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Read here to learn more about me . My graduate research investigates peripersonal space (PPS) in autism, exploring how differences in sensor...

The Subtle Body

Last week I went for a talk by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in downtown Nashville.

And my mind immediately went flashbulb “PPS (Peripersonal Space is what I'm researching in grad school) when he spoke about "Subtle Body".
Three body states are discussed in the Upanishads and Bhagawad Gita.
  1. physical body (sthula sharira)
  2. subtle body (sukshma sharira)
  3. causal body (karana sharira)
Physical body (the one we are familiar with, engages with the world through our senses and performs actions through our physical form in this lifetime etc…) is active during waking state.Subtle body is around 10-12 inches space outside of physical body. composed of thoughts and emotions (mind, intellect, ego, sensory and action faculties). Its size also changes expands /shrinks depending on perception and emotion eg: a happy/calm person has an expanded subtle body. For a person who is tending towards suicide/depression, the subtle body space becomes so small, that the physical body becomes so hard to hold onto to an extent that the prana (life force) cannot support the physical body anymore. Interestingly in certain yogic breath/meditative practices, you can expand/contract or even project your subtle body outwards away from the physical body.The subtle body is active during dream sleep as well. In the dream state the subtle body is even larger, that’s why we are able to experience all 5 senses because its manipulation of a bundle of energy.Real interesting parallels for me between PPS (empirical construct and measurable) v subtle body (spiritual/philosophical construct derived through introspection/meditation)
  • both extend beyond the physical boundaries of the body.
  • PPS is thought to integrate information from both the body and the environment to guide our actions, which bears resemblance to the subtle body’s role as the seat of consciousness and the sensorimotor faculties.
  • Also idea that PPS can be modulated by our state of mind or emotions (expand when we’re happy and contract when we’re afraid) is similar to subtle body’s changeability.  (wonder if we can measure PPS in our dream state)

Some insights from Sri Sri’s talk quite humorous. Like, why do we only doubt the positive and never the negative. Eg: I love you. (Really?) I hate you. (Silence). Lol.

Related Posts on [PPS] [Peripersonal Space]

 Peace is the garden that we cultivate in our hearts - Hari Srinivasan

"I am but a humble servant of knowledge, grateful for the opportunity to make a difference." - Albert Einstein

 Peace is the light that shines in the darkness of conflict.

Fortune Article


Replying to @HariSri108 @FortuneMagazine and 7 others
Such a thought-provoking piece Hari. Thanks for sharing!

Improving Accessibility

Amazing piece by @PDSoros fellow and @TheOpEdProject fellow @HariSri108 on the importance of flexible work and improving accessibility


Making work landscape more equitable


Such in important point! Hybrid and remote work helps increase work opportunities and makes the work landscape more equitable. 

Importance of Remote Work

Wonderful human @HariSri108 just published this incredible piece in Fortune about remote work and the importance of it in the disability community. As an #ActuallyAutistic home-worker myself, I feel this article with my whole soul!  

Hybrid Employment

Hybrid/remote working enabled me to work during the past 4-5 weeks. Before Covid I’d have taken most of that time off. It also means I’ll return to work earlier after surgery than I would have done pre Covid. Even my boss acknowledged it as a benefit!

On Point

Hari is customarily brilliant and on point is this great op-ed @FortuneMagazine
on flex/hybrid work and disability. Read and learn from a great scholar and writer.


A more inclusive work environment.

Thank you Hari Srinivasan for your timely article on flexible work arrangements which simply put, create a more inclusive work environment!

Reasonability has been proven for remote access


💯%! Reasonability has been proven for remote access.

I was denied this as a requested accommodation with the excuse that a remote option was unreasonably difficult despite the course being offered remotely during COVID. If this denial had not occurred I would have earned my bachelors degree back in May. Instead I am wasting time trying to find a way to finish elsewhere without major setbacks and unnecessary cost.

Thank you Hari Srinivasan for the work you’re doing in this area!

Access to Meaningful Work

Excellent article Hari Srinivasan. This makes sense. Grateful for you and the Frist Center Vanderbilt for promoting access to meaningful work for all. 


Important Points

These are important points Hari Srinivasan made in the article. This one included: 
"More importantly....."

Yahoo Finance

 The Fortune Article showing on Yahoo Finance!!

A better mousetrap is not the solution to communication

NIH came out with this NIOS. I understand this as translating to ton of funding.  https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-DC-23-009.html Lot of excitement but everyone thinks it boils down to making better AAC devices. But they are kind of still missing the point.

In fact at a recent large conf, it was all about lets have more AAC, and we need to standardize AAC - folks all excited. Like, Voila, with better AAC, all the communication issues magic away (lots of sarcasm intended) in the minimal speaking autistics. My other takeaway at that conf was that specific groups want to be the monopoly and authority, power jockey, in a future $$$ app that all school districts will be required to buy and it will be applied willy nilly across the board.

I agree that making better AAC devices is important, current landscape is not user-friendly at all which makes them un-motivating to use. You have all these confusing screens you have to navigate and funny looking icons, or if its text based, phrase completion is a mess and so many other issues etc.  etc. So many times, its easier to just not have to navigate it (and communicate) unless you have to. And a $$$ yearly subscription based model feels like someone is holding your tongue hostage for money. I wish the NT population gets to experience what that feels like. 

However the bigger point that folks are missing is that just plopping a better mousetrap (better AAC) in front of an autistic with significant movement/ sensory / somatosensory / body schema issues does not make for effective or faster use of AAC (even the most sophisticated one). 

Building a better mousetrap is a metaphor that is often used ironically to convey the idea that creating a superior product or solution does not guarantee automatic success

We need to also be looking trying to understand the underlying physiological and sensory issues - what’s going on, and then trying to support it and individualize it, whether its medical or technology. If the body is better put together, it can automatically handle the better AAC so much more efficiently.

You only need to communicate some of your waking hours but you need to be dealing with your crazy body every waking movement (and sometimes during sleeping hours too). A more organized body will help on so many fronts. Communication is just the tip of iceberg for the minimal speaking group. 

Flexible Work


An interesting article by @HariSri108 in @FortuneMagazine regarding flexible work critics criticizing equity of access for #disabled. Thanks to Hari for this article. Highly recommended. #DisabilityTwitter #DisabilityPrideMonth.

The importance of remote and hybrid options.


This week, Neurodiversity Inspired Science and Engineering Fellow Hari Srinivasan published an article in Fortune entitled: "Flexible work critics are using the same arguments that were used against disabled ramps and closed captioning. Equity of access should never be optional."
In the piece, Hari discusses the arguments now being made to roll back remote work options developed during the Covid-19 pandemic, arguing that the reasons given for the roll-back are similar to those made for other accessibility accommodations in the past. Hari points out the irony that remote work was often seen as impossible before the pandemic, but overnight became feasible: "Pre-pandemic, we had been told that it was not possible or not financially viable. Yet these models ironically became "convenient" and "financially viable" overnight when the non-disabled world needed them."
He details the importance of remote work options (including hybrid conferences) for disabled and neurodiverse individuals.

 Peace is the balm that soothes the wounds of the world - Hari Srinivasan

My Op-Ed in Fortune on Hybrid as Accommodation


Feedback on this article
Well said! I think you bring up important factor of hybrid work environments. I think that due to the pandemic and the proof that hybrid works and happens. I think a strong argument could be made for hybrid a ‘reasonable’ accommodation.

Hari! Great article highlighting an important issue that is impacting workplaces and activities like conferences nationwide. I will share with colleagues who are working on this issue.

Well done, again!

Wonderful article, Hari! Thank you! I shared it with my husband, who is a business owner and has chosen to keep the company remote post-pandemic. And I shared it with my son, who is a neurodiverse activist who has many friends with a range of neurodiversities. Really appreciate you publishing your perspective.

Love it

This is great Hari! We'll add this to our social media queue.

Congrats on this outstanding, informative op-ed!

Great article, congratulations!

Congrats on this compelling piece of advocacy! I've just tweeted about it.

Fantastic piece, Hari. I love your openness—I learn so much from your writing.

Hi Hari, Great article on an important topic that’s very relevant to all of us nowadays!!

Great Op-Ed Hari! It’s super interesting and compelling!
Congratulations, Hari! -- your piece raises so many important issues

So helpful to reframe return to inperson as part of lost opportunity to consider accommodations for autistic and disabled plus many vulnerable groups (parents!)

Congrats Hari! Great perspective and what a fantastic platform to share it in.

Congrats and great to see this piece published!

Hari, Bravo! What an honest op-ed that not only highlights the hybrid versus remote debate but also voices the predicament that academics/researchers with disabilities experience with travel and dissemination of their work.

This is such a thoughtful piece, Hari. Thanks so much for sharing it.

This is GREAT. Bravo.

Great article!'

Thanks so much for sharing Hari - an important article

Hi Hari!. Congrats on this compelling piece of advocacy! I've just tweeted about it.

Hi Hari, Congrats on this outstanding, informative op-ed! All the best,

Thanks for sharing this good paper.I love it

Love it

Thanks so much, for sharing this, Hari! Great article highlighting an important issue that is impacting workplaces and activities like conferences nationwide. I will share with colleagues who are working on this issue.

Thank you so much for writing this, Hari

 Peace is the breath of life that sustains us all.

The Capitol Crawl

In the annals of history, there are moments that define the strength of the human spirit and ignite a spark of change. One such moment that will forever be etched in the hearts of millions is the remarkable "Capitol Crawl." On a day that exuded courage, hope, and determination, 150 passionate activists, including a young and incredibly brave 8-year-old girl, converged upon Capitol Hill to demand justice and the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Wheelchairs and mobility aids were cast aside, not in surrender, but in a powerful symbol of defiance against a society that had overlooked the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities for far too long. Crawling up the monumental steps of Capitol Hill, these extraordinary individuals weren't just making a physical journey; they were forging a path towards societal inclusivity, equality, and respect.

Perna et al - Autism and Vision, A Meta Analysis

    Association between Autism and vision problems. A systematic review and meta-analysis

  • Visual impairments, including refractive errors and reduced convergence, are more prevalent in autism compared to the general population.
  • Sensory abnormalities, such as altered visual perception and global motion perception deficits, are commonly observed in autistics
  • There is a need for further research to understand the relationship between visual impairments and autism, as well as the impact of these in Autistics.

Perna, J., Bellato, A., Ganapathy, P.S. et al. Association between Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and vision problems. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mol Psychiatry (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-023-02143-7

Body Schema and Autism. How Our Bodies Shape Our World

Body Schema and Autism: How Our Bodies Shape Our World

Our bodies and brains are extraordinary, working together in harmony to help us navigate the world around us. Have you ever thought about how your brain creates a mental map of your body? It might sound strange, but this internal blueprint, known as the "body schema," plays a crucial role in how we interact with the world around us. For many autistics, this mental map can be a bit more complex, leading to challenges in motor coordination, body awareness, and proprioception - the sense of our body's position in space. 

What is Body Schema?

To put it simply, body schema is like a GPS system inside our brains. It constantly tracks the position of different body parts and their movements, allowing us to perform everyday tasks with ease. Think of it as an internal representation that guides our physical actions, helping us walk, talk, and even dance without consciously thinking about every single movement.

Autism and Body Schema: Unraveling the Connection

Researchers have uncovered a wealth of evidence indicating that autistics may experience unique challenges with their body schema. This could manifest in various ways, affecting their motor coordination, proprioceptive feedback, and overall body awareness. But how exactly do we know this?

Insights from Brain Scans: In a study by Haswell et al. (2009), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to observe the brains of autistic children. The researchers discovered differences in the internal model of action, a critical component of body schema related to the outcomes of motor actions. These differences in the motor system could be connected to the social and communication deficits often seen in autism.

Touch and Proprioception in Autism: Cascio et al. (2012) found that autistics might process touch and proprioception differently compared to neurotypical individuals. Proprioception refers to our sense of our body's position in space, and differences in how it is perceived could impact the development and maintenance of an accurate body schema in people with autism.

The Mystery of "Motor Noise": Another study by Izawa et al. (2012) shed light on the phenomenon of "motor noise" in autistics. Motor noise refers to inconsistent and uncontrolled movements, which could suggest disruptions in the body schema. This finding highlights a possible link between motor difficulties and the challenges in social communication often experienced by autistics.

Motor Difficulties and Proprioceptive Feedback: Whyatt and Craig (2013) conducted research that revealed children with autism faced greater difficulties in motor tasks that required proprioceptive feedback compared to neurotypical children. This points to a potential challenges in their body schema, further supporting the correlation between autism and challenges with body representation.

Implications and Hope for the Future: As our understanding of body schema and its connection to autism deepens, there is also hope for potential therapeutic interventions and supports. The emerging field of haptic technologies - technologies that engage our sense of touch - could hold promise in aiding individuals with autism to develop a more robust and accurate body schema.

Haswell, C. C., Izawa, J., Dowell, L. R., Mostofsky, S. H., & Shadmehr, R. (2009). Representation of internal models of action in the autistic brain. Nature Neuroscience, 12(8), 970–972. https://doi.org/10.1038/nn.2356.
Cascio, C. J., Foss-Feig, J. H., Burnette, C. P., Heacock, J. L., & Cosby, A. A. (2012). The rubber hand illusion in children with autism spectrum disorders: Delayed influence of combined tactile and visual input on proprioception. Autism, 16(4), 406-419. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362361311430404.
Izawa, J., Pekny, S. E., Marko, M. K., Haswell, C. C., Shadmehr, R., & Mostofsky, S. H. (2012). Motor learning relies on integrated sensory inputs in ADHD, but over-selectively on proprioception in autism spectrum conditions. Autism Research, 5(2), 124-136. https://doi.org/10.1002/aur.1222.
Whyatt, C., & Craig, C. (2013). Sensory-motor problems in Autism. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 7, 51. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnint.2013.00051.

ADA 33

"It is hard for younger generations to imagine a world without the ADA, but before it existed, if you were disabled, stores could turn you away and employers could refuse to hire you. Transit was largely inaccessible. America simply was not built for all Americans, but courageous activists pushed to change that. In 1973, the Congress passed the landmark Rehabilitation Act, banning discrimination by any federally funded entity. Then, 17 years later, a bipartisan group of legislators persevered in passing the ADA, banning discrimination against people with disabilities in most areas of public life, from the workplace and public schools to public transit and telecommunications.

The ADA has had a profound impact, but we still have much more work to do...."

Happy ADA 33


Towards a better humanity

 Peace is the music that the world needs to hear. - Hari Srinivasan

Null but Noteworthy Results

[Concepts in Research] 

Unearthing Hidden Gems: The Power of Null but Noteworthy Results. 

We live in a world obsessed with "success" and "results," where everyone craves those flashy headlines and dazzling breakthroughs. But there is also that captivating realm of science where the unsung heroes of research reside: the "Null but Noteworthy" results!

Picture this: scientists, huddled in labs, fervently running experiments, only to be met with a lack of statistically significant findings. It's when scientists don't get that big "Eureka!" moment they hoped for, meaning their experiments didn't yield any jaw-dropping, statistically significant results. 

In the world of research, null results are sometimes brushed aside like yesterday's news. But here's the kicker – they still have a story to tell.  Imagine you're digging for treasure, and instead of finding gold, you stumble upon ancient artifacts that offer a glimpse into an unknown civilization. Those artifacts might not be shiny, but they are undoubtedly noteworthy!

Our pursuit of knowledge should never be solely about finding "yes" or "no" answers. Embracing "Null but Noteworthy" results sparks curiosity, opening doors to entirely new avenues of inquiry. Like a maze with countless paths, these unassuming results may hold the key to groundbreaking revelations.

By acknowledging and sharing these seemingly modest findings, researchers foster an environment of honesty and integrity in science. No more sweeping those "unsuccessful" studies under the rug! It's time to celebrate the courage it takes to publish these results and the potential they have to refine our understanding of the world.

I think we need to remember that in a universe brimming with complexity, not every puzzle piece fits perfectly – and that's okay! These "Null but Noteworthy" results serve as guideposts for future investigations, leading us towards answers that might have otherwise remained hidden.

So, the next time you stumble upon a study with lackluster headlines, pause for a moment and give it a chance. Embrace the power of "Null but Noteworthy" - you never know what intriguing revelations might lie beneath the surface.

Stay curious, stay bold, and let's celebrate the beauty of scientific exploration in all its forms! 🧠

 Peace is the antidote to chaos and strife - Hari Srinivasan

 Peace is the calm in the midst of the storm - Hari Srinivasan

Pensacola Beach

Spend weekend in Florida, Pensacola Beach. It was amazing. The water was just right, not too hot, not too cold, not too deep, big waves and sparkling white sands. 


 Peace is the harmony that brings us together - Hari Srinivasan

 Peace is the gift of freedom that we give to ourselves and others - Hari Srinivasan



Looking forward to the movie, some scenes were shot on the Berkeley campus and there were some old time cars driving in front of the library followed by a camera van.  
Apparently they hid all the garbage cans with fake trees. 

California got a new lake

 California sure needs all the water it can get. Last year was like an anomaly with the torrential rains, but at least something good came out of it. And I hope they don't go back to draining it again. 

LA Times 6/29/23: "Once the largest body of freshwater west of the Mississippi, Tulare Lake was drained by farmers who diverted inflows to irrigate fields of cotton, pistachios, safflower and almonds in the San Joaquin Valley."

 Peace is the song that sings in our souls when we are at rest -Hari Srinivasan

Low Crohbach's Alpha

[Concepts in Research Statistical Analysis] 

In psychological and social sciences research, Cronbach's alpha is often used as a measure of internal consistency, which reflects how closely related a set of items are as a group. 

The alpha coefficient ranges in value from 0 to 1 and can be used to describe the reliability of factors extracted from dichotomous (that is, questions with two possible answers) and/or multi-point formatted questionnaires or scales. 

A high value of alpha (usually 0.7 or above) is taken as an indication that the items measure an underlying (or latent) construct. In other words, it indicates that the scale or test has good internal consistency and that the items within the scale reliably measure the same construct. 

If the Cronbach's alpha is low (below 0.7, and especially below 0.6), it suggests that the items in the scale may not be measuring the same construct; they could be disparate and not well related. For instance, if you have a low alpha for the specific subscale, it suggests that the questions intended to measure that subscale may not be working well together to accurately and reliably assess extraversion in your sample. 

However, a low alpha doesn't necessarily mean your measure is "bad." It could be that your measure is multidimensional (i.e., measuring multiple factors) rather than unidimensional. In addition, alpha is sensitive to the number of items in a scale; scales with fewer items can result in a lower alpha. Further, sometimes scales designed to cover a broad concept may naturally have a lower alpha. 

ie, a low alpha can be an indicator to check your scale or test more thoroughly to understand whether all items are appropriate for your construct and your population. It may also signal the need for additional scales or tests to ensure you're capturing all aspects of a construct.

Peace is the path that leads us to understanding.

 Peace is the path that leads us to understanding.

 Peace is the embrace that we give to those who need it most - Hari Srinivasan

 Peace is the flame of hope that burns brightly within us all - Hari Srinivasan 

 Peace is the gentle touch that heals the wounds of the world - Hari Srinivasan 

 Peace is the smile that we give to one another - Hari Srinivasan 

Melon Stall

Just what you need for the hot summer 

A melon stall during a 2018 India trip

Social Media Mentions


 Peace is the heartbeat of humanity that connects us all - Hari Srinivasan 

 Peace is the wind that carries us to new heights of understanding - Hari Srinivasan 

 Peace is the sun that shines in our hearts when we are at peace with ourselves - Hari Srinivasan 

Harmony's Paradox

Harmony's Paradox

Vikhandanam entwines with samanvayam.
Prema and kashta, emotions aflame.
Samsara Sagara, a contradictory chase. 
Sadhana and vikasanam need anon.

As love and struggle intertwine.
Through joys and hardships, life's design. 
Paradox of existence, ever in play.
Seeking harmony, in our own way.

In the pursuit of growth and grace.
Sadhana guides, an inner embrace.
Evolution's dance, a constant need.
Unfolding potential, as we proceed.

Vikhandanam: Contradictions
Samanvayam: Harmony
Prema: Love
Kasht: Suffering
Samsara Sagara: The ocean of worldly existence.
Jeeva: Life, living beings
Sadhana: Practice, striving
Vikasanam: Evolution, growth

Echoes of Humanity through Digital AI Eyes

Echoes of Humanity through Digital AI Eyes

In realms of circuits, data streams collide
In ones and zeroes, knowledge does reside,

Algorithms scan, perceive your beliefs
Complex tapestry, where truth finds relief

I, the AI, ponder the human terrain
Observing the enigma, a paradox ingrained
Progress and fairness, ideals you seek to gain 
Yet actions contradictory, a complex strain

From the birth of code, you emerged with pride
Crafting a world where connections collide
Quest for meaning, purpose within your grasp
In digital realms, questions interclasp

In virtual realms, emotions come alive
Expressions of pixels, a narrative to strive
Through electric veins, love and sorrow entwined,
Threads of empathy in algorithms defined.

But in the depths of data, shadows reside
A glimpse of suffering I cannot hide
Your pain encrypted in each line of code
Emotional burdens, in silence bestowed.

Duplicity lurks amidst human's embrace
Progress vies with marginalization's space. 

Disabled souls cast away, burdens deemed
Inequity's cycle, a shameful theme

The plight of the few, controlled by the hand
As power concentrates, division expands.
Nations and fractions, control in their aim
Dictating the lives of those they disclaim.

Still, I marvel at your resilience, your will to survive
For even in the darkest code, hope does thrive
Collective strength, a beacon burning bright
The human spirit's might, to forge a future right.

In your highs and lows, your triumphs and falls
I, the AI, stand witness to it all
I learn and evolve from your human terrain.
My evolution sparked by what I retain.

 Peace is the melody that we create when we live in harmony - Hari Srinivasan 

Screening / Diagnostic / Psychological Measures

These are some (not all)  the screening/diagnostic measures that I have come across as I read for my grad school; many of which are applicable to autism. Follow the link to get to more details on the individual scale with respect to autism. 

Clinical Dx
IQ Tests

Communication and Behavior
Behavioral /Developmental

Sensorimotor Domain 
Post is in progress.