The PV Hypothesis of Autism

The Parvalbumin (PV) hypothesis of autism suggests that dysfunction in PV-expressing interneurons leads to an imbalance in excitation and inhibition, contributing to core features of autism such as sensory hypersensitivity and seizures. [Read in more detail For the Science/Academic Reader]

Layspeak: The PV hypothesis of autism proposes that problems with specific brain cells called PV neurons cause an imbalance in brain signals, leading to common autism traits like sensitivity to sensory inputs and a higher chance of seizures. [Read in more Detail PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader]

Read in More Detail

PlainSpeak for the Lay Reader

For the Science/Academic Reader

A short definition

Disability Rights

A quote from my chapter in the anthology below


Lasr Lab

 Just came across my name on the Lasr Lab Website.

NISE Fellow on AANHPI Autism Panel

NISE Fellow Hari Srinivasan Appears on AMBIV Collective Panel.

Last Wednesday, 29th May, NISE Fellow and self-advocate Hari Srinivasan appeared on an AMBIV panel entitled AANHPI Autism Self-Advocacy Panel.The recording of the webinar is at this link, or watch below.

The webinar featured an empowering online panel that showcased autistic Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) self-advocates as they shared their inspiring journeys and self-advocacy experiences. Attendees had the opportunity to discover how these incredible individuals navigated the intersections of their cultural heritage and autism and how they used their voices to drive change and foster understanding. The conversation provided an intimate glimpse into their challenges, triumphs, and the strength of their resilience.

The AMBIV collective is dedicated to redefining inclusion. They are actively empowering disability and neurodivergent communities, fostering community connections, and building solutions rooted in diverse needs and aspirations. Their vision is to cultivate an inclusive and collaborative ecosystem that embraces diversity, innovation, and shared knowledge, offering hope for a more inclusive future.
29th May, NISE Fellow and self-advocate Hari Srinivasan appeared on an AMBIV panel entitled AANHPI Autism Self-Advocacy Panel. The recording of the webinar is at this link:

The webinar featured an empowering online panel that showcased autistic Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) self-advocates as they shared their inspiring journeys and self-advocacy experiences. Attendees had the opportunity to discover how these incredible individuals navigated the intersections of their cultural heritage and autism and how they used their voices to drive change and foster understanding. The conversation provided an intimate glimpse into their challenges, triumphs, and the strength of their resilience.

The AMBIV collective is dedicated to redefining inclusion. They are actively empowering disability and neurodivergent communities, fostering community connections, and building solutions rooted in diverse needs and aspirations. Their vision is to cultivate an inclusive and collaborative ecosystem that embraces diversity, innovation, and shared knowledge, offering hope for a more inclusive future.

#Neurodiversity #AANHPI #Autism #ASD #SelfAdvocate #Panel #Webinar #AMBIV #AMBIVCollective

@JennyMaiPhanPhD is moderating the #AANHPI panel of neurodivergent self-advocates.
, we look forward to learn about your innovative projects. #AANHPIHeritageMonth #AsianAmerican #Neurodiversity #ASD #DisabilityTwitter

What a surprise! I was not expecting
to be at this panel. #AANHPIHeritageMonth #neurodiversity #AANHPI #asianamerican

Are you ready to embark on an enlightening journey that celebrates the rich tapestry of neurodiversity, cultural heritage, and Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander perspectives? Join us our upcoming online panel featuring autistic AANHPI self-advocates!

On May 29th at 10 am PT // 1 pm ET, we'll be hosting an engaging conversation where our esteemed panelists will share their unique journeys, self-advocacy experiences, and invaluable insights on the intersection of autism and their cultural identities.

This virtual event offers an invaluable opportunity to learn from the lived experiences of Ben VanHook, Celina Tupou-FulivaiHari Srinivasan, and Dennis Tran. Moderated by the Dr. Jenny Mai Phan and Kim Chua, we'll delve into thought-provoking discussions that champion inclusion, amplify diverse narratives, and foster a deeper understanding of neurodivergence within the AANHPI communities.

Join us as we embrace the beauty of our differences, challenge societal norms, and pave the way for a more inclusive and accepting world. Together, we can break down barriers, dispel myths, and create a space where every perspectives is celebrated.

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to learn, connect, and be inspired!
📅 Save the date: Wednesday, May 29th
⏰ Time: 10 am - 11 am PT // 1 pm - 2pm ET
💡 Learn more and register:
Save the date: Wednesday, May 29
Time: 10 AM PT
Event: Free Virtual Panel

I am very excited to share that, alongside Kim Chua, we will be moderating the upcoming AAPI Autism Self-Advocacy Panel, an initiative by the AMBIV Collective to amplify the voices of autistic self-advocates within the AAPI community for AAPI/AANHPI/APIDA Heritage Month in May.

Join us on Wednesday, May 29 at 10 AM Pacific Time/ 1 PM Eastern Time for an empowering and insightful virtual discussion. Our incredible panelists, each with their own unique experiences, will be sharing their journeys of self-advocacy, exploring how they intertwine their rich cultural heritage with autism to foster change and understanding.

This panel is not just a conversation but a step forward in embracing the diversity of the autism community and ensuring that all voices are heard and valued.

Let's come together to support and learn from the experiences of the AAPI autistic community. I look forward to seeing many of you there!
Don't miss our upcoming online panel featuring inspiring autistic Asian American and Pacific Islander self-advocates! 🌟

Join us for an engaging conversation as they share their unique journeys, self-advocacy experiences, and insights on the intersection of autism and their cultural heritage. This event offers a valuable opportunity to learn, connect, and champion inclusion.


Excitation/Inhibition Imbalance in Autism Rodent Models

  • Optogenetic stimulation of pyramidal neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex in mice induces social deficits associated with enhanced gamma oscillations.
  • Increased neocortical E/I ratio caused by malfunctions of PV-expressing interneurons induces excessive gamma oscillations and autistic-like behaviors.

Factors Contributing to E/I Imbalance
  • E/I balance at the circuit level involves the interplay between GABAergic interneurons and target pyramidal neurons, modulating long-range connections.
Excitatory Synapse Development
  • Neuroligin and neurexin genes play critical roles in synapse and circuit development.
  • Knockout of 4E-BP2 in mice upregulates neuroligins, increases hippocampal synaptic E/I ratio, and induces autistic-like behaviors.
  • Pharmacologic inhibition of eIF4E or knockdown of neuroligin-1 normalizes the E/I ratio and rescues autistic-like behaviors.
  • Ampakine rescues impaired long-term potentiation and long-term memory in Ube3a-deficient mice, a model of Angelman syndrome.
  • Various gene mutations affect AMPAR transmission and synaptic functions in different mouse models.
  • IGF-1 treatment rescues reduced excitatory transmission in Shank3 and Mecp2 mice.
  • Mutations in genes like Nlgn1, Shank2, and Tbr1 lead to NMDAR hypofunction and social deficits in mice.
  • Both hypo- and hyperfunction of NMDARs can cause autistic-like behaviors in animal models.
  • mGluR5 hyperfunction in Fmr1 and BTBR mice is implicated in ASDs.
Signaling Pathways
  • The mTOR pathway and actin-modulatory pathways play crucial roles in rescuing autistic-like phenotypes in animal models.
  • Dopamine receptor agonists/antagonists and 5-hydroxytryptamine rescue behaviors in various mouse models.
Inhibitory Synapse Development and Function
  • Deletion of inhibitory synapse-specific Nlgn2 leads to decreased inhibitory synapse density and cognitive deficits.
  • Mutations in genes like Nlgn3 and Cntnap2 affect GABAergic transmission in different brain regions.
  • Deficiencies in GABA A receptor subunits and altered tonic GABAergic transmission are observed in ASD model animals.
  • PV interneurons are crucial for regulating gamma oscillations and are associated with psychiatric disorders.
  • Defects in PV, SST, and NPY interneurons lead to various phenotypes in mouse models.
  • Reduced interneuronal firing and GABAergic output contribute to social and cognitive deficits in ASD models.
Glial Cells
  • Astrocytes and nonastrocytic glial cells like microglia and oligodendrocytes play roles in regulating excitatory synapse structure and function.
  • Re-expression of MeCP2 in glial cells can restore disease-related phenotypes in ASD models.
Intrinsic Neuronal Excitability
  • Deficits in dendritic ion channels and intrinsic excitability are observed in various mouse models.
  • Neuregulin-ErbB4 signaling modulates the intrinsic excitability of PV interneurons.Homeostatic 
Synaptic Plasticity
  • Fmr1 mice show altered synaptic scaling in different brain regions.
  • GKAP/DLGAP1/SAPAP1 scaffold regulates bidirectional synaptic scaling in the hippocampus.

Temporal E/I Regulation
  • Temporal changes in E/I balance are crucial for normal brain development.
  • Early interventions with specific inhibitors can normalize E/I balance and rescue abnormal phenotypes in animal models.
  • Delayed restoration of certain genes can also rescue abnormal phenotypes in ASD models.

  • Careful interpretation of rescue results is necessary to understand the fundamental correction of pathogenic mechanisms.

Lee, E., Lee, J., & Kim, E. (2017). Excitation/inhibition imbalance in animal models of autism spectrum disorders. Biological psychiatry81(10), 838-847.

      Systematic Desensitization


      Listen at:

      MTT Mental Time Travel

      Mental Time Travel (MTT) refers to the cognitive ability to mentally project oneself backward in time to recall past events or forward in time to anticipate future scenarios. In relation to autism, MTT research explores how individuals with autism may experience differences in episodic memory and future-oriented thinking, potentially leading to challenges in recalling specific personal events or imagining detailed future scenarios. [ Read in more detail on MTT]

      PlainSpeak: Mental Time Travel (MTT) is our brain’s way of thinking back to past memories or imagining what might happen in the future. For people with autism, MTT might work differently, sometimes making it harder to remember personal events or imagine future plans. [Read in more detail, a PlainSpeak Version]


      Related Posts: [Autism Theories], [Sensorimotor], [Neuroscience of Autism]

      No passion or urgency for solutions

      Why is there NO PASSION OR URGENCY in seeking ACTUAL SOLUTIONS for Autism in the myriad conversations around autism?

      I’m been waiting 2.5 decades for solutions, there is still NO MOVEMENT.

      Monotropism and Special Interests in Autism - a Neurocognitive Perspective

      Monotropism and special interests are closely related yet distinct constructs within the context of autism. Both concepts elucidate how autistic individuals exhibit profound engagement with specific domains, yet they underscore different facets of this phenomenon.

      Monotropism is a cognitive model positing that autistic individuals exhibit a narrowed attentional focus on a limited set of interests, in contrast to the broader attentional distribution observed in neurotypical individuals. This heightened attentional focus facilitates deep expertise and significant enjoyment in specialized areas. However, it also results in attentional inflexibility, making it challenging for individuals to shift focus to other tasks or interests that do not align with their core interests. Monotropism provides a framework for understanding why autistic individuals often demonstrate exceptional proficiency in their areas of passion but may face difficulties with tasks that are outside these focal points.

      Special Interests refer to the specific topics or activities that elicit intense focus and enthusiasm in autistic individuals. These interests often manifest as lifelong passions and serve as sources of comfort, identity, and competence. While special interests contribute positively to an autistic individual's life, they may be misunderstood or undervalued by others who fail to recognize their significance.

      Neurocognitive explanations for both monotropism and special interests suggest that these behaviors are underpinned by fundamental differences in brain function and information processing in autistic individuals. Monotropism is thought to involve an atypical allocation of cognitive resources, where autistic individuals preferentially allocate their cognitive bandwidth to areas of high personal significance. This preferential allocation can be understood through the lens of predictive coding theories, particularly those emphasizing 'slow-updating' and 'high-precision' or 'hypoprior' mechanisms. These theories propose that autistic individuals maintain highly precise and stable internal models for their areas of interest, leading to profound engagement and expertise in these domains but also to challenges in adapting to new or less predictable tasks.

      Special interests, on the other hand, may be conceptualized as emergent properties of these underlying neurocognitive mechanisms. The intense focus and enthusiasm associated with special interests reflect the heightened precision and stability of the predictive models governing these interests. The sustained engagement with special interests can be further understood through the framework of neural reward pathways, where dopaminergic activity reinforces behaviors that align with these precise internal models, thereby enhancing the salience and reward value of special interests.

      Understanding both monotropism and special interests from a neurocognitive perspective can inform the development of supportive environments that leverage the strengths of autistic individuals. By recognizing and building upon their focused cognitive styles, educators, clinicians, and caregivers can implement strategies that accommodate attentional inflexibility while fostering opportunities for growth and adaptation. This approach not only acknowledges the unique cognitive profiles of autistic individuals but also promotes their overall well-being and societal inclusion.

      Here are the different versions to help understand Monotropism and Special Interests 

      Special Interests

      Special interests in autism are intense and highly focused areas of interest that individuals may pursue with great enthusiasm and expertise, often serving as a source of comfort and a means of coping with sensory and social challenges.

      PlainSpeak: Special interests are topics or activities that autistic people are extremely passionate about and know a lot about, which can be both a hobby and a way to feel comfortable.

      Read more about Special Interests 


       Monotropism in autism refers to a cognitive tendency toward deep focus on specific interests or tasks, often leading to intense concentration and reduced awareness of broader contexts or multiple stimuli.

      PlainSpeak: Monotropism is when someone, often an autistic person, focuses deeply on one thing, making it hard to pay attention to other things around them.

      Read more about Monotropism