Time Article Comments

 Umm, this is so well written and an incredibly important article!

BAM! Hari Srinivasan you are a gentleman, a scholar and an overall phenomenal advocate!!! Thank you for blazing the way for so many nonspeaking, minimally speaking and unreliably speaking people!
This is a MUST READ, featured in TIME MAGAZINE!

This is awesome Hari and so needed. Congrats on this! 

Wow, so incredible. I am a clinician in the greater LA area and provide psychological assessments, including ASD. Such a great read. 

You raise several issues about the limitations of research and the “hot mess” you describe, and also point to some solutions. I appreciate many of the ideas, especially the mobile labs and the joystick for binary decisions. 

Congrats! This is great!

Very well done. :-)


Congrats! That is super neat :) And kudos to you for being so open about your diagnosis and support needs. 

Congrats on the insightful op-ed! I loved the point, " If we are left out of research, we are left out of the solutions as well." I wasn't aware of the bias in autism research. 

What an outstanding article. Bravo!

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