Disability in Society

A presentation for my Community Planning and Public Policy for Disabilities Class in Wurster Hall.

Reflection: The Role of Disability in Society by Jaeger

The author emphasizes that disability is a social construct, which makes its impact all the more significant. This social construct can be seen in terminology that reflects societal attitudes and changes. Disability is often the master status that defines the individual. I am uniquely Hari who also happens to have Autism. Autism should not be the sum total of who I am.

This master status impacts the way the disabled are treated. It reinforces stereotypes, exclusion, oppression, hostility, feigned concern, over-romanticism, sentimentality, indifference, and marginalization. It presumes incompetence in the workplace or some kind of economic burden on the employer. Even with laws like ADA in place, only 25% of the disabled are employed. The unemployment rate is 70% compared to 5% in the non-disabled population.

An irony is that many typical people are willing to support equal rights for minority groups based on race, gender, sexual orientation etc. Yet there is social distancing when it comes to disability. Disability is seen as distressing with varying levels of reactions depending on the nature of the disability.

When enough people in a society try to classify a set of people they come up with ways to exclude them socially and legally. Even the founding fathers thought we disabled just needed to be taken care of. The supreme court has time and again, taken a narrow interpretation of disability protection laws even as they have allowed for a broad interpretation in other laws.

The disabled need to be part of the decisions made about them, both individually and as a group. Historically this has not been so. Even media images are guided by non-disabled people. The 7 negative stereotypes about the disabled that continue to perpetuate in the media are - pitiful and pathetic; supercrip; sinister, evil, and criminal; better off dead; maladjusted and their own worst enemy; burden; and unable to live a successful life.

The world is built to cater to the needs of the abled perspective. They have no idea of the everyday challenges of the disabled in trying to navigate this environment. The social perspective sees disability as the result of an unsuitable environment, a kind of Disablism. Hence the need for social justice. If the environment is changed through laws and social norms, the disability lessens.

The idea of access is both physical and intellectual. Physical access is the architectural access along with a dose of dignity. A wheelchair user should not have to use a separate ramp or elevator at the back of the building. The spatial aspects of enablement in Pineda’s article could well be fulfilled by the planned cities envisioned by Le Corbusier which Alexander is so critical of in his article. On the flip side, the compartmentalized nature of a tree city could end up with some inadvertent segregation as well.

Intellectual access requires clarity and organization in the way information is presented. Education and Information is power in a democracy and the disabled need equal access to it. They need equal opportunity to understand the content. Technology itself is both a blessing and a problem. It’s hard to keep up with changing technology and the smaller screen sizes do make things more challenging.

Disability is growing and a worldwide issue. The author cites the number at 550 million, only 15% disabled at birth. Ironically the US is the country that provides most rights. Some countries even restrict access. Australia has turned away immigrant families who have disabled kids. The parents were welcome but not the disabled kid.

Though we have made progress in disability laws, the implementation is lax. For example, a core principle of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is that a student should be removed from general education only if his disability is so severe as to impact his educational needs. Yet time and again my school district refused to mainstream me. Their nod to compliance with the law was to allow me in the same playground as other children during recess. Somehow by magical osmosis, I was supposed to pick up skills from them.

As a disabled individual, I am thrilled that we have laws. But unless social attitudes shift, we are not going to see meaningful change. At the end of the day, all of us, whether abled or disabled, have a common goal, to be a meaningful and productive member of society.

Father of my Children - Film Review

My Film Review for the Daily Cal. 
'Father of my Children' explores nuances of fatherhood, familial obligation

The entire series by the film maker was aired at the BAMPFA in Jan.
The Daily Cal got pre-screening invites.

The Kid who would be King - Film Review

The Kid Who Would be King: [Film Review]

Saw the pre-screening for this movie "The Kid Who Would Be King" on Jan 19 though the article came out on Jan 22 in the Daily Cal.

Rode the BART to SF.  It felt really cool to sit in a specially reserved row meant just for journalists at AMC Metreon 16 in downtown SF.

Overhead this from 2 journalists who were chatting next to me. "I'm here only because it's a Joe Cornish movie. Otherwise, I'm not that interested in covering a kid's movie"

Save the Redwoods League - Local Event

Save The Redwoods League [Local Book Event Launch]

A local event that I covered. The launch of a new book on redwood conservation.

It was an Edgar Allan Poe kind of night - a thunderstorm was going on. Hard to even locate the bookstore in the pouring rain.

The place was packed nevertheless.  The room was milling with people around a table loaded with snacks. Another table nearby served wine. Only after the eating and drinking was done did the talk begin.

The result of the joint effort by Save the Redwoods League and Heyday was this remarkable book on coast redwoods. I learned so much.

Empathizing-Systemizing (E-S) Theory


While no single theory fully explains all aspects of autism, each attempts to provide insights into different cognitive and behavioral characteristics.

  • Developed by Simon Baron-Cohen, this theory suggests that autistics have an imbalance between empathizing (understanding others' emotions and mental states) and systemizing (understanding and predicting systems and patterns). They tend to have strong systemizing abilities but weaker empathizing skills.
  • Implications: Strengths in areas requiring analytical and logical thinking, such as mathematics and engineering, but difficulties in social communication and understanding others' emotions.
Read more on [E-S Theory]
Posts on other [Theories of Autism]

The Quake (Review)

Film Review: The Quake
A second review - through a prescreening link which I watched the day between 2 exams during my finals week.

In ‘The Quake,’ director explores what it means to survive 

Disability and Capability

My review of this terrific documentary on inclusion, ability and capability for the Daily Californian
Went to see the screening at the Ed Roberts Campus in Berkeley with my friend David last Thursday

ToM - Theory of Mind in Autism

While no single theory fully explains all aspects of autism, each attempts to provide insights into different cognitive and behavioral characteristics.

ToM deficit is one of the most disputed theories by Autistics.

  •  This theory suggests that autistics have difficulties understanding that others have their own thoughts, beliefs, desires, and intentions that are different from their own. This ability is often referred to as "mindreading" or "mentalizing."
  • Implications: Challenges in social communication, interpreting social cues, understanding sarcasm or irony, and predicting others' behavior.
Read more on [Theory of Mind

Posts on other [Theories of Autism]

A Continuum of Mental Health

In this article for the Mental Health Special of the Daily Cal, I draw upon what I have learned from class and conversations with Prof Steve Hinshaw, Professor of Psychology at UC Berkeley.
The opinion piece started off as an interview with Professor Steve Hinshaw

"The bottom line is that mental health needs to receive the same care and level of treatment as physical illness. But the reality is that mental health is a second-class citizen in the world of medical care. Careers in mental health are not the most desired professions in health care — there are too few mental health professionals, and most have long waitlists. "

“People may get despairing before they get treatment. … If we can replace silence with talk, if we can replace despair with access to treatment, we can put a dent in the rising suicide rate,” 

The Search for Restorative Sleep

Got to present my outreach project - Autism. The Search for Restorative Sleep,  for my Psychology of Sleep class at the Turnabout for Autism Biomed Conference in Pleasanton, CA.



Autism Awareness Week @Cal

My first Tabling at Sproul Plaza for the Autism Awareness Event.

The Fortune Cookies we handed out had messages about Autism inside them.