Towards a more Humane Society.  Contemplating  one line each day. #MentalHealth. This month is EQUANIMITY 


-Hari Srinivasan

Equanimity is the calm at the center of the storm.

Equanimity is the balance that allows us to move forward.

Equanimity is the anchor that keeps us grounded.

Equanimity is the serenity that comes from within.

Equanimity is the clarity that helps us see things as they are.

Equanimity is the inner strength that allows us to face life's challenges.

Equanimity is the acceptance that all things pass in due time.

Equanimity is the non-judgmental awareness of our thoughts and emotions.

Equanimity is the gentle acceptance of ourselves and others.

Equanimity is the ability to maintain our inner peace in the face of adversity.

Equanimity is the steady hand that guides us through life's ups and downs.

Equanimity is the stillness that allows us to listen to our hearts.

Equanimity is the wisdom that sees through the illusion of our fears.

Equanimity is the patience to wait for the right moment.

Equanimity is the trust that life will unfold as it should.

Equanimity is the surrender to what is and what we cannot change.

Equanimity is the gratitude for all that life has to offer.

Equanimity is the self-awareness that allows us to grow and learn.

Equanimity is the forgiveness that frees us from the past.

Equanimity is the openness to new experiences and perspectives.

Equanimity is the presence of mind that allows us to live in the moment.

Equanimity is the inner peace that radiates outwards.

Equanimity is the self-love that allows us to love others.

Equanimity is the self-compassion that allows us to heal our wounds.

Equanimity is the stillness that allows us to find our inner voice.

See posts for other months. 

Atmospheric Rivers


An explanation of the crazy weather pattern this winter in California

Delta Notch Numb: Neurogenesis Society

A humorous science skit. 

Delta Notch Numb: Neurogenesis Society

Delta: Hey guys, have you ever wondered why we have such unusual names? I mean, put together, we sound like a Notched-up college Greek Society; a bunch of undergrads that go totally Numb after an exhausting Rush.

Constant Overload

Being bombarded by the sensory system
A constant overload, it never ends
Sensory overwhelmed, a feeling of prison
Trapped in my own mind, with no friends.

Poor somatosensory body mapping
A constant confusion, a foggy haze
I struggle to understand my own body
A feeling of being lost, in a daze

Words get stuck, inside my head
Apraxic, struggles to speak
A feeling of frustration, so very unique
As talking eludes me, instead

It can be a struggle, to navigate
This world that's full of sensation

I need to find a way
… with determination

Chilling on a houseboat


This is where I would like to be today on my birthday. 
Chilling on a houseboat in the Kerala backwaters
(photo taken a few years back)

Chilling on a houseboat in Kerala's backwaters
Coconut trees sway along the shore
The sun dips low, painting the sky with colors
A serene moment, that I'll forever adore.

A moment of peace

Two deer in my yard
Wandering from woods at the back 
Gentle, graceful steps 
Moment of peace, nature's gift

The gentle creatures graze
Unfazed by noise and haste
Their presence brings me ease
In this tranquil, natural space.

And Thank You to everyone who sent me wishes today (Feb 22) - for taking that one breath and one moment to send "happy" positive vibes my way, on my birthday.

Equanimity is the inner peace that radiates outwards

Towards a more humane society. #MentalHealth. Contemplation, one line a day.


Hints of green

On brown trees, hints of green 
A herald of spring
Softly appears, shy and demure,
A promise of new life, fresh and pure

The brain is a Giant Prediction Machine

Poem follows Prof Mark Wallace's comment in class "The Brain is a giant prediction machine" after a discussion on the growing popularity of Bayesian Statistical Models in research. 

The brain is a giant prediction machine

Bayesian model-like, it constantly schemes

Past experiences and memories in its grasp

Current sensory input, processed in a flash.


A bundle of irrational worry

I am a bundle of irrational worry
Each day i wake up with dread and hurry
Fears and doubts consume, a constant flurry
Hope still flickers in internal jury

STAT: Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers and Young Children

The Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers and Young Children (STAT) is a play-based screening measure designed to identify early signs of autism  in toddlers and young children. It t assesses social communication and play behaviors associated with ASD in children between 24 and 36 months of age.

The STAT is a screening tool and not a diagnostic instrument. A comprehensive evaluation by a qualified professional is necessary for a definitive autism diagnosis.

Scoring and Interpretation
The STAT includes a series of play-based activities and social interactions between the child and the examiner. The examiner observes and scores the child's behaviors in different domains, such as joint attention, pretend play, and social responsiveness.

The STAT scoring involves rating specific behaviors observed during the play-based interactions. The scoring criteria may vary depending on the specific version or adaptation of the STAT being used. There are established cutoff scores that help identify children who may be at risk for ASD and require further evaluation by a qualified professional.

History and Revisions:
The STAT was developed by Wendy Stone, Barry L. Prizant, and Samuel P. Openden in 2008. 

Stone, W. L., Prizant, B. M., & Openden, S. (2008). The Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers and Young Children (STAT). Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228625486_STAT_Screening_Tool_for_Autism_in_Toddlers_and_Young_Children

SCQ - Social Communication Questionnaire

The Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) is a caregiver-reported questionnaire that evaluates social communication and interaction patterns in individuals suspected of being autistic. It was derived from the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R). It is designed for use with children and adults who have a mental age [see post on why "mental age" is problematic] of at least 2 years and 6 months. It is often used as a screening tool in clinical and research settings. [See posts on other Screening/Diagnostic Measures].

  • The SCQ is a screening tool and should not be used as a standalone diagnostic instrument. A comprehensive evaluation by a trained clinician using multiple assessment methods is necessary for a formal autism diagnosis.
  • Co-occurring Conditions: Many individuals with ASD may have co-occurring conditions such as intellectual disabilities, language impairments, ADHD, anxiety, or sensory processing difficulties. The SCQ focuses specifically on social communication and interaction and may not fully capture the range of challenges associated with co-occurring conditions such as language challenges, ADHD, anxiety or sensory processing.
  • Caregiver reports are subject to biases and inaccuracies, as they rely on the caregiver's observations and interpretations of the individual's behaviors.
  • Caregivers' ability to accurately report on specific social communication behaviors and experiences of nonspeaking autistics may be limited.
  • The SCQ is not designed to assess other developmental disabilities apart from ASD.