Qualifying Exams

Qual Exams

Testing under a spotlight
Qual committee faculty eyes
A ocean of neuroscience to dissect
Luck of the draw, may their queries be kind
May I excel in the knowledge they seek

Seeking E-I balance in my autism boat
GABA calm, steadying its float
Excitatory neurotransmitters of knowledge shine bright.
Balance, focus, 3 hours in sight.

Sensory systems, keep external distractions beat.
Stimming and anxiety, please take a backseat.
Motor systems must be well-oiled, ready to move.
All systems aligned, in perfect groove.

Internal systems, heed my call.
Cooperate and align, one and all.
On this day, let knowledge and calm prevail.
A positive outcome, I must entail.

Externally, pray
lots of positive energy flows my way.

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