Another brilliant article Hari. I am sharing it widely too. The students in our autism certificate programs always love your pieces and refer back to them frequently in their reflections.
New article In Psychology Today
Another brilliant article Hari. I am sharing it widely too. The students in our autism certificate programs always love your pieces and refer back to them frequently in their reflections.
High Cost of Positive Psychology Services is a Barrier.
"Integrating Autism and the Positive Psychology fields faces significant barriers, starting with the high cost of therapy, which automatically makes it inaccessible to a large portion of autistics and their families. Being autistic already comes with a big financial cost." - Hari Srinivasan
Such a brilliant statement.
"a history of the relegation of first-hand accounts as biased or inaccurate by the nature of the fact that autistic people wrote them (Botha, 2021)."
Botha, M., & Cage, E. (2022). "Autism research is in crisis": A mixed method study of researcher's constructions of autistic people and autism research. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 1050897.
My Research at Vanderbilt
EVRA Visioning Event
Just got invited to this event.
Dear Hari,
I am delighted to invite you to the upcoming ERVA visioning event on Engineering Design to Equip a Neurodiverse Workforce on January 29-30, 2025, in Nashville, TN. You were selected for your expertise and experience in this field, which we believe will allow you to contribute to the discussion and raise the level of understanding among all participants. That will lead to a better visioning report, which is the output from this event.....
The Engineering Research Visioning Alliance (ERVA), an initiative funded by the National Science Foundation Engineering Directorate, will host a visioning event to roadmap critical areas of engineering that can have a significant impact. The goal of the event is to collectively develop a strategic plan spanning the next 20-50 years of high-impact, high-reward, pre-competitive engineering research-led opportunities that will advance United States competitiveness. The event outcomes will inform future research directions/resourcing across the nation in industry, academia, federal agencies, national labs, and other stakeholders.
Challenges-Based Solutions
"For some autistics, we can step right into the application of positive psychology. For others, we need to be working on challenge-based solutions at the same time. It’s not a binary, either/or situation where you do one at the expense of the other. " - Hari Srinivasan
VKC Science Day
Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Science Day - Tuesday, October 15, 2025
2024 Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Science Day will take place Tuesday, Oct. 15, beginning at 11:30 a.m. at Vanderbilt University Student Life Center. Posters will be hung in the Commodore Ballroom from 10:00-11:30 a.m. with the program beginning at 11:30 a.m. in the Commodore Ballroom. Science Day festivities will include lunch, two poster sessions, a keynote, and a Data Blitz, closing with a wine/cheese reception. Find updates for Science Day at the VKC Science Day webpage here:
What's on my mind
What's on my mind.
I'm just troubled by all the hate in the world. If humankind wants to progress it should be a combined effort forward, not splitting into all the hate factions for whatever reason. Humans are an insignificant nix in the context of the vast universe we live in. I also wonder about my role in all this. I know in terms of disability advocacy I've thought of everything I get to do as adding small pebbles that widen ripples in the pond of change. So I wonder about which small pebbles I can add to that pond.
Diagnostic Overshadowing
The SfN experience
Was at the Society for Neuroscience Conference from Oct 4-9.
Largest neuroscience conference in the world with 22K attendees and 3K exhitors. A mix of overwhelm and awe.
2 poster sessions navigated - a 2 hr long one during the Early Career Session linked to my TPDA award and another 4hr one under Cross Modal Processing in Humans Session