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A better mousetrap is not the solution to communication

NIH came out with this NIOS. I understand this as translating to ton of funding.  https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-DC-23-009.html Lot of excitement but everyone thinks it boils down to making better AAC devices. But they are kind of still missing the point.

In fact at a recent large conf, it was all about lets have more AAC, and we need to standardize AAC - folks all excited. Like, Voila, with better AAC, all the communication issues magic away (lots of sarcasm intended) in the minimal speaking autistics. My other takeaway at that conf was that specific groups want to be the monopoly and authority, power jockey, in a future $$$ app that all school districts will be required to buy and it will be applied willy nilly across the board.

I agree that making better AAC devices is important, current landscape is not user-friendly at all which makes them un-motivating to use. You have all these confusing screens you have to navigate and funny looking icons, or if its text based, phrase completion is a mess and so many other issues etc.  etc. So many times, its easier to just not have to navigate it (and communicate) unless you have to. And a $$$ yearly subscription based model feels like someone is holding your tongue hostage for money. I wish the NT population gets to experience what that feels like. 

However the bigger point that folks are missing is that just plopping a better mousetrap (better AAC) in front of an autistic with significant movement/ sensory / somatosensory / body schema issues does not make for effective or faster use of AAC (even the most sophisticated one). 

Building a better mousetrap is a metaphor that is often used ironically to convey the idea that creating a superior product or solution does not guarantee automatic success

We need to also be looking trying to understand the underlying physiological and sensory issues - what’s going on, and then trying to support it and individualize it, whether its medical or technology. If the body is better put together, it can automatically handle the better AAC so much more efficiently.

You only need to communicate some of your waking hours but you need to be dealing with your crazy body every waking movement (and sometimes during sleeping hours too). A more organized body will help on so many fronts. Communication is just the tip of iceberg for the minimal speaking group. 

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