Fluid v Crystallized Intelligence

Fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence are two distinct aspects of cognitive abilities, as proposed by psychologist Raymond Cattell. Research suggests that autistics may exhibit strengths in fluid intelligence while crystallized intelligence may vary depending on individual experiences and access to education. However,  it is to be noted that traditional distinction between fluid and crystallized intelligence may not fully capture the complexity of cognitive abilities in autistics as their cognitive profiles often encompass a wide range of skills, strengths, and challenges that extend beyond these categories. 

Compassion is the anchor that keeps us grounded in the face of adversity

Towards a more Humane Society. Contemplating an emotion, 1 line a day. 
Our divided and conflicted world needs compassion more than ever.  #MentalHealth. 

Mental Age

The concept of "mental age" in assessments has been subject to criticism and limitations. Here are some reasons why

  • Normative Bias: Mental age is based on comparing an individual's performance to the average performance of a specific age group. However, these age norms may not adequately account for cultural, linguistic, or socioeconomic differences. The concept assumes that all individuals progress at the same rate, which may not be true or fair across diverse populations.
  • Arbitrary Cutoffs: Mental age relies on the notion of discrete age categories, which can lead to arbitrary cutoffs and potential misclassifications. Development is a continuous process, and individuals may display a range of abilities that do not neatly align with specific age groups.
  • Lack of Sensitivity: The concept of mental age does not capture the full complexity and multidimensionality of human intelligence. It may oversimplify and overlook individual strengths, weaknesses, and variations in cognitive abilities across different domains.
  • Limited Predictive Value: Mental age alone may not provide sufficient information about an individual's future development or functional outcomes. It does not account for the dynamic nature of cognitive abilities and the potential for growth and change over time.
  • Reinforcement of Deficit-Based Approaches: The focus on mental age as a deficit-oriented measure may perpetuate stigmatization and negatively impact individuals' self-perception and opportunities for growth.

It is essential to approach assessments and diagnostic criteria with a comprehensive and nuanced perspective, considering multiple factors beyond a single measure like mental age to ensure a holistic understanding of an individual's abilities and needs.

Adult Autism RSS Feed

For what its worth, came across this. This blog is #2 in a top Autism RSS feed list.  

EOWPVT - Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test

Lexicon [Measures] - EOWPVT 

The EOWPVT (Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test) is an assessment tool used to measure expressive vocabulary skills in individuals (ages 2.5 years - 90 years). It requires the examinee to identify and name pictures presented to them. It is commonly used in educational, clinical, and research settings to assess language development and vocabulary skills including in the autistic population.

The sub-measures of the EOWPVT include a basal level and a ceiling level, which determine the starting and stopping points of the assessment based on the individual's performance. The test presents a series of pictured items, and the examinee is asked to name each picture.

Scoring and interpretation of the EOWPVT involve calculating raw scores, standard scores, and percentile ranks. These scores provide an indication of the individual's expressive vocabulary skills compared to their peers.

Limitations re Autism

  • Limited assessment of other language domains: Thought it focuses on expressive vocabulary skills, it does not comprehensively evaluate other language domains such as grammar, syntax, or pragmatics.
  • Limited cultural and linguistic representation: The picture stimuli used may not be culturally or linguistically appropriate for all individuals, potentially impacting their performance and scores.
  • Lack of context and functional language use: The test assesses isolated one-word responses and does not capture the individual's ability to use language in context or in functional communication situations.
  • Potential reliance on rote memorization: Some autistics may excel at memorizing labels for pictures without fully grasping the meaning or generalizing the vocabulary to other contexts

Compassion is the song that sings in our hearts when we reach out to help others

Towards a more Humane Society. Contemplating an emotion, 1 line a day. 
Our divided and conflicted world needs compassion more than ever.  #MentalHealth. 


Media Mention

Thank you for the kind words. 

IQ Testing

IQ is a measure designed to assess an individual's cognitive abilities and intellectual functioning; specifically it aims to assess various aspects of intelligence, including verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, processing speed, and problem-solving abilities. These tests typically cover domains such as language, math, spatial reasoning, and logical thinking.

IQ scores are derived by comparing an individual's performance on the test to a representative sample of the population. The scores are standardized and follow a bell curve distribution, with the average score set at 100. Scores above 100 indicate above-average intelligence, while scores below 100 indicate below-average intelligence. The standard deviation is typically 15 points, meaning that about 68% of the population falls within the range of 85-115.

Commonly used IQ tests in Autism 
  • WAIS: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (ages 16-90)
  • WISC-V: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (ages 6-16)
  • KABC-II: Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (ages 3-18)
  • MSEL: The Mullen Scales of Early Learning (ages birth - 5)
  • DAS: The Differential Ability Scales (ages 2-17)
  • Leiter-R (ages 2-20+)
  • RIAS (ages 3-94)
  • CAS Cognitive Assessment System (ages 5-17)

Other general problems and limitations of IQ Testing:
  • Narrow Assessment: IQ tests primarily measure cognitive abilities related to academic success and may not capture the full range of human intelligence, such as creativity, emotional intelligence, or practical skills.
  • Cultural Bias: IQ tests have been criticized for potential cultural bias, as they may reflect the experiences, values, and knowledge of specific cultural or socioeconomic groups. Some questions or tasks may be more familiar or relevant to individuals from certain backgrounds, leading to potential disparities in scores.
  • Limited Contextualization: IQ tests provide a snapshot of an individual's abilities at a specific point in time and may not account for the influence of environmental or socio-economic factors, educational opportunities, or individual motivation on test performance.
  • Interpretation Challenges: IQ scores are often misinterpreted or used as a sole indicator of an individual's worth or potential, neglecting the complexity of human intelligence and the importance of other factors such as motivation, personality traits, or social and emotional skills.
History: The concept of IQ testing dates back to the early 20th century. Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon developed the first modern intelligence test in 1905. Over time, numerous IQ tests have been developed, revised, and standardized. 

Why IQ Testing is Problematic in Autistics


Some reasons why  IQ Testing is Problematic in Autistics.[What is IQ Testing]

  • Communication, Language and Social Challenges: Many IQ tests heavily rely on verbal and social interaction (including comprehension, vocabulary, & verbal reasoning), which can be challenging for autistics who may experience difficulties with language, communication, (eg: difficulties with expressive and receptive language, pragmatics, and understanding abstract or ambiguous language) and social skills. This can lead to misinterpretations of their abilities.

Compassion is the mirror that reflects the beauty of our own souls


Towards a more Humane Society. Contemplating an emotion, 1 line a day. 
Our divided and conflicted world needs compassion more than ever.  #MentalHealth. 

ADOS - Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule

Lexicon [Measures] - ADOS

The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) is a semi-structured assessment for diagnosing autism. It consists of various social and play-based activities designed to observe behaviors related to autism. [See posts on other Screening/Diagnostic Measures]

Limitations of ADOS as a dx tool
  1. Not a Standalone Diagnostic Tool: It is intended to be part of a comprehensive evaluation, which should also include other assessments and detailed developmental history.
  2. Snapshot in Time: ADOS provides a snapshot of an individual's behavior during the time of the assessment, which may not capture the full range of behavior or abilities.
  3. Limited Scope: It primarily focuses on two areas: social interaction and communication, and restricted/repetitive behaviors. Other aspects of autism, such as sensory issues or co-occurring conditions, are not part of the primary scoring system.
  4. Language and Age Constraints: While ADOS offers different modules for different developmental stages and language abilities, it may not be entirely suitable for all individuals, particularly those with complex profiles or co-occurring conditions.
  5. Requires Specialized Training: to ensure accurate administration and interpretation of the results. This requirement can limit its accessibility and use.
  6. Culture and Context: The ADOS was developed in English-speaking countries and may not fully account for cultural differences in behavior and communication. Translated versions are available, but they may not capture all nuances.
  7. Reliability of Diagnosis over Time: Some studies have questioned the reliability of the ADOS over time, especially in younger children, where symptoms and behaviors can change significantly as the child grows and develops.

Discussion on Epilepsy in Autism



on 6/2/23. 

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Grandma at Vandy

Saroja Paati (Grandma) visiting from India
and a visit to Vandy
A proud and beaming grandma at the Frist Center and outside my office space at the LASR Research Lab.