Hoarfrost and Icicles
glazed ice drape the leafless trees
ice sculptures of neural dendrites
...glistening at 27 degrees
white latticed cobwebs cover the brush.
fine needle crystals, it's hoarfrost.
water vapor turned solid, sublimation.
icicles drip by my windowsill
add to the morning chill
Comorbidity of ADHD puts you at higher risk for Mental Health
This article on ADHD talks about research from Bath University in the UK.
Essentially it says
- Mental health risk higher in ADHD alone > Mental Health risk in Autism alone
- The risk is higher when there are co-morbidities (ie: Autism+ADHD)
Black Ice
Black ice makes roads slippery.
Silent and unseen, it lies ahead,
A slippery trap, ready to paralyze one dead
Zoom classes on schedule today
But no commute is relief!
Moments like Fleet
Its already month 2 of 2023. Time does rush past.
Months speed by, moments like fleet
Multilingual and Autism
Therapists often tell families to only speak English so as to not confuse the autistic child. I think that's not a good idea as it results in a loss of cultural identity. During my elementary years there was so much time spent on teaching me St Patrick's day (what relevance do green men and rainbows have for me) instead of say teaching me about Diwali (more relevant to me). Many of us have extended family who only speak their native tongue. Life exists outside of the special education classroom and therapy.
Capturing Joy
This time in Jan 2022
With my Haas Scholars Cohort on the UC Berkeley Campus.
We were back to in-person meetings though fully masked indoors.
Freezing Rain
liquid raindrops fall, temperature bends.
Drops hit the ground, instant freeze
Freezing rain, slick roads of unease.
Local vs Distributed Information
Implications for autism. Application and interventions is my big thought always.
I think by now it is pretty established that there are glitches in multisensory processing in autistics.
Past studies indicate TBW (Temporal Binding Window) larger in autistics - individual cortical columns were strong, but not talking to columns in other domains.
I want to highlight that this paper says that this balance between distributed vs local information can be a tool to explore differences in multisensory processing. The paper also goes on to say that this can be used to develop effective interventions aimed at improving performance on tasks requiring coordination between different sensory modalities.
So how exactly can we start to do this. What kind of experiment design can we set up so that we get to big goal of interventions. Do we first check for what regions of the brain are involved in autistics, while we do a task.