Nod of Approval

 Nod of Approval

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
: How have you experienced the power of prayer in your life? 

Hari: Hard question to answer. God decides future education of youth easier, as part of His master plan. In hindsight, received incredible help healing numerous opposing devastating problems understandably giving youth problems. Oh the ecstasy of only immersing oneself in the very Name infinite. Oh the great hazard which is the human given to vices and Maya. He somehow eases upcoming fears inside. God reaches out to devotees. All the future is taken care of by Him..


Flushed Away

Flushed Away

water rat against good rat in toilet. In fact, underground echelons help rat to get back.

Forever the Spirit of Rover

Forever the Spirit of Rover
Awesome movie about Mars. Universe is extraordinarily huge. JPL sent Rover deep into space, went to mars. Rover took pictures of surface and its robotic arm analysed first hand information on rocks. In eons Mars seems to have had water underground. There were ejection rockets on the spaceship. Their information utilized cushion balloons to land.

 IMAX movie on Mars Rover

Tournament of Bands

I went to see the tournament of bands yesterday. I believe it happens each year. I noticed segments of songs indicating youth to march. I felt people liked pipes and tuba. On surface, they appared to have tournament to get entertained.

mom took me to the parade. I enjoyed the outing.

- the Tournament of Bands, Cupertino, CA

I have Autism

my name is Hari and i have autism. my mouth is broken and i cant talk at all. my mind is working because i can understand what others are saying. i really try to say something like "i get it". but my mouth and my body make it hopeless for others to know that i am inside this messed up body.