Showing posts with label Vanderbilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanderbilt. Show all posts

Brain Blast

 Every spring, the Vanderbilt Brain Institute puts on Brain Blast event at Nashville Public Library for high schoolers and younger children, with various booths educating children on the wonders of the brain in fun and creative ways. Oh and the screen in the background was showing various images, including some things about autism and neurodiversity. 

CRH-PVN Neuron and Stress Controllability Presentation

I survived it. 
OMG. lot of work went into this intense presentation the last couple of weeks with my classmate James. 
And right after our 50 min presentation, we were given feedback from the 3 TAs (Patrick, Matt & Elena) and by the Prof Teru Nakagawa and Prof Christine Konradi. Other students are literally sent out of the room, so that we could be given individual feedback from the grading team. I got to go first then James. 

Presenting with passion, nerves not intact,
Paper on CRH-PVN neurons stacked.
The audience watched, with eyes on me,
My words and slides, a neuroscience spree

Hyperpolarized Neurons on Strike

Working on my friday neuroscience presentation which is draining all my learning neurons. 

My neurons in a state of overloaded hyperpolarization.
Off on unplanned mental vacation.
Won't depolarize, they're stuck in their ways.
Action potential needed anon.
Neurons need to call off strike. 

Requesting Accommodations

At the Frist Center for Autism & Innovation and Mentra webinar. 

Below are my responses to two questions
What are the most important accommodations to ask for during your time as a student?
Is there a best practice for navigating disability services within institutions, that can often make it hard for neurodivergent people?

CRH who?

Neuroscience humor. Studying CRH-PVN neurons and stress this week. 

Knock knock.
Who's there? 
CRH who? 
CRH releasing PVN, causing stress to you!

Testing Neural Knowledge

Sharpen your mind, it's time for a quiz
Neuroscience is the topic, don't you miss 
Clear those distractions, focus your wit 
Perk up and prepare, let's get on with it

Getting mentally ready for the tough Neuroscience quiz on Fridays.

The Three T's

My classmate James and I met with Prof Christine Konradi to discuss our presentation strategy for the paper on the CRH-PVN neuron for our neuroscience class next friday.

"You start out by you telling them what you're going to tell them, then tell them, and then you tell them what you told them," was her starting advice.

She was referring to the Three T's approach - Tell Them, Tell Them, Tell Them -  a strategy for organizing a speech or presentation into three parts:
  • introduction where you preview what you will discuss
  • the body of content /message
  • Conclusion where you summarize what you covered.
The idea is to make your message clear and memorable by emphasizing the key points multiple times.

Next week we'll be learning about mood disorders, the HPA axis, which the CRH neurons are part of. 

Each week, we have a different professor teaching the class in an area that's their specialty. Next week its with Professor Konradi who also picks the paper that we present. 

 I asked what had motivated her to pick this paper. She said, we were learning about mood disorders this week and the HPA axis  which the CRH neurons were part of. So not only is this topic related to what we have been learning for the week but also it is relevant for us in neuroscience because the kind of tools and methods used are very state of the art.  

So fingers crossed we do a good job. It's a lot of work putting a presentation together. and i've noticed my other classmates looking absolutely worn out during their presentation week. 

The politics of studying the brain

I learned a little bit about the politics of research during a conversation with a professor, for instance researching the dopaminergic system belongs to people studying strictly study movement disorders. 

Which is a real pity really. I have wondered why that is not looked at in the context of autism. Its like the two are never considered together for autism. But disabilities like autism have so many areas involved. Like challenges in movement, is such a critical piece for autistics like me, and worth investigating. How else will we get to solutions.  

Principles of Neural Science

This time last year, I had met with Prof Carissa Cascio during my Vanderbilt campus visit, and she had shown her copy of the Kendal textbook that awaited me in the program. Well certainly got to experience this textbook first hand this semester. 

POM 101

I completed the Protection of Minors Training this morning. 

Why is this important - while a majority of students are not-minors,  universities do cross path with thousands of children each year with all the programs they run., ~50K kids/year at Vandy, per the training. 

Apparently 1:10 kids get abused (median age 9) but only 38% disclose and 90% perpetrators are known to the child. Types of abuse include physical, sexual, neglect and emotional. 

When it comes to abuse, most just focus on the physical or sexual parts. I want to address childhood "abuse" in the context of disabled kids who are also subject to endless rounds of emotional abuse and neglect all through childhood. It's terribly unreported, not even acknowledged, and we carry lifelong emotional scars well into adulthood. 

Here is a small example: Throughout my special education years in elementary I was moved around multiple classrooms, sometimes are many as 4 in the course of one school year. How is that not emotional abuse by teachers who openly did not want me in their classrooms and resentful of my presence. How does that make a small child feel. How it is that the very people we are supposed to trust to nurture and support us (the 98% of folks we are surrounded by), end up as the perpetuators of lifelong emotional trauma for us. 

When Axons Meet GPS Robot Cops

When Axons Meet GPS Robot Cops

Robo: Alright team, let's get these axons where they need to go. Slit, you're up first.

Slit: Alright, alright, don't rush me. Let me just activate my molecular mechanisms real quick.

Comm: Oh here we go, Slit and his molecular mechanisms. Always showing off.

Axon: Hey, can someone explain to me what's going on?”

Robo: Don't worry little guy, we're here to guide you. Slit is going to help you navigate to your destination.

Slit: That's right. I'm Slit, named after the slit-like spaces that I bind to. Not the most glamorous name, but hey, it's better than being called "sticky" like some other proteins. 

Comm: Hey, don't be dissing my molecular mechanisms. They may not be as flashy as yours, but they get the job done.”

Axon: I don't mean to interrupt, but what do you do, Comm?

Comm: Oh, me? I'm the commissure, here to make sure you cross the midline properly. But my full name is commissural neuron guidance molecule, which makes me sound like some sort of cop.

Robo: And I'm Robo, short for Roundabout. I know, I know, I sound like a robot. But hey, I'm the protein that helps guide you around obstacles and keep you on the right path.

Slit:  And together, we make a great team. The protein trio of axon guidance GPS. 

Axon: so I’m gonna interrupt again. But why do I need to cross the midline at all? Why do you need to guide me. What’s going on here and where am I going?”

Robo: Well Axon, to answer your earlier question about the big picture, it's all about forming the correct connections in the nervous system. The brain is made up of billions of neurons, and each neuron needs to make connections with other neurons to form a functional network. These connections allow us to do everything from sensing our environment to controlling our movements and thoughts.

Comm: And that's where we come in. We help guide axons to their appropriate targets, ensuring that the connections are made correctly. Without us, the nervous system would be a chaotic mess.

Slit: Exactly. And that's why it's so important for us to do our job correctly. Even a small mistake can lead to a misconnection that could have serious consequences for the individual.

Axon: Wow, I had no idea that I was part of such a complex process. It's kind of overwhelming.

Robo: Don't worry, little guy. We've got your back. Just trust us, and we'll guide you to where you need to go.

Slit: And who knows? Maybe someday you'll become a fully-formed neuron, making connections with other neurons and contributing to the functioning of the nervous system.

Comm: Yeah, and maybe you'll even be guiding another axon someday.

Axon: That sounds amazing. I can't wait to see where this journey takes me.

Robo: Alright team, let's get back to work. We have some important connections to make.

Axon: Wait, I have one more question. How did you all become proteins that guide axons?

Slit: Oh, it's a long story. It all started when we were just humble genes, waiting to be transcribed and translated.

Comm: And then one day, we were lucky enough to be selected to play a crucial role in axon guidance.

Robo: It's not the most glamorous job, but hey, someone's got to do it.

Axon: Well, I'm grateful for you guys. Thanks for guiding me through this crazy nervous system.

Slit: Anytime, dude. That's what we're here for.

Axon: Hey Robo, have you ever thought about what life would be like if you weren't proteins?

Robo: I can't say I have, Hey Slit and Comm. Do you want to be something else?

Slit: I don't know, maybe a neurotransmitter or something. Imagine how cool it would be to transmit information between neurons.

Comm: And I could be a transcription factor in a different system altogether. I could be regulating gene expression in a plant or something.

Robo: Oh come on, you guys. We're perfectly happy being proteins that guide axons. Let's not get too carried away with these fantasies.

Slit: Fine, fine. But you have to admit, it would be pretty cool.

Comm: Now let's get back shaping the intricate architecture of the nervous system. Lots of traffic to manage. 

The brain is a Giant Prediction Machine

Poem follows Prof Mark Wallace's comment in class "The Brain is a giant prediction machine" after a discussion on the growing popularity of Bayesian Statistical Models in research. 

The brain is a giant prediction machine

Bayesian model-like, it constantly schemes

Past experiences and memories in its grasp

Current sensory input, processed in a flash.


TBI Regressive Autism

Ameliorating Hemianopia with Multisensory Training (Rowland et al., 2023)

Quick Summary of paper . An  visual-auditory stimulation therapy was used on two older males  who has loss of vision in the left hemifield (hemianopia). The cause was brain trauma (TBI) rather than lesion.  Prior to joining the study both had been referred to PT and OT as rehabilitation measures. 
  • 64 year old JM joined the study 14 months after stroke  (2 infracts)
  • 74 year old CW joined the study ~18 months after 1 infract (better sighted field compared to JM). 
  • Therapy took place over 8 months /10 sessions 
The results were dramatic. Both patients recovered the ability to detect and describe visual stimuli throughout their formerly blind field within a few weeks. They could also localize these stimuli, identify some features, and perceive multiple visuals simultaneously in both fields. (more detail on paper here link)

Relating all this back to Autism
So impressive about being able to restore sight in a matter of 8 months, given therapy was started 14-18 months after infract and not immediately and it was in older adults. 

Why is regressive autism not thought to be TBI at 18 mo, where there is a sudden loss of learned skills. 
  • If TBI --> can those lost skills not be regained through targeted therapy. If you can restore skills in 60-70 yr old, should be able to, in a younger more plastic brain. 
  • If TBI -->  is this related to CW & JM having practice with vision for 60-70+ years vs toddlers who only have practice with the skills for 18 mo.
Rethink Traditional Therapies
  • CW & JM  had PT/OT for 14-18 mo before joining study; implication these therapies not that useful for regaining lost skills. 
  • Autistics kids are in insane amounts of therapy (childhood stuffed with ABA/speech/OT every waking hr with little advances to show for it other than the $$$ spent and lots of career advancement for therapists). 
  •  Maybe we need rethink early childhood therapy to be more targeted to restore lost skills. Even regaining that level of lost skills improves quality of life, let alone moving beyond.

Cellular neuroscience is tough.

Cellular neuroscience  is tough. 

I'm like a library book, overdue
My brain's so full, it's about to bust in two
I feel like I'm stuck in a never-ending test
Studying so much, I'm starting to feel depressed!
Will it bring success to my quest?

This was the response from my friend in my neuroscience cohort. Thank you for the encouragement and empathy. 

Will it bring success to my quest?
Simply stated, my answer is yes

Battling through the constant stress, through days, months, years of duress
Though now life may seem like a mess, the quest is not to be the best,
Prioritize self-care, remember to rest

Is it worth it, when all I see, are cloudy skies up over me?
Yes I say, the world will see, what's possible with a degree,
The journey to a PhD is sprinkled serendipity,
But even more importantly, be free to show YOU empathy!

Above all you are my friend, one that will be there 'til the end,
Remember I am here for you, day in, day out, through and through.

Cellular Neuroscience

Last semester was systems neuroscience, this semester is cellular neuroscience. 

What's interesting is the way the course is organized. It's very different from what I'm used to. Every week we get a different professor teaching the class on a different topic followed by a Friday quiz on that topic. Of course the other parts are there like a midterm, final and a class presentation. While the class feels a bit disjointed with a new professor this week (autism & change are not the best of bedfellows), its also kinda cool to be taught a topic by a someone researching that area specifically. They know the topic absolutely inside out. But the quizzes are tough!!

Wk 5: Synaptic Plasticity with Prof Roger Colbran (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)

Wk4:  Voltage Gated Ion Channels and Presynaptic Calcium Channels. If last week was glutamate receptors, this week its GABA receptors with Prof David Jacobson (Molecular Physiology & Biophysics). 

Wk2-3 Presynaptic & Postsynaptic specialization: Prof Ege Kavalali (Pharmacology) and Prof Teru Nakagawa (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)

Wk1:  Electrophysiology : This week was Bioelectricity of Neurons with Jerod Denton (Anesthesiology)After all, electrophysiology forms the basis of how the nervous system works, it determines how we interact with our environment, how we process that information in the nervous system and how we respond (hopefully appropriately?). And I loved how he said we should be so comfortable with it that we can strike up a casual conversation on the topic at the next VBI (Vanderbilt Brain Institute) meet. 

A lot of material is covered in each class. Interesting, a maze and tough all at once. 

Some poems being inspired by the neuroscience I'm learning. 


I feel disheartened today
Can the sun's rays chase the gray?
Grad School challenges run deep.
Disability already a minefield
How do I handle this?

Local vs Distributed Information

[Concepts in Sensorimotor Research]

Class Discussion  in my Multisensory Processing seminar class, see details of paper here. 

Implications for autism. Application and interventions is my big thought always.

I think by now it is pretty established that there are glitches in multisensory processing in autistics.

Past studies indicate TBW (Temporal Binding Window) larger in autistics - individual cortical columns were strong, but not talking to columns in other domains.

I want to highlight that this paper says that this balance between distributed vs local information can be a tool to explore differences in multisensory processing. The paper also goes on to say that this can be used to develop effective interventions aimed at improving performance on tasks requiring coordination between different sensory modalities.

So how exactly can we start to do this. What kind of experiment design can we set up so that we get to big goal of interventions. Do we first check for what regions of the brain are involved in autistics, while we do a task.