We need action on ACTUAL SOLUTIONS for Autism.

Communication,  Biomedical physiology (physical/mental health), Precision Pharma, Healthcare, Sensorimotor, Policy Priorities, Funding Priorities, Supports services, myriad equity of access issues.

Lets work on leveling the playing field.

QUALITY OF LIFE means ALL Autistics get to avail of opportunities

The Access Ramp to Volunteering



Neuroception - Safety Perception

Autism Lexicon - Neuroception

Neuroception is the brain's automatic process of evaluating environmental safety and threat levels, often dysregulated in autism, leading to heightened sensitivity to sensory input and potentially contributing to negative attribution bias and hostile attribution bias. [ Read in more detail on Neuroception here].

PlainSpeak: Neuroception is how our brain unconsciously decides if we're safe or in danger. In autism, this process can be heightened, causing some people to see everyday situations as more threatening, which can affect how they respond to others. [ Read in more detail on Neurocepton here]. 

e or t

I recently saw a social media post with arguments over "neurodiverse" v "neurodivergent."


Are we now going to start another decades-long, never-ending conversation, parallel to the disproportionate airtime spent on arguing "with autism" vs "autistic,"

Can we focus on ACTUAL SOLUTIONS FOR AUTISM  - benefits our Quality of Life on the ground
(There seems to be no similar passion or urgency in seeking solutions)

A mere 13% of the world is primarily english-speaking, but autistics exist all over the globe.

A majority of us desperately need SOLUTIONS, and care much less about re-arrangements of letters or grammar.

Understanding Short-Term Brain Changes and Autism

PlainSpeak Plain Language Version for the Lay Reader

Our brains constantly change how neurons (nerve cells) communicate to help us learn and remember things. Some of these changes happen very quickly and are known as short-term synaptic plasticity. This is when the connection strength between two neurons changes for a few seconds to a few minutes. Two important types of these changes are paired pulse facilitation (PPF) and paired pulse depression (PPD).

Paired Pulse Facilitation (PPF) happens when two signals arrive close together at a neuron connection, and the second signal is stronger than the first. This is because the first signal leaves behind some calcium, which helps release more chemical messengers for the second signal, making it stronger.

Paired Pulse Depression (PPD) is the opposite. When two signals come close together, the second signal is weaker. This happens because the first signal uses up most of the available chemical messengers, leaving fewer for the second signal.

These short-term changes are important for how our brains process information. In autism, scientists have found that these changes can be different. For example, certain gene mutations linked to autism can affect how well these short-term changes work. Some of these genes, like SYN1 and SYN2, help control the availability of chemical messengers at neuron connections. Mutations in these genes can lead to an imbalance in brain activity, making some signals too strong and others too weak (Frontiers, 2015)​ (Frontiers)​.

Other studies have shown that mutations in another gene, neuroligin-3, which is also linked to autism, can change how neurons communicate in different parts of the brain. These mutations can increase the strength of certain signals and disrupt the balance of brain activity (Molecular Psychiatry, 2015)​ (Nature)​. This imbalance can contribute to some of the behaviors seen in autism.

Understanding these short-term brain changes helps scientists learn more about how autism affects the brain and can lead to new ways to help people with autism.

2 versions of this post

For the Academic/Scientific Audience

PlainSpeak in plain language for the lay reader

Disclose or not to disclose your dx.

Sometimes I have to wonder about how inclusive the term neurodiverse itself is. 

For example there is an assumption that "to disclose or not to disclose" is a problem for every ND person in higher ed or employment. 

For many of us with visible disabilities, (my autism is very very very apparent), we DON'T have the luxury of choice;  to disclose or not to disclose our disability. 

Not having that choice puts us at a huge disadvantage; as many doors of opportunities are shut in your face (you are deemed unworthy off the bat), you don't even get to cross the threshold of many such doors before you even coming to the issues like deciding to disclose or not disclose. 

So how inclusive is ND movement if makes such sweeping generalizations around who is considered ND. 

Diagnostic Overshadowing

Autism Lexicon: Diagnostic Overshadowing

Diagnostic overshadowing in autism occurs when the symptoms and behaviors associated with autism obscure or overshadow the presence of other mental or physical health conditions. This can lead to misdiagnosis, underdiagnosis, or delayed diagnosis of other conditions, ultimately impacting the individual's overall care and treatment outcomes. 

PlainSpeak: Diagnostic overshadowing in autism is when doctors focus too much on autism and miss other health problems because they think it must be all because of autism.  

Read in more detail...

Loss of education seen as a crisis for non-disabled kids but NOT for disabled kids.

So true.

If an NT kid was "not in school for two months, [the school district] would be coming after [the parents]. A non-disabled "child who has missed about 18 school days... [is considered] a crisis that triggers a range of emergency interventions."

But a disabled kid not coming to school seems to be a relief the school district, there is no urgency to bring them back. A disabled kid not being able to attend school is never a crisis.
They can be left without services, and at the drop of a hat [for staff shortages and a thousand other excuses by the school] and the child is literally asked not to come to school and stay at home instead. Education it seems, is the responsibility of parents and not the school district when it comes to disabled children.

Refocusing the Autism Conversation: Beyond Terminology

Refocusing the Autism Conversation: Beyond Terminology

In his insightful book The Brain Inside Out, György Buzsáki highlights a significant challenge in scientific discourse: the tendency to create new terminology in an attempt to explain complex phenomena. He shares his frustration, echoed by his mentors, that these "filler terms" often obscure the true nature of the mysteries they aim to unravel. This practice can mislead readers into believing that a mechanism has been identified, when in reality, it remains elusive.

This phenomenon is particularly relevant in the field of autism, where debates over terminology often overshadow the more pressing goal of finding solutions. The discussion around whether to use "person with autism" or "autistic person" is a prime example. While language is undoubtedly important, the energy spent on these debates could be better directed towards understanding and addressing the needs of autistic individuals.

The focus should shift towards practical outcomes and real-world solutions. Instead of getting caught up in linguistic nuances, we should prioritize research that improves the quality of life for autistic people. This includes exploring interventions that address sensory processing differences, finding biomedical solutions to pressing health concerns, developing educational strategies that support diverse learning styles, lowering cost of support care, and creating inclusive environments that accommodate a wide range of abilities.

Buzsáki’s critique of explanatory terms serves as a reminder to the autism community: let’s not lose sight of our primary objective. By moving beyond terminology debates and concentrating on tangible solutions, we can make meaningful progress in enhancing the lives of those on the autism spectrum.

LTP and LTD and their Role in Autism

The Neuroscience of Autism 
Long Term Potentiation (LTP),  Long Term Depression (LTD) and their role in Autism.

LTP and LTD are critical forms of long term synaptic plasticity that underlie learning and memory. These processes are governed by Hebbian plasticity, a principle summarized as "cells that fire together, wire together." This means that the synaptic strength between two neurons increases when they are frequently active together (LTP), and decreases when they are less synchronized (LTD).

Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP), a form of Hebbian plasticity, emphasizes the precise timing of neuronal spikes:

  • LTP: Induced when a presynaptic neuron fires just before a postsynaptic neuron, typically within 20 milliseconds. This leads to a significant influx of calcium (Ca2+) through NMDA receptors and voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), strengthening the synapse.
  • LTD: Occurs when the postsynaptic neuron fires before the presynaptic neuron, usually within 20-100 milliseconds. This results in a weaker Ca2+ signal, leading to synaptic weakening.

Research has revealed substantial alterations in LTP, LTD, and Hebbian plasticity in autism, providing insights into the neural mechanisms that contribute to autism’s cognitive and behavioral characteristics

  1. Hippocampal Dysfunction:

    • Studies on animal models, such as the BTBR mouse model of autism, show impaired hippocampal LTP. This impairment correlates with the learning and memory deficits commonly observed in autism (Rubenstein & Merzenich, 2003; Bourgeron, 2015)​ (Frontiers)​​ (Nature)​.
  2. Cerebellar Abnormalities:

    • Atypical LTD has been noted in the cerebellum, a region critical for motor control and coordination. This could underlie the motor deficits observed in autism (Fatemi et al., 2012)​ (Nature)​.
  3. Genetic Factors:

    • Mutations in synaptic genes such as SHANK3, NRXN1, and NLGN3, which are vital for maintaining synaptic plasticity, have been linked to autism. These mutations can disrupt the balance of LTP and LTD, leading to synaptic dysfunctions associated with autism (Durand et al., 2007; Südhof, 2008)​ (Frontiers)​​ (Nature)​.
  4. Neuromodulators:

    • Dopamine (DA) is a key neuromodulator that can modulate the direction and extent of synaptic changes. It acts through D1/D5 receptors to enhance LTP or through D2 receptors to promote LTD. This modulation is essential for adaptive learning and behavior in autism (Yagishita et al., 2014)​ (Frontiers)​.

2 versions of this post

PlainSpeak. Plain Language for the Lay Reader

For the Academic/Scientific Audience


  • Rubenstein, J. L., & Merzenich, M. M. (2003). Model of autism: increased ratio of excitation/inhibition in key neural systems. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 2(5), 255-267.
  • Bourgeron, T. (2015). From the genetic architecture to synaptic plasticity in autism spectrum disorder. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 16(9), 551-563.
  • Fatemi, S. H., Aldinger, K. A., Ashwood, P., Bauman, M. L., Blaha, C. D., Blatt, G. J., ... & Welsh, J. P. (2012). Consensus paper: Pathological role of the cerebellum in autism. The Cerebellum, 11(3), 777-807.
  • Durand, C. M., Betancur, C., Boeckers, T. M., Bockmann, J., Chaste, P., Fauchereau, F., ... & Bourgeron, T. (2007). Mutations in the gene encoding the synaptic scaffolding protein SHANK3 are associated with autism spectrum disorders. Nature Genetics, 39(1), 25-27.
  • Südhof, T. C. (2008). Neuroligins and neurexins link synaptic function to cognitive disease. Nature, 455(7215), 903-911.
  • Yagishita, S., Hayashi-Takagi, A., Ellis-Davies, G. C., Urakubo, H., Ishii, S., & Kasai, H. (2014). A critical time window for dopamine actions on the structural plasticity of dendritic spines. Science, 345(6204), 1616-1620.