
The backyard baby deer are growing up. 


Negative Attribution Bias

Autism Lexicon: Negative Attribution Bias

Negative attribution bias in autism is the tendency to interpret ambiguous social cues as having negative intentions or untrustworthy, often stemming from past trauma or lifelong experiences of discrimination and ableism.

PlainSpeak: Negative attribution bias in autism means seeing others' actions as negative due to a lack of trust, often caused by past bad experiences or ongoing unfair treatment


Read more on Negative Attribution Bias: [Version for Scientific/Academic Audience],  [PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader], [A Simple Definition]

Related Posts: [Hostile Attribution Bias], [Neuroception]

Shrouded Weight

A veil of sorrow surrounds me.
What is the expectation of me?
Disability is a weight indeed.

Uncertain Fate

Will I be allowed to strive and thrive
Or always be left just barely alive?
Staying afloat, with hope so thin,
Struggling each day, just to survive within.


I feel overwhelmed today
Waves of doubt come crashing in.
Waiting on undefined academic expectations, I'm supposed to meet
Disability adds weight to my limbs,
And anxiety skyrockets within.

Resilience Mindset

If you fail, don't give up! Remember..

FAIL means First Attempt In Learning.  Each failure is a step towards mastery. Keep trying.

END means Effort Never Dies. Persistence is key to success, so keep working hard. 

If someone says NO, think of it as the Next Opportunity. Explore new avenues and ideas. 

This way of thinking is called the Resilience Mindset

We can transform obstacles into opportunities for growth and discovery, highlighting the importance of persistence and determination in forging ahead.

A resilience mindset helps you stay positive and keep going, even when things are tough. Change your mindset and see failure as a chance to learn and grow.

Resilience is the courage to stand up and try again, even when we've failed before.
- Hari Srinivasan


I feel disheartened today
Can the sun's rays chase the gray?
Grad School challenges run deep.
Disability already a minefield
How do I handle this?

Moving forward

 Resilience is the ability to keep moving forward, even when the path is difficult.

- Hari Srinivasan

Qualifying Exams

Qual Exams

Testing under a spotlight
Qual committee faculty eyes
A ocean of neuroscience to dissect
Luck of the draw, may their queries be kind
May I excel in the knowledge they seek

Seeking E-I balance in my autism boat
GABA calm, steadying its float
Excitatory neurotransmitters of knowledge shine bright.
Balance, focus, 3 hours in sight.

Sensory systems, keep external distractions beat.
Stimming and anxiety, please take a backseat.
Motor systems must be well-oiled, ready to move.
All systems aligned, in perfect groove.

Internal systems, heed my call.
Cooperate and align, one and all.
On this day, let knowledge and calm prevail.
A positive outcome, I must entail.

Externally, pray
lots of positive energy flows my way.

Diagnostic Overshadowing

In PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader

Diagnostic overshadowing happens when doctors or healthcare workers focus so much on a person's autism that they miss other health problems the person might have. This can mean that other illnesses or conditions are not noticed or treated properly.

Key Points:

  1. Mixing Up Symptoms: Sometimes, signs of other health problems are mistaken as just part of autism. For example, if an autistic person feels very anxious or has stomach pain, it might be seen as just them acting up due to autism instead of a separate issue.

  2. Communication Barriers: Many autistic people find it hard to explain their feelings or symptoms and may have other communication challenges. This can make it harder for doctors to understand what's really going on.

  3. Assumptions: Doctors might assume all problems are because of autism and not look for other causes. This can lead to missed diagnoses. Usually any acting up behaviors is redirected back to behavior therapy, when they actually needed different solutions.

  4. Lack of Training: Not all doctors know how to spot other health problems in autistic people. They might need more training to do this well.

  5. Poor Treatment: If other health issues are not found, the person might not get the right treatment. This can affect their immediate and long term health and well-being.


  • Mental Health: If an autistic person is feeling very sad or has depression, it might be ignored because it's thought to be just part of their autism.

  • Physical Health: If an autistic person has pain in their stomach, it might be seen as just a behavior issue rather than a real medical problem.

How to Fix This:

  1. Thorough Check-Ups: Doctors should look at the whole person and not just their autism. They should check for other health issues and underlying issues too.

  2. Better Training: Doctors should learn more about how to spot other health problems in autistic people.

  3. Clear Communication: Finding better ways for autistic people to share how they feel can help doctors understand their symptoms better.

  4. Awareness: Helping everyone, including caregivers and educators, and professionals understand that autistic people can have other health problems too.