Excitation/Inhibition Imbalance in Autism Rodent Models

  • Optogenetic stimulation of pyramidal neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex in mice induces social deficits associated with enhanced gamma oscillations.
  • Increased neocortical E/I ratio caused by malfunctions of PV-expressing interneurons induces excessive gamma oscillations and autistic-like behaviors.

Factors Contributing to E/I Imbalance
  • E/I balance at the circuit level involves the interplay between GABAergic interneurons and target pyramidal neurons, modulating long-range connections.
Excitatory Synapse Development
  • Neuroligin and neurexin genes play critical roles in synapse and circuit development.
  • Knockout of 4E-BP2 in mice upregulates neuroligins, increases hippocampal synaptic E/I ratio, and induces autistic-like behaviors.
  • Pharmacologic inhibition of eIF4E or knockdown of neuroligin-1 normalizes the E/I ratio and rescues autistic-like behaviors.
  • Ampakine rescues impaired long-term potentiation and long-term memory in Ube3a-deficient mice, a model of Angelman syndrome.
  • Various gene mutations affect AMPAR transmission and synaptic functions in different mouse models.
  • IGF-1 treatment rescues reduced excitatory transmission in Shank3 and Mecp2 mice.
  • Mutations in genes like Nlgn1, Shank2, and Tbr1 lead to NMDAR hypofunction and social deficits in mice.
  • Both hypo- and hyperfunction of NMDARs can cause autistic-like behaviors in animal models.
  • mGluR5 hyperfunction in Fmr1 and BTBR mice is implicated in ASDs.
Signaling Pathways
  • The mTOR pathway and actin-modulatory pathways play crucial roles in rescuing autistic-like phenotypes in animal models.
  • Dopamine receptor agonists/antagonists and 5-hydroxytryptamine rescue behaviors in various mouse models.
Inhibitory Synapse Development and Function
  • Deletion of inhibitory synapse-specific Nlgn2 leads to decreased inhibitory synapse density and cognitive deficits.
  • Mutations in genes like Nlgn3 and Cntnap2 affect GABAergic transmission in different brain regions.
  • Deficiencies in GABA A receptor subunits and altered tonic GABAergic transmission are observed in ASD model animals.
  • PV interneurons are crucial for regulating gamma oscillations and are associated with psychiatric disorders.
  • Defects in PV, SST, and NPY interneurons lead to various phenotypes in mouse models.
  • Reduced interneuronal firing and GABAergic output contribute to social and cognitive deficits in ASD models.
Glial Cells
  • Astrocytes and nonastrocytic glial cells like microglia and oligodendrocytes play roles in regulating excitatory synapse structure and function.
  • Re-expression of MeCP2 in glial cells can restore disease-related phenotypes in ASD models.
Intrinsic Neuronal Excitability
  • Deficits in dendritic ion channels and intrinsic excitability are observed in various mouse models.
  • Neuregulin-ErbB4 signaling modulates the intrinsic excitability of PV interneurons.Homeostatic 
Synaptic Plasticity
  • Fmr1 mice show altered synaptic scaling in different brain regions.
  • GKAP/DLGAP1/SAPAP1 scaffold regulates bidirectional synaptic scaling in the hippocampus.

Temporal E/I Regulation
  • Temporal changes in E/I balance are crucial for normal brain development.
  • Early interventions with specific inhibitors can normalize E/I balance and rescue abnormal phenotypes in animal models.
  • Delayed restoration of certain genes can also rescue abnormal phenotypes in ASD models.

  • Careful interpretation of rescue results is necessary to understand the fundamental correction of pathogenic mechanisms.

Lee, E., Lee, J., & Kim, E. (2017). Excitation/inhibition imbalance in animal models of autism spectrum disorders. Biological psychiatry81(10), 838-847.

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