Peace is the breath of life that sustains us all.

The Capitol Crawl

In the annals of history, there are moments that define the strength of the human spirit and ignite a spark of change. One such moment that will forever be etched in the hearts of millions is the remarkable "Capitol Crawl." On a day that exuded courage, hope, and determination, 150 passionate activists, including a young and incredibly brave 8-year-old girl, converged upon Capitol Hill to demand justice and the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Wheelchairs and mobility aids were cast aside, not in surrender, but in a powerful symbol of defiance against a society that had overlooked the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities for far too long. Crawling up the monumental steps of Capitol Hill, these extraordinary individuals weren't just making a physical journey; they were forging a path towards societal inclusivity, equality, and respect.

Perna et al - Autism and Vision, A Meta Analysis

    Association between Autism and vision problems. A systematic review and meta-analysis

  • Visual impairments, including refractive errors and reduced convergence, are more prevalent in autism compared to the general population.
  • Sensory abnormalities, such as altered visual perception and global motion perception deficits, are commonly observed in autistics
  • There is a need for further research to understand the relationship between visual impairments and autism, as well as the impact of these in Autistics.

Perna, J., Bellato, A., Ganapathy, P.S. et al. Association between Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and vision problems. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mol Psychiatry (2023).

Body Schema and Autism. How Our Bodies Shape Our World

Body Schema and Autism: How Our Bodies Shape Our World

Our bodies and brains are extraordinary, working together in harmony to help us navigate the world around us. Have you ever thought about how your brain creates a mental map of your body? It might sound strange, but this internal blueprint, known as the "body schema," plays a crucial role in how we interact with the world around us. For many autistics, this mental map can be a bit more complex, leading to challenges in motor coordination, body awareness, and proprioception - the sense of our body's position in space. 

What is Body Schema?

To put it simply, body schema is like a GPS system inside our brains. It constantly tracks the position of different body parts and their movements, allowing us to perform everyday tasks with ease. Think of it as an internal representation that guides our physical actions, helping us walk, talk, and even dance without consciously thinking about every single movement.

Autism and Body Schema: Unraveling the Connection

Researchers have uncovered a wealth of evidence indicating that autistics may experience unique challenges with their body schema. This could manifest in various ways, affecting their motor coordination, proprioceptive feedback, and overall body awareness. But how exactly do we know this?

Insights from Brain Scans: In a study by Haswell et al. (2009), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to observe the brains of autistic children. The researchers discovered differences in the internal model of action, a critical component of body schema related to the outcomes of motor actions. These differences in the motor system could be connected to the social and communication deficits often seen in autism.

Touch and Proprioception in Autism: Cascio et al. (2012) found that autistics might process touch and proprioception differently compared to neurotypical individuals. Proprioception refers to our sense of our body's position in space, and differences in how it is perceived could impact the development and maintenance of an accurate body schema in people with autism.

The Mystery of "Motor Noise": Another study by Izawa et al. (2012) shed light on the phenomenon of "motor noise" in autistics. Motor noise refers to inconsistent and uncontrolled movements, which could suggest disruptions in the body schema. This finding highlights a possible link between motor difficulties and the challenges in social communication often experienced by autistics.

Motor Difficulties and Proprioceptive Feedback: Whyatt and Craig (2013) conducted research that revealed children with autism faced greater difficulties in motor tasks that required proprioceptive feedback compared to neurotypical children. This points to a potential challenges in their body schema, further supporting the correlation between autism and challenges with body representation.

Implications and Hope for the Future: As our understanding of body schema and its connection to autism deepens, there is also hope for potential therapeutic interventions and supports. The emerging field of haptic technologies - technologies that engage our sense of touch - could hold promise in aiding individuals with autism to develop a more robust and accurate body schema.

Haswell, C. C., Izawa, J., Dowell, L. R., Mostofsky, S. H., & Shadmehr, R. (2009). Representation of internal models of action in the autistic brain. Nature Neuroscience, 12(8), 970–972.
Cascio, C. J., Foss-Feig, J. H., Burnette, C. P., Heacock, J. L., & Cosby, A. A. (2012). The rubber hand illusion in children with autism spectrum disorders: Delayed influence of combined tactile and visual input on proprioception. Autism, 16(4), 406-419.
Izawa, J., Pekny, S. E., Marko, M. K., Haswell, C. C., Shadmehr, R., & Mostofsky, S. H. (2012). Motor learning relies on integrated sensory inputs in ADHD, but over-selectively on proprioception in autism spectrum conditions. Autism Research, 5(2), 124-136.
Whyatt, C., & Craig, C. (2013). Sensory-motor problems in Autism. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 7, 51.

ADA 33

"It is hard for younger generations to imagine a world without the ADA, but before it existed, if you were disabled, stores could turn you away and employers could refuse to hire you. Transit was largely inaccessible. America simply was not built for all Americans, but courageous activists pushed to change that. In 1973, the Congress passed the landmark Rehabilitation Act, banning discrimination by any federally funded entity. Then, 17 years later, a bipartisan group of legislators persevered in passing the ADA, banning discrimination against people with disabilities in most areas of public life, from the workplace and public schools to public transit and telecommunications.

The ADA has had a profound impact, but we still have much more work to do...."

Happy ADA 33


Towards a better humanity

 Peace is the music that the world needs to hear. - Hari Srinivasan

Null but Noteworthy Results

[Concepts in Research] 

Unearthing Hidden Gems: The Power of Null but Noteworthy Results. 

We live in a world obsessed with "success" and "results," where everyone craves those flashy headlines and dazzling breakthroughs. But there is also that captivating realm of science where the unsung heroes of research reside: the "Null but Noteworthy" results!

Picture this: scientists, huddled in labs, fervently running experiments, only to be met with a lack of statistically significant findings. It's when scientists don't get that big "Eureka!" moment they hoped for, meaning their experiments didn't yield any jaw-dropping, statistically significant results. 

In the world of research, null results are sometimes brushed aside like yesterday's news. But here's the kicker – they still have a story to tell.  Imagine you're digging for treasure, and instead of finding gold, you stumble upon ancient artifacts that offer a glimpse into an unknown civilization. Those artifacts might not be shiny, but they are undoubtedly noteworthy!

Our pursuit of knowledge should never be solely about finding "yes" or "no" answers. Embracing "Null but Noteworthy" results sparks curiosity, opening doors to entirely new avenues of inquiry. Like a maze with countless paths, these unassuming results may hold the key to groundbreaking revelations.

By acknowledging and sharing these seemingly modest findings, researchers foster an environment of honesty and integrity in science. No more sweeping those "unsuccessful" studies under the rug! It's time to celebrate the courage it takes to publish these results and the potential they have to refine our understanding of the world.

I think we need to remember that in a universe brimming with complexity, not every puzzle piece fits perfectly – and that's okay! These "Null but Noteworthy" results serve as guideposts for future investigations, leading us towards answers that might have otherwise remained hidden.

So, the next time you stumble upon a study with lackluster headlines, pause for a moment and give it a chance. Embrace the power of "Null but Noteworthy" - you never know what intriguing revelations might lie beneath the surface.

Stay curious, stay bold, and let's celebrate the beauty of scientific exploration in all its forms! 🧠

 Peace is the antidote to chaos and strife - Hari Srinivasan

 Peace is the calm in the midst of the storm - Hari Srinivasan

Pensacola Beach

Spend weekend in Florida, Pensacola Beach. It was amazing. The water was just right, not too hot, not too cold, not too deep, big waves and sparkling white sands. 


 Peace is the harmony that brings us together - Hari Srinivasan

 Peace is the gift of freedom that we give to ourselves and others - Hari Srinivasan