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ParaSailing at SoBe 8/8

(My OJ State Vacation .. Part 8 of 8)

ParaSailing at SoBe 
July 26

I'm no stranger to diets - I was on the GFCF diet for the longest time. And I've heard names of other diets in both the medically necessary and cosmetic (aka lose weight fast) categories. So when I went to South Beach in southern Florida, I half expected a sign somewhere that said "South Beach Diet."  

South Beach a.k.a "SoBe" is the southern section of Miami Beach.  Miami Beach is in Miami Beach City, which is not the same as Miami. The City of Miami is on the mainland, while The City of Miami Beach is on a barrier island, off the Florida mainland, with Biscayne Bay seperating them. This caused a lot of initial confusion for my parents, as they could not locate our Hotel on the GPS. Turned out, the city we needed was Miami Beach City, not Miami! Our hotel was right by Miami Beach. (Given the numerous roads connecting the island to the mainland, it hardly felt like an island.)

South Beach has to be one of the best US beaches I've been to. The waters of the Atlantic are warm off the Florida coast, so wading into these warm ocean waters was a pleasure. ( SoBe and adjoining beaches had crisp white sands that crunched under the toes. The slope of the coast was very gradual. In effect, you could walk quite a distance from shore into the ocean water with the water hardly waist deep. 

It was well.... Just delightful to hang out there.
I would love to live in a house right by such a beach with its warm ocean waters. 

I'm all for the nice SF Bay Area weather in northern CA, but do wish the waters are not so freezing cold for most of the year - makes it a challenge to enjoy the beaches.

SoBe  has lots of shopping and boutiques (not my area of interest). There were hordes of girls and women carrying shopping bags filled with merchandise from the colorful stores. SoBe is also a culinary hotspot - the ears perk up - now we're talking. We enjoyed some delicious Thai Food for dinner in an outdoor restuarant and delicious Mexican for lunch.

I tried out parasailing for first time at SoBe. I was actually very very anxious about it. Somehow, the total loss of control, when you are suspended in the air is a scary thought. What if you should crash? What if the rope breaks, and the wind carries you off? What if its too wildy and wild up there? It was a long series of What Ifs..... as I watched others Parasail from the shore.

We were to be the first party to Parasail the next morning, so reached there nice and early at 8am. To our disappointment, we were told it was too windy and not safe. They did not know when they would be able to resume - we were at tne mercy of Mother Nature. We had almost given up hope, when the company called and gave the all clear. It was nearly 11 by then. (Dad and Mom are amazed at my patience that day - waiting isn't one of my strong suits. Same when it comes to handling anxiety.)

Turned out Parasailing is just TOO MUCH FUN and an AMAZING experience. Indeed, I would say parasailing was the highlight of my Miami visit. I felt like a bird soaring over the ocean blue. The 15-20 min ride just seemed to go on forever. The tall buildings on the beach were like toys in the distance. Below us, the tiny boat towed us along. Eventually we were smoothly reeled in back to the boat.

From Parasailing to lunch and to the Airport. That concluded my OJ State (aka Florida) Summer Trip. Saw lots, did lots and had lots of fun. 

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