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Read here to learn more about me . My graduate research investigates peripersonal space (PPS) in autism, exploring how differences in sensor...

Dr Victor Pineda

End of an amazing semester with Professor Victor Pineda for my Comm Planning and Public Policy for Disability course.
Oh wow, his class is an experience! Growing up, you are only exposed to a little slice of your world of disability and your specific disability. This semester really opened my eyes to thinking about the bigger picture and issues up to a global scale and implementation at grassroots level.
I now also have a totally new level of respect for those yellow tactile curb cuts on the crosswalks, and the multitude of ways we interact with our built environment, the mismatches, inclusive design and universal design.
Appreciate it all the more as I am one of those PWD (person with disability) and being taught by a PWD who helped write the UNCRPD. The whole disability movement rests on the core principle of "Nihil de nobis, sine nobis" - “Nothing about us without us.” A big driving force behind my desire for higher education is to earn a seat at the table.
Lots of progress has been made but still much to be done. Hope I get to be in the thick of that change for the better.

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