Showing posts with label Misc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Misc. Show all posts

Schrödinger's cat

Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment in quantum mechanics, proposed by the physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. The experiment was designed to illustrate the paradoxical nature of quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle.

In the thought experiment, a cat is placed in a sealed box along with a radioactive substance, a Geiger counter, and a poison. If the Geiger counter detects a radioactive decay, it will trigger the poison and the cat will die. However, according to quantum mechanics, the radioactive decay is in a superposition of states, both decayed and not decayed, until it is observed. Therefore, until the box is opened and the radioactive decay is observed, the cat is considered to be both alive and dead, in a superposition of states.

The thought experiment is often used to illustrate the concept of superposition and the idea that a quantum system can exist in multiple states simultaneously. It also highlights the role of observation and measurement in quantum mechanics, and the idea that the act of observation can collapse a superposition into a definite state.

The uncertainty principle

The uncertainty principle is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics, which states that it is impossible to simultaneously know the exact position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. This means that the more precisely we know the position of a particle, the less precisely we can know its momentum, and vice versa.

The uncertainty principle was first formulated by Werner Heisenberg in 1927 and is often expressed mathematically as: Δx * Δp >= h/4π, where Δx is the uncertainty in the position of the particle, Δp is the uncertainty in its momentum, and h is Planck's constant.

The uncertainty principle has important implications for the behavior of subatomic particles, as it means that they cannot be precisely described or predicted in the same way that macroscopic objects can be. Instead, quantum mechanics uses probabilistic descriptions to predict the behavior of particles, based on the wave function that describes the probability distribution of the particle's position and momentum.

The uncertainty principle also has broader implications for our understanding of the nature of reality, as it challenges our intuition and classical conceptions of how the world works. It has become a central concept in modern physics and has led to the development of many important technologies, including the scanning tunneling microscope and the laser.

Hold opposed ideas in the mind at the same time

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example be able to see that things are hopeless yet be determined to make them otherwise - F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Has anyone dropped this?


On my recent flight:
Flight Attendant (from front of plane): "Has anyone dropped this?"

All the passengers looked up.

Flight Attendant:
It works everytime!! (smiling).
Now that we have your attention, we'll start the safety announcements.

Retrograde Motion

A Matter of Perspective - Retrograde Motion

Sometimes Mars seems to move backward - every wonder why! Perhaps its a matter of Perspective

Red Moon

What an amazing Total Lunar Eclipse Tonite. The press have dubbed it Supermoon, with the Full Moon closest to earth, at its perigee. 

Why a  Red Moon -  the Red is due to the Earth's atmosphere (Rayleigh scattering). 
The earth's atmosphere bends sunlight that passes through it. But only longer wavelenghts of light (red) are able to pass through the earth's atmosphere to reach the moon. The shorter wavelengths (blue) are absorbed/scattered by atmosphere. 

A rare phenomena not to be repeated till 2033. 

Time to Recalculate - Your Zodiac Slipped

We are all aware of the 12 Zodiacs Signs which are basically the 12 constellations in our sky. Ancient astrologers arrived at these 12 zodiacs based on calculations of their view of the sky during their times.

Our view of the sky has changed since - in fact we now have 13 Zodiacs. There is a new constellation called Ophiuchus.

The zodiac you knew all along could just be off by a month or you could be in a brand new zodiac too. How about that?

Precession of the Equinoxes

We are all familiar with the first 2 motions of earth The Earth orbits the Sun in a 365 day cycle
The Earth rotates on its axis in an approximate 24 hr cycle.

But there is a third and less known motion of the Earth known as the Precession of Equinoxes. The axis of Earth itself wobbles /gyrates like a top in a 26,000 year cycle. It stands to reason that our view of the night sky will change as a result over time.

Polaris, our current north star for instance, is 1 degree off the North Celestial Pole. In around 12,000 years, our north star will be Vega. We will be back to Polaris again when the cycle completes.

Celestial Sphere and Ecliptic: For an observer on earth, our visible sky seems to move around us in a counterclockwise fashion on the inner surface of a giant imaginary Celestial Sphere. The Ecliptic is basically the apparent annual path of the sun against the background of the stars or the projection of Earth’s orbital place on the celestial sphere.

Traditional Western Astrology, gives us the 12 zodiac signs. The zodiac sign corresponds to the position of the sun relative to constellations on the Ecliptic. ie: which constellation was the sun in the day you were born. Ancient Astrologers calculated that each constellation was approx 30 degrees in the ecliptic, 30 deg for Aries, 30 degrees for Taurus etc… starting in around 600 BCE. Under this system

Aquarius Jan 20- Feb 18, Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20, Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19, Taurus Apr 20 - May 20, Gemini May 21 - Jun 20, Cancer Jun 21 - July 22, Leo July 23 - Aug 22, Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22, Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22, Scorpio Oct 23-Nov 21. Sagittarius Nov 22- Dec 21, Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19

That is, a person born on Feb 22 (me) would fall under the Pisces astrological sign. The same method of calculation has however continued over the millennia without taking into account the Precession of the Equinoxes. The celestial equator (projection of our equator on the celestial sphere) has also moved due to the Precession of the Equinoxes. (Where the celestial equator meets the ecliptic are the vernal and autumnal equinoxes.) The intersection of the celestial equator and the ecliptic has moved off west by almost 36 degrees (approx 1/10 of its cycle) currently. So all the zodiac signs have slipped off by around a month. So when we correct for the Precession of the Equinoxes, the correct zodiac sign for the Feb 22nd born per today’s sky is Aquarius.

In fact there is a 13th constellation visible in the ecliptic now. The southern part of constellation Ophiuchus or the Serpent bearer appears between Scorpius and Sagittarius during spring and summer.

Capricorn - Jan 20 - Feb 16, Aquarius - Feb 16 - Mar 11, Pisces - Mar 11 - Apr 18, Aries - Apr 18 - May 13, Taurus - May 13 - Jun 21, Gemini - Jun 21 - Jul 20, Cancer - Jul 20 - Aug 10, Leo - Aug 10 - Sep 16, Virgo - Sep 16 - Oct 30, Libra - Oct 30 - Nov 23, Scorpius - Nov 23 - Nov 29, Ophiuchus - Nov 29 - Dec 17, Sagittarius - Dec 17 - Jan 20

The zodiac you knew all along could just be off by a month or you could be in a brand new zodiac too. How about that?