Bonfire Rally 2017

The Big Game is the annual football game between UC Berkeley and Stanford. The Cal-Stanford  football rivalry dates back to 1892. Former President Herbert Hoover was the student team manger for Stanford that time and tickets sold out for the first game in San Francisco.  The Big Game was so popular that a large group of boys and men climbed onto the rickety roof of a nearby glass works factory to see the 1900 game. The roof collapsed killing 22 people. So there is quite a bit of history involved with the Stanford Axe as the  coveted trophy.

From the time of our orientation, there was a lot of buildup to this game.This year the much awaited game is at Stanford. The week before the  game is filled with Rallys. This includes the  Tree Chopping Rally on the steps of Sproul Hall on Tuesday. The X-mas Tree is the Stanford Mascot, so the Cal Mascot Oski the Bear was pretending to chop down the tree with an Axe. 

Friday was the Big Bonfire Rally at the Greek Theatre. OMG! It was a super grand affair with a huge turnout.  The Cal Chant was everywhere.
You know it. 
You tell the story
You tell the whole damm world this is Bear Territory.

Stanford is what?
Give that Axe back.

Alas Cal lost the Axe again this year - but the Rally was fun.

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