The purpose of human existence is to seek meaning in the mysteries of life. - Hari Srinivasan
PD Soros Fall Conference
A memorable, emotional and absolutely enjoyable Fall Conference in New York last week with an amazing group of fellow students.
US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy (alum of the very first batch) was the keynote speaker. What a moving and brilliant keynote on the increasing loneliness in the US and the importance of social connection.
Some remarkable team building exercises, interesting outings, topped off with a deep dive interview by a 2022 fellow with the 94 year old (and going strong) Daisy Soros during the closing session.
And happy 25 years to PD Soros Fellowship.
Background Introduction
This poem, "Aria of Aspirations," is an operatic ode dedicated to Daisy Soros and the late Paul Soros. Intermingled within this lyrical tapestry are cultural foreign language phrases contributed by the 2022 Fellows, epitomizing our global community bound together by shared dreams, aspirations and values. We celebrate individual stories, individual abilities and disabilities, while acknowledging the collective. The verses resonate with the unity, mentorship, and deep bonds fostered over the past year, all set against the backdrop of Verdi — a notable favorite of Daisy’s along with a nod to Daisy's cherished song, "La Vie en Rose" by Edith Piaf.Of course, the poem is more inspired by the essence of the flow of a Verdi opera rather than a strict structural representation of one. For instance, the introduction with the dawn’s first light sets the stage much like an overture or prelude. The subsequent verses describe various scenes, reminiscent of arias and ensemble pieces in an opera. As we traverse from one stanza to the next, we also journey through the cultural and operatic art forms reflecting the diversity and richness of each of the 2022 Fellow’s countries of origin. Only the heritage countries of the 2022 Fellows are referenced. The climax builds around the lines that reference Daisy. The poem ends on an appreciative note, reflective of a finale or closing chorus in an opera. The use of musical metaphors is a depiction of our journey, growth and appreciation, reminiscent of the ebb and flow one might find in an opera.
Above all, this poem stands as a testament to Daisy and Paul's enduring legacy and their unwavering belief in the transformative power of investing in people, us New Americans.
Aria of Aspirations
In the powerful embrace of dawn's first light,
An aria begins, echoing the night.
Like Verdi's voices, in a crescendo bold,
Daisy, with Paul, your legacy retold.
From the depths of memory, notes we chose,
World painted in hues of La vie en rose.
An inspiring community, dreams taking flight,
Believing in the power of the New American right.
Andante tales from Nigeria's Ewi pride,
Bharatanatyam in India, vivace stride.
Syria's dancers, in Sufi whirling, they soar,
Calypso rhythms, Grenada's lively lore.
Germany's Deutsche Oper, largo and deep,
Polish opera's passion, allegro sweep.
Staccato tales of Russkaya, tales so vast,
Makossa beats in Cameroon, from the past.
Nanguan melodies in Taiwan, gentle and fine,
Mariachi strums, Mexico's vivacious line.
Zemer Ivri from Israel, tunes that enthrall,
Pakistan's Qawwali, a resonant call.
El Salvador's Cumbia, rhythm and song,
Congo's Soukous, where dance moves prolong.
Chinese opera's mask, legends of yore.
Vietnam's Ca trĂ¹, a haunting encore.
Romania's Doina, a melancholic strain.
England's classic ballads, tales that remain,
Uganda's Ndere, in rhythmic dance they weave,
Canada's vast beauty, where the maple leaves believe.
In unity, beyond borders, we soar,
Embracing abilities and disabilities, our spirit does roar.
For in this fellowship, we truly see,
The strength of inclusion, setting hearts free.
Daisy, our fellowship’s deepam, light,
Paul, in dolce memory, makes the night bright.
Apurbo, wonderful, with 2.5 decades decree,
Your combined legacies, a grand opera’s spree.
Cuando la oportunidad no te llama,
construye una puerta, is your panorama.
For every dream, an aria of our own.
In this vast libretto, aspirations grown.
Qui cherche trouve, in tales that we’ve planned.
Contrapunto contrasts, hand in hand
Yaar, friend, Fellows forge unyielding bonds,
Guided by mentorship, on which our growth dawns.
Al-nas lba'adah, together we stand,
With each note played, by your visionary hand.
In Verdi's coda, strong and profound,
Daisy, your strength and resilience resound
A reflection of past, largo’s embrace,
A celebration of futures, in allegro’s chase.
For in this grand opera, one thing is clear,
Through music and dreams, you've drawn us near.
A family, a friendship, presto and planned,
You invest in people, on this vast vast land.
With each passing year, our ensemble does grow,
In the name of love, letting dreams flow.
Classic and visionary, an aria’s play,
Daisy Soros, to you and Paul, our gratitude we convey.
For in every note, in each melody's strand,
Is the touch of your hearts, the warmth of your hand
Foreign Language Translations
Al-nas lba'adah (arabic): people are there to support each other
Apurbo (bengali): Wonderful /amazing
Cuando la oportunidad no te llama, construye una puerta (spanish): When opportunity doesn't knock, build a door
Deepam (tamil): Light
Qui cherche trouve (french): Who seeks, finds
Yaar (hindi): Friend
Silicon and soul
A vivid tapestry of logic and wonder is enshrined.
Where silicon and soul intertwine
Discover the vast, uncharted realms of the mind.
Stress and Neck Pain
The Accessory XI nerve, a cranial nerve, is vital for controlling the trapezius muscle, which facilitates various neck and shoulder movements. When stress occurs, this muscle can tense up, leading to neck discomfort. Interestingly, in quadrupeds like cats, the trapezius muscle is crucial for lifting the head; this adaptation aids grazing animals in responding to external stimuli. Additionally, the short-term memory (STM) muscles also contribute to raising the head, illustrating the complexity of our muscular system's evolution and functionality.
Cal does it again!!
#1 University of California – Berkeley
Located in the Bay Area, the University of California, Berkeley is the best U.S. public college, according to Forbes’ 2023 analysis.The public research university offers more than 300 degree programs, including sustainable environmental design, aerospace engineering and Chicanx Latinx Studies.
Founded in 1868, the university’s establishment stems from a vision in the state’s constitution to “contribute even more than California’s gold to the glory and happiness of advancing generations.”
Ring of Fire
A ring of fire, both day and night,
Symbolic of our human tale,
Where peace and war together sail.
In annular eclipse, the moon tries to hide,
Yet leaves a ring on the sun's bright side,
A metaphor, profound and vast,
Of struggles in our world so vast.
Amidst the fire, shadows play,
A reminder of both night and day,
In conflicts' ring, let's seek the grace,
To find the light in darkest space.
Mickey Mouse on our Mind
Mickey Mouse on our Mind.
When we think of the brain, we often imagine a complex network of neurons and synapses, working tirelessly to govern our thoughts, emotions, and actions. But did you know that there's a part of our brain that resembles the iconic Mickey Mouse; science meets imagination. Who knows, perhaps Walt Disney drew inspiration for his Mickey character from from brain imaging.
Ears are the Cerebrellar Peduncles, Eyes are the Red Nuclei, Eyebrows are the Substantia Nigra, mouth is the cerebra aqueduct and around the mouth is the PAG.
The Complex Terrain of Muscle Contraction - Insights from Disability
(Based on topic covered in Neuroanatomy Class along with some additional disability perspectives. )
In the world of biology, muscle contraction is a fundamental process, enabling us to move and function. The way our muscles contract, however, can lead to various consequences, especially when disrupted by factors like bacterial infections.
Muscle contractions are driven by motor units. Whether the contraction is strong or weak depends on how many of these units are activated. So a fine precise motor action requires small number of units activated and need little strength.
Understanding muscle pain takes us to the basics of cellular respiration. Muscles, like all cells, need oxygen, which is supplied through arteries. When a muscle contracts and restricts this oxygen supply, it creates a problem. The muscle cells continue to function, breaking down glucose in the absence of oxygen. However, this process produces lactate, leading to a burning sensation, indicating the body's distress.
This pain can have severe consequences. In intense muscle contractions, essential muscles like the diaphragm, responsible for breathing, can weaken. Chest muscles may become so tense that they hinder the natural process of inhaling and exhaling.
In the complexity of our body's workings, this delicate balance between muscle contraction and relaxation defines our abilities. Understanding these intricacies not only enhances our knowledge of our biological marvel but also emphasizes the need to appreciate and preserve the balance that allows us to move and function seamlessly.
There exists a parallel narrative, one that often goes unnoticed — the experience of autistics. Consider a autistic whose sensory perceptions are heightened and processed differently. The involuntary muscle contractions experienced by autistics might not only induce physical discomfort but also trigger heightened sensory responses, amplifying the distress. In such cases, the pain isn't merely a physiological phenomenon; it extends into the realms of sensory overload, creating an overwhelming and sometimes unbearable experience.