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Ring of Fire

In the cosmos where shadows meet the light,
A ring of fire, both day and night,
Symbolic of our human tale,
Where peace and war together sail.

In annular eclipse, the moon tries to hide,
Yet leaves a ring on the sun's bright side,
A metaphor, profound and vast,
Of struggles in our world so vast.

Amidst the fire, shadows play,
A reminder of both night and day,
In conflicts' ring, let's seek the grace,
To find the light in darkest space.

Oct 14 was an Annular Eclipse where the three celestial bodies the Earth, Moon and Sun line but except the Moon is at apogee which is the furtherest away from the earth, so it does fully cover the sun, leaving a ring of fire effect. 

The ring of fire can be seen as a metaphor for the delicate balance between opposing forces - like peace and conflict - in the world. It reminds us that even in moments of darkness of the complexities of human discord (the shadow), there is always a glimmer  of hope and light (the ring of fire) - it is the potential for positive change even in challenging times. 

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