Prof. Georgina Kleege, UC Berkeley
I interview Prof Georgina Kleege on her work and book.
Some things in the interview were like deja vu for me as I could see parallels in Autism. At its core disability is just a variation of what we call ability. The role of language is very powerful not just in the way others view those who of us who are disabled but also how we see ourselves as a result.
The world tends to sees things from a very "ableist" point of view which is why we disabled are pushed into the ends of the bell curve and given labels.
In the case of the blind, the ableist perspective is a sighted perspective which can literally affect them in some profound ways as Prof Kleege explains with the braille signage example. I now find myself noticing the lack of braille continuity wherever I go now.
I routinely tell folks ahead of time that I am very much listening to them even if I may not really be looking at them (i.e.: lack of eye contact) so that there is no awkwardness in a face to face encounter. Prof Kleege joked right back saying she does not make eye contact either. That was an unexpected response but it just made total sense and in a way very comforting too for me.
What an amazing and insightful interview into not just art and blindness but also into disability perspectives. It gave me food for thought.