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Around the World in 80 Years

My Grandfather turned 80 on Aug 25,2012. His natshatram birthday is this Sat Sep 8!

Happy Birthday Thatha. 

Around the World in 80 Years

My Raghavan thatha

Just 80 years young! 

OMG Thatha! What all have you seen?

Ramakrishna Mission started their first school in ‘32

The very school that you and your brothers went to!

Verily, That school is now quite as young as you!

Gandhi was running hunger strikes.

Born in British Madras, now it’s Chennai

Oh how the times change! 

Chennai, Salem and Kerala

Timber, mica and auto parts to boot. 

Fortunes fluctuate with economic turns 

Raghavan, son of entrepreneurial Sadagopan

4 brothers and 2 sisters, a large family

Sadula street house a recounted memory

Their mother departs early, a real tragedy

My mom resembles my kollu-paati

A zoology Prof, a ringside seat

Baby turtles hatching on the beach

Quest for MBA, unusual in his day.

in archeology, finance and industries

Ascension to UN posts of high responsibility

Trotted the globe with fervent energy

Tonga Islands, his home temporarily

Why stop there, said he

Retirement does not mean the end.

I have too much energy.

The Indian Supreme Court beckons!

A law degree needed anon. 

60 is still quite young. 

Dad and daughter both study in college

My mom 20, Thatha in his 50s

Argue Supreme Court cases

… Kaveri waters

… Consumer Protection


Gracious Thatha, What else?

Fall at the feet of Sathya Sai

Possibilities at infinite Parthi

Pray for the grandson. Help him Swami.

Swami agrees “Yes,” ” I’ve blessed.”

Bodily age latches on

Mind says 40 but organs groan 80

Mind wills, the body does not agree.

A universal unavoidability! 

Thatha traversing the world 80 years long.

.. a very interesting journey!

Who knows of the surprises ahead? 

You may live to witness

many accomplishments from me...

including, dare I hope, my near total recovery!

A Birthday that’s easy to remember

It’s always on Krishnajayanthi. 

Celebrating 80 years of your journey. 

Happy Birthday Thatha!

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