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My research interests

Read here to learn more about me . My graduate research investigates peripersonal space (PPS) in autism, exploring how differences in sensor...

Relationship as a building block

I've had the privilege of listening to Hari Srinivasan share his perspective on various topics over the years. His ability to share his personal narrative paired with the current science is an incredible gift. As Mr. Srinivasan shares, "All humans, disabled or not, yearn for human connections that enrich their lives beyond a mere fulfillment of basic needs." 

Indeed relationship is one of the building blocks of the PERMA+ theory of wellbeing (R=Relationships). Like Mr. Srinivasan, I too am looking to Vivek Murthy and his wisdom to help us all with his wise words, including, "While loneliness has the potential to kill, connection has even more potential to heal." Here's to 2024 being a year of connection. #wellbeingwins

Read at Time: The Pervasive Loneliness of Autism https://time.com/6551520/loneliness-autism-essay/

My other list of Publications: https://uniquelyhari.blogspot.com/p/published-work.html

Over Focus on Productivity

Mainstream discussions around remote and hybrid employment models often focus on productivity, or the perceived reduced networking and socialization.

Paradoxically, these very reasons serve to increase productivity for many disabled people, including the autism community.


It is not the same being given enough time to finish an exam, in a setting that is conducive to focusing on answering the exam

Article Link: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/giving-voice/202410/how-reasonable-are-reasonable-accommodations-at-work

In education and in the workplace, appropriate accommodations are crucial for people to learn and to perform at their best. This article tackles the "reasonable" piece of the ADA rule. Who decides what "reasonable" is?

Even when accommodations are nominally given, the quality of the accommodation can vary immensely. It is not the same being given enough time to finish an exam, in a setting that is conducive to focusing on answering the exam, than having "1.5x" the time in a room with noisy people, in the middle of a lab, or in the professor's office, under the professor's gaze.

The article was written by Hari Srinivasan, who is a fellow member of the College Autism Network 

In-person employment in autism



Disability and Multilingualism

Growing up, Hari Srinivasan remembers repeatedly learning about St. Patrick’s Day in his special education classroom—a holiday that, while interesting, felt disconnected from his own cultural heritage.

Read Full Article at unesco.org...


"Many autistics like me [are...] excluded from autism research due to the complexity of our issues, or because of the research methods used."
-Hari Srinivasan, Time


Genetic Differences Between Autism and ADHD—and Why It Matters

Genetic Differences Between Autism and ADHD—and Why It Matters

On the surface, autism and ADHD might look like they share some overlapping behaviors, especially in areas like attention and impulsivity. But beneath those similarities, the genetic research on each reveals fundamental differences. And with more people receiving both diagnoses (often called AuDHD), genetic research is starting to explore how these conditions interact in the same person.

ADHD: A Focus on Dopamine and Attention

One of the most consistent findings in ADHD research is the role of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate attention and motivation.  ADHD individuals often have differences in dopamine pathways, making it harder to focus and control impulses. Genetic research has honed in on genes like DRD4 and DAT1, which impact dopamine receptors and transporters, the mechanisms that manage dopamine levels in the brain. This focus on dopamine has led to effective ADHD treatments, such as stimulant medications that boost dopamine. But these meds don’t always work the same way in autism.

Another big area in ADHD genetic research is polygenic risk—the idea that many small genetic variations combine to raise ADHD risk. By studying these variations together, researchers are building genetic “risk scores” to better understand each person’s overall predisposition to ADHD.

Autism: A Complex Web of Genes

Autism, in contrast, has a more diverse genetic landscape. Autism genetics doesn’t just focus on one system like dopamine; it spans pathways involved in synaptic development (how brain cells connect) and sensory processing. Genes like SHANK3 and CHD8 are heavily studied because they’re critical for neuron communication, affecting social interaction and sensory integration.

Autism genetics includes both polygenic influences and rare, single-gene mutations. This mix shows that autism isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” condition and involves a wide range of genetic influences—making autism research complex but incredibly informative.

Why ADHD Medications Don’t Always Work in Autism

Since ADHD and autism have different genetic roots, treatments that work well for ADHD may not work the same way in autism. For example, stimulants boost dopamine levels and are effective for ADHD, but autism involves additional neurotransmitter systems like GABA and glutamate. For autistic individuals, boosting dopamine may not address their primary challenges and can even lead to side effects like increased anxiety or sensory sensitivity.

This phenomenon, called differential drug response, is why treatments need to be tailored more closely to each condition.

The Overlap- Understanding AuDHD

Many autistics also meet the criteria for ADHD, and research suggests they experience a unique blend of traits. Genetically, there are overlapping patterns, particularly in dopamine, serotonin, and synaptic pathways. This shared foundation is prompting researchers to think of autism and ADHD as conditions that can intersect within the same person, rather than existing in isolation.

Understanding the unique profile of AuDHD could reshape how we approach treatment. Right now, genetic testing and treatments for autism and ADHD often operate in silos, leading to medications being prescribed without considering their impact on combined traits. A focus on AuDHD could lead to integrated approaches that tailor interventions to address overlapping needs.

Bringing It All Together

In summary, ADHD genetics zeroes in on dopamine-related genes that influence attention and impulsivity, while autism genetics explores a wider range of genes involved in synaptic function, sensory processing, and neurodevelopment. For those with AuDHD, understanding these combined influences can lead to support and treatments that don’t just fit the condition but fit the individual.

This is the future of neurodevelopmental treatment—a future where we move from “one-size-fits-all” to “one-size-fits-one.”

Exclusion of those with more complex needs

 "Key concerns.... oversimplification of needs and the potential exclusion of those with more complex challenges when focusing solely on strengths and well-being. This approach risks neglecting the intricate support required by many on the spectrum. " - Hari Srinivasan 


"We must dispel the notion that any medical intervention is inherently harmful. Many autistic peers I know experience chronic sleep deprivation, multiple seizures, pain, autoimmune conditions... spend the entire night on the toilet due to gut issues... engage in intense self-injurious behaviors, aggressive behaviors, and frequent meltdowns, which leave them home-bound. Living in a state of chronic unwellness is not conducive for inclusion. The quality of life for such autistics is challenging, no matter what kind of societal supports (inadequate as they are currently), or opportunities are put in place for inclusion."
- Hari Srinivasan, Newsweek


Why is 108 scientifically and mathematically special

108 combines properties from number theory, geometry, natural patterns, and even astrophysics—qualities that give it an almost “universal” significance in mathematics and beyond

  • Astrophysical Significance: In astronomy, the average distance between the Earth and Sun is about 108 times the diameter of the Sun. Similarly, the average distance between the Earth and the Moon is about 108 times the Moon’s diameter. This coincidence has intrigued scientists, as it means the Sun and Moon appear roughly the same size in the sky, allowing for the phenomenon of total solar eclipses.
  • Harshad Number Charm: In number theory, 108 is a Harshad number, meaning it’s divisible by the sum of its digits (1 + 0 + 8 = 9), making it "harmonic" in certain mathematical operations. Harshad numbers are used in digital root and modular arithmetic, which simplifies calculations in areas from coding to cryptography.'
  • Fibonacci and Spirals: The sum of the first 12 Fibonacci numbers is exactly 108, connecting it to the Fibonacci sequence, which appears in natural patterns like spirals in shells, hurricanes, and galaxies. This gives 108 a presence in some of the most visually and mathematically profound patterns in the universe.
  • Tetrahedral and Centered Figures: 108 is a tetrahedral number, representing a 3D shape with triangular faces. Imagine stacking spheres in a pyramid with a triangular base; 108 is the total number of spheres in a four-layer pyramid. This concept ties into molecular structures and 3D modeling.
  • Geometry and Symmetry: 108 degrees is the internal angle of a regular pentagon, meaning it’s a foundational angle in geometry tied to fivefold symmetry. Pentagonal symmetry is rare in nature and geometry, often appearing in atomic structures and biological formations like flowers and certain viruses.

Social Capital

Autism Lexicon: Social Capital

Social capital is the value derived from social networks, relationships, and community trust that enable cooperation and support. In autism, building social capital can be challenging due to differences in communication and social interactions, but it is crucial for fostering inclusion and improving quality of life... Read More.... 

Caught Between Tears and Stoicism

In a world where emotional expression is often suppressed or critiqued, especially in public figures and their families, his response is a refreshing reminder of our shared humanity.

Read Full Article at

Hari, this is incredible. It is both beautiful and meaningful in its humanity, as well as being an exceptionally important message for inclusion - how you manage to do those two things at once is something I am extremely inspired by!


My TedX Talk

My Ted X talk titled "Pebbles in the Pond of Change

Hari Srinivasan, shares a powerful message about the power of small actions in creating ever-widening ripples in the pond of change. Drawing from personal experiences and the legacy of disability rights leaders, he redefines progress as a journey that starts with simple, accessible steps. His inspiring message encourages everyone to identify and act on their own "small pebbles" to drive societal transformation.