Compassion is the wind that carries us to new heights of understanding


Towards a more Humane Society. Contemplating an emotion, 1 line a day. 
Our divided and conflicted world needs compassion more than ever.  #MentalHealth. 

Trait Anxiety vs State Anxiety

Trait anxiety represents a person's general predisposition to experience anxiety, while state anxiety refers to the temporary and situational experience of anxiety in response to specific events or circumstances.

CSBS - Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales

Lexicon [Measures] - CSBS

The Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales (CSBS) is an assessment tool used to evaluate the communication and symbolic behavior skills of infants and young children (6 months -24 months).

The CSBS is designed to assess three key areas of development: social interaction, communication, and symbolic behavior. It focuses on early communication skills and the ability to use gestures, sounds, and symbols to convey meaning.  It is administered through direct observation by a trained professional who interacts with the child and scores their behaviors related to social interaction, communication, and symbolic play. The assessment may involve the use of toys and props to facilitate communication and symbolic behavior.

Limitations of the CSBS include the reliance on direct observation by a trained professional, which may limit its accessibility and feasibility in certain settings. Additionally, the CSBS primarily focuses on early communication skills and symbolic behavior, and may not comprehensively assess other aspects of development or potential co-occurring conditions.

Three sub-measures of CSBS:
  • Social Interaction Scale: evaluates the child's ability to engage in social interactions, joint attention, and social reciprocity.
  • Communication Scale: assesses the child's use of gestures, vocalizations, and words to communicate with others.
  • Symbolic Behavior Scale: measures the child's understanding and use of symbolic play and the ability to use objects in a representational manner.
Scoring and Interpretation:
The CSBS uses a scoring system that assesses the child's behaviors in each of the three sub-measures. The scores are based on specific criteria and rating scales. Interpretation involves comparing the child's performance to normative data for their age group. The CSBS provides descriptive information about the child's skills and identifies areas of strength and areas that may require further attention or intervention.

The CSBS was developed by Amy M. Wetherby and Barry M. Prizant in 1993. 

Wetherby, A. M., & Prizant, B. M. (2002). Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile (CSBS DP™) First Normed Edition. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.

Disability Rights Movement

The disability rights movement (DRM) refers to a social and political movement advocating for equal rights, inclusion, and improved quality of life for people with disabilities. The movement seeks to challenge and eliminate discrimination, stigmatization, and barriers that prevent disabled folks from fully participating in society.

DRM emerged in the late 1960s and gained significant momentum in the 1970s and 1980s. One of the key milestones was the passage of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 in the United States, which prohibited discrimination on the basis of disability in programs receiving federal funding. This was followed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990, which further strengthened protections and rights for individuals with disabilities in various aspects of life, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, and telecommunications.

DRM focuses on promoting the principles of accessibility, independence, self-determination, and inclusion. It advocates for reasonable accommodations, accessibility in the built environment, educational opportunities, employment opportunities, healthcare access, and overall social acceptance and support for people with disabilities.

DRM has made significant advancements in raising awareness, changing societal attitudes, and implementing legal protections for people with disabilities. However, there are still ongoing challenges and areas for improvement to ensure full inclusion and equal opportunities across all aspects of life.

Compassion is the bridge that connects us to our shared humanity

Towards a more Humane Society. Contemplating an emotion, 1 line a day. 
Our divided and conflicted world needs compassion more than ever.  #MentalHealth. 


Dear Colleague 

On May 19, 2023, the Justice Department and the Department of Education jointly issued a Dear Colleague Letter reminding colleges, universities, and other postsecondary institutions to ensure that their online services, programs, and activities are accessible to people with disabilities.
Letter at chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/


Who has the dx, and who is the professional

This week I heard of an instance where an ABA therapist got offended at a something his autistic client did and quit over the autistic teen not following directions. 

The autistic teen had been asked to wait at a library, looks like that teen hung around for a while, and then decided to just walk back to his home alone after a while. 

I want to ask, who has the diagnosis here, who is the professional "behavior-therapist" here who is supposed to help shape behaviors instead of walking off in a huff. 

Why have the word "behavior" in applied-behavior-therapy if you don't want to even help with or deal with behavior in the first place. 

 “The brain is like a muscle. When it is in use we feel very good. Understanding is joyous.”

–Carl Sagan

Enhanced Perceptual Functioning (EPF) Model

  • While no single theory fully explains all aspects of autism, each attempts to provide insights into different cognitive and behavioral characteristics.

    This model proposes that autistics have superior perceptual processing abilities. They may have heightened sensitivity to sensory input, leading to enhanced performance in perceptual tasks.
  • Implications: Exceptional abilities in tasks involving pattern recognition, attention to detail, and memory for visual and auditory information. However, this heightened perception can also lead to sensory overload.
Read more on [EPF Model]
Posts on other [Theories of Autism]

Compassion is the hand that holds us when we are lost

Towards a more Humane Society. Contemplating an emotion, 1 line a day. 
Our divided and conflicted world needs compassion more than ever.  #MentalHealth. 


A Personal Voice

This is so cool

Essentially apple is coming out with AI generated feature which will create a text-speech voice that sounds like you rather than a third party foreign voice. 

Personal Space v PPS

[Concepts in Sensorimotor Research]

Personal space refers is a social construct - refers to the physical or psychological distance individuals prefer to maintain between themselves and others. It is the immediate area surrounding a person that they consider as their own.

Peri-personal space is a neuroscience construct to describe the area immediately surrounding the body that is within reach of the individual. It encompasses the space where individuals feel they can manipulate/reach using their limbs / body parts. 

Past research has indicated autistics as  having a very constrained PPS. 

Related Posts on [PPS] [Peripersonal Space]

Compassion is the source of all true strength and courage


Towards a more Humane Society. Contemplation one line a day. 
Our divided and conflicted world needs compassion more than ever.  #MentalHealth.