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My research interests

Read here to learn more about me . My graduate research investigates peripersonal space (PPS) in autism, exploring how differences in sensor...

I'm a Haas Scholar

I'm a Haas Scholar. Only 20 students are selected each year, so rather thrilled. Which means I get mentorship and funding to do my own independent research for a whole year.  This will also be my senior honors research thesis for my Psychology Major. 

 The last few weeks have been spent in getting my Human Subjects Protocol approved by the Institutional Review Board, I'm glad it did not go beyond one round of revisions.  

 I can move onto my next phase of tightening up my design and then participant recruitment.


More about the Program from hsp.berkeley.edu
"The Haas Scholars Program was founded in 1997 through the generous vision of Robert and Colleen Haas. Each year, twenty highly qualified, academically talented undergraduates... come together to build a supportive intellectual community during their final year at UC-Berkeley. Haas Scholars come from all walks of life and every major on campus, but they are united by their desire to strive for excellence–both in their individual academic pursuits, and as an interdisciplinary cohort...
Applicants are evaluated primarily on the merit and originality of their proposal for an independent research or creative project that will serve as the basis for a senior or honors thesis. Once selected, Haas Scholars receive close mentoring from members of the UC-Berkeley faculty, seminars and workshops to assist them in the research and writing process, the opportunity to present their work at a professional conference...

Haas Scholar alumni have gone on to become leaders in their respective fields, including academia, medicine, law, industry, the arts, and public service."

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