Dual Approach for Autism

My article in Newsweek 


To drive true progress and improve the quality of life of all autistics we need BOTH Strengths_based_Opportunities AND Challenges_based_Solutions. 
It is not Either-Or.

#Autism #Research #Strengths_based_opportunities #Challenges_based_solutions.



The nuances of research bias

 Research is exclusionary in many ways, limited by bias and so many boundaries in the name of being able to clearly see particular results. So, in reality who does it actually serve?

Loving Hari Srinivasan's article, and the nuanced things made clear when you read about his few experiences and insights caught in this one page.

Contemplation, one line a day

 Contentment is the kindness that comes with accepting others as they are. - Hari Srinivasan

 Optimism is not the absence of problems, but the belief that solutions can be found.



Stimming is not soothing

 I wish folks stop saying stimming is soothing. 

Stimming is soothing only upto a point. It quickly crosses over into OCD and is exhausting, mentally and physically draining, caught in this behavioral loop you cannot get out of.

Joy is the feeling of love and connection to all things

Contemplation, one line a day. #MentalHealth



 Amusement is the spice of life that adds flavor to our days. -Hari Srinivasn


The power of optimism lies in the ability to see the silver lining in every cloud.

Time Magazine Article


My article in Time Magazine
" autism research has ... essentially oversampled the same, narrow band of what are considered the easily “researchable autistics,” and expected those findings (as well as the applications and interventions that resulted from them) to apply to everyone."
" If we are left out of research, we are left out of the solutions as well. "


Equanimity is the gratitude for all that life has to offer