our understanding of sensory perception, including concepts such as Weber's Law, Stevens' Power Law, and Fechner's Law. It has applications in various fields, such as vision science, auditory perception, psychopharmacology, and the study of human factors in design and technology.

Use of Psychophysics in  Autism Research
  • Sensory processing differences at various levels, such as visual, auditory, and tactile domains. Researchers have utilized psychophysical methods to measure thresholds, discrimination abilities, and response biases related to sensory perception. This helps in identifying specific sensory sensitivities, hypo- or hyper responsiveness, and atypical processing patterns in individuals with autism
  • Perceptual integration and binding of perceptual features, such as color, motion, or shape, in autistics. By examining how autistics perceive and integrate different sensory information, researchers gain insights into potential difficulties in integrating and perceiving coherent perceptual representations.
  • Face and emotion perception studies investigate perceptual thresholds, discrimination abilities, and biases related to facial features, expressions, and emotional cues. They can provide insights into the specific challenges  in perceiving and interpreting social cues.
  • Multisensory processing: Psychophysics has been utilized to explore how autistics integrate information from multiple sensory modalities. By measuring sensory integration and cross-modal processing abilities, researchers gain a better understanding of how individuals combine information from different sensory channels, which can contribute to their overall perceptual experiences.

Oddball Paradigms

 [Concepts in Sensorimotor Research]

Oddball trials, also known as oddball tasks or oddball paradigms, are a type of research experimental design. In oddball trials, a sequence of stimuli is presented to participants, and their task is to detect and respond to specific target stimuli embedded within a stream of more frequent, standard stimuli. The oddball paradigm has been widely used in autism research to investigate sensory processing differences, attentional issues, and cognitive control.

The oddball paradigm typically consists of two types of stimuli:

  • Standard Stimuli: These are the most common stimuli presented in the sequence and serve as the baseline / control stimuli, occurring with higher frequency. Participants are generally instructed to ignore standard stimuli and withhold any response to them
  • Target Stimuli: These are the less frequent or "oddball" stimuli that differ in some way from the standard stimuli. Participants are instructed to actively detect and respond to these target stimuli. The target stimuli can be defined by various characteristics, such as a different color, shape, sound, or any other perceptual feature.

The purpose of oddball trials is to investigate how the brain processes and detects rare or deviant stimuli amidst a background of more common stimuli. By manipulating the frequency and characteristics of the target and standard stimuli, researchers can examine various aspects of cognitive processing, including
  • Attention: how participants allocate and sustain their attention to detect infrequent target stimuli. It allows researchers to explore the mechanisms of selective attention, attentional capture, and the ability to filter out irrelevant information.
  • Perception & perceptual processing: how the brain discriminates between different stimuli; how the brain detects and discriminates deviant stimuli based on sensory features, and how it forms representations and expectations about the environment
  • Memory and Cognitive Control: Participants may be required to remember the occurrence or characteristics of the target stimuli and maintain this information for subsequent recall or recognition. Also sheds light on cognitive control processes, such as response inhibition and response selection when distinguishing between standard and target stimuli.
During an oddball task, researchers typically measure various physiological and behavioral responses, such as reaction times, accuracy rates, ERPs (via EEG) or fMRI (to examine neural activity patterns).

Review v Meta Analysis

I continue to I navigate grad school

Review vs Meta-Analysis
A review paper /literature review, provides a comprehensive overview and evaluation of existing research on a particular topic. It involves gathering information from multiple sources, such as research articles, books, and other relevant publications, and synthesizing the findings to summarize the current state of knowledge on the topic. Review papers typically do not involve statistical analysis or original data collection.

A meta-analysis is a specific type of research synthesis that involves combining and analyzing quantitative data from multiple studies to generate more robust conclusions. Researchers identify relevant studies, extract relevant data from each study, and statistically analyze the combined data to derive overall effect sizes or estimates of the relationship between variables. Meta-analyses often include a systematic review of the literature as a first step to identify relevant studies for inclusion.

Proprioceptive feedback

Proprioceptive feedback refers to the sensory information that our body receives regarding the position, movement, and orientation of our body parts. It is a crucial component of our overall perception and awareness of our body in space. This feedback allows us to have a sense of where our body is located, how it is moving, and how our limbs are positioned without having to visually observe them.

Proprioception is mediated by specialized receptors known as proprioceptors, which are found in muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. These proprioceptors detect changes in muscle length, muscle tension, joint angles, and joint pressure. They provide constant input to the central nervous system, particularly the brain and spinal cord, enabling us to have a continuous sense of our body's position and movement.

Examples of proprioceptors
  • the muscle spindle located within skeletal muscles, responds to changes in muscle length. When a muscle is stretched or contracted, the muscle spindle sends signals to the CNS, providing information about the degree and speed of muscle stretch. This information helps the brain monitor and control muscle activity, contributing to coordinated movement.
  • Golgi tendon organ, located at the junction between muscles and tendons, responds to changes in muscle tension or force exerted on the tendon. When muscle tension increases, the Golgi tendon organ detects this change and sends signals to the central nervous system, allowing for adjustments in muscle force and preventing excessive muscle contraction.
  • Joint receptors  found in the capsules and ligaments surrounding joints,  detect changes in joint position and movement. There are different types of joint receptors, including Ruffini corpuscles, Pacinian corpuscles, and free nerve endings, each specialized for different aspects of joint movement. These receptors provide information about joint angles, joint velocity, and joint pressure, allowing for precise control of limb movements.
Proprioceptive feedback is integrated with other sensory information, such as visual and vestibular input, to provide a comprehensive perception of body position and movement. The brain combines these different sensory inputs to create a coherent representation of the body in space, known as body schema.

Research has shown that proprioception plays a vital role in motor control, coordination, and balance. Impairments in proprioceptive feedback can lead to difficulties in performing precise movements, maintaining balance, and coordinating multiple body parts. For example, individuals with certain neurological conditions or injuries affecting proprioceptive pathways may experience problems with coordination and a reduced awareness of their body's position, potentially leading to increased risk of falls or accidents.

Proprioceptive feedback has been studied in the context of Autism to understand its potential role in the motor impairments and sensory processing differences and altered personal space.

Citations around Proprioceptive Feedback
Proske U, Gandevia SC. The Proprioceptive Senses: Their Roles in Signaling Body Shape, Body Position and Movement, and Muscle Force. Physiol Rev. 2012;92(4):1651-1697. doi:10.1152/physrev.00048.2011
Gandevia SC, McCloskey DI. Joint Sense, Muscle Sense, and Their Combination as Position Sense, Measured at the Elbow. J Physiol. 1976;260(2):387-407. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.1976.sp011306
Roll JP, Vedel JP. Kinaesthetic Role of Muscle Afferents in Man, Studied by Tendon Vibration and Microneurography. Exp Brain Res. 1982;47(2):177-190. doi:10.1007/BF00239352
Gandevia SC. Kinesthesia: Roles for afferent signals and motor commands. In: Comprehensive Physiology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2011. doi:10.1002/cphy.c100058

Specific to Autism
Marco, E. J., Hinkley, L. B., Hill, S. S., & Nagarajan, S. S. (2011). Sensory processing in autism: a review of neurophysiologic findings. Pediatric Research, 69(5 Pt 2), 48R-54R. doi: 10.1203/PDR.0b013e3182130c54
Torres, E. B., & Donnellan, A. M. (2013). Autism: the micro-movement perspective. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 7, 32. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2013.00032
Haswell, C. C., Izawa, J., Dowell, L. R., Mostofsky, S. H., & Shadmehr, R. (2009). Representation of internal models of action in the autistic brain. Nature Neuroscience, 12(8), 970-972. doi: 10.1038/nn.2356
Glazebrook, C. M., Gonzalez, D. A., Hansen, S., Elliott, D., & Lyons, J. (2009). Impaired visuo-motor processing contributes to altered personal space in autism. Neuropsychologia, 47(13), 2811-2817. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2009.06.021
Cascio, C. J., Foss-Feig, J. H., Heacock, J., & Newsom, C. R. (2012). Tactile perception in adults with autism: a multidimensional psychophysical study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42(11), 2270-2282. doi: 10.1007/s10803-012-1486-2
Hilton, C. L., Zhang, Y., Whilte, M. R., Klohr, C. L., & Constantino, J. N. (2012). Motor impairment in sibling pairs concordant and discordant for autism spectrum disorders. Autism, 16(4), 430-441. doi: 10.1177/1362361311435155
Glazebrook, C. M., & Elliott, D. (2010). Vision-action coupling for perceptual control of posture in children with and without autism spectrum disorders. Developmental Science, 13(5), 742-753. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7687.2009.00941.x