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Read here to learn more about me . My graduate research investigates peripersonal space (PPS) in autism, exploring how differences in sensor...

Vote Because you Can, Vote because you Should

My other Articles in this newsletter

Born into the ADA

 I wrote 3 of the articles for the Daily Californian's Disability Impact Issue for the 30th Anniversary of the ADA. This article was a personal reflection. 

“(ADA) also allows me to not just demand a seat at the table so that individuals like me can be part of the conversations around change, but question if the table itself needs to be redefined.”

The Daily Cal's Disability Impact Special Issue

The Daily Cal came out with A Disability Impact Special (23 articles). A tribute to 30 Years of ADA. 

I have been pushing for such an issue for a few months now. I was able to give input on what the front art cover should look like. Its black and white images of the disability rights movement overlaid with the modern face of disability in color; color in more ways that one - different races, different disabilities, visible and invisible disabilities. 

Check it out https://www.dailycal.org/section/special/30-years-of-ada-2020/ 

Other articles in the issue by me are 


Speaker and Panelist at Stanford Neurodiversity Summit

I was a speaker and Panelist at this year's Stanford Neurodiversity Summit.
College Track Session on Oct 20, 2020

Talk ("Hari As Possibility") is from 1:48:38 - 2:05:33
Panel Discussion 2:47:33 - 3:40:27

Link to my Powerpoint is at https://youtu.be/usyoXWV73QA
All days are on youtube

Autism DeCal Fall2020

Class 5: 10/5/2020

Today we covered common therapies used in Autism. 

Our Guest speaker was Dr Lawrence Fung who heads the Stanford Neurodiversity Project

Class 4: 9/28/2020

Today we covered common therapies used in Autism. 

Our Guest speaker was Noor Pervez from ASAN to speak on intersectionality. 

Class 3: 9/21/2020

Today we wrapped up our "Law Enforcement" Topic and covered "Autism in the Context of the Disability Rights Movement."

Our guest speaker was Prof Steve Hinshaw with another powerful talk on Stigma.

Class 2: 9/14/2020

In today's Mini Lecture portion, we focused on Autism interaction with Law Enforcement

To prep students, we asked the question

We will be wrapping up this topic in the next class as we got ready for the Student Presentations and the Guest Speaker. 

We had our first Guest Speaker on - Dr Clarissa Kripke on Sensorimotor Issues in Autism. Some tech difficulties as our speaker was not able to access our Zoom. So switched to Google Hangouts!! 

Survey Q: What interests you about this class

  • A friend of mine works with kids with autism and I would like to educate myself more on this topic so that I can be more well versed in this subject area when i talk to them. I would like to learn about pretty much anything y'all find most important, I'm just a dude trying to learn as much as possible.
  • It is interesting to learn about the spectrum of autism and how individuals cope with certain levels of the spectrum.
  • I am interested in learning more about adults with autism and the kind of support needed and barriers experienced later on in life. I also know a little about who women and girls are less likely to be diagnosed with autism until later on in life due to the way ASD is gendered, but I am curious to learn more about that.
  • I hope to build my awareness and knowledge of autism so that I can better understand and be an ally to those around me. I feel that autism is often stigmatized as a disability, and I want to learn more about how we can combat this thinking. I want to learn what symptoms and behaviors are associated with autism.
  • - I am interested on how I can be more cognizant of those on the spectrum. Additionally, as an intended disability studies minor, I want to learn more about personal stories by listening to guest speakers etc.
  • I am very interested in taking this course because of my interest in better understanding disabilities on many levels. I am aiming to pursue a career in disability research but believe heavily in the importance of understanding disabilities on a personal / social level before having the right to study them on a molecular / neurological level.
  • As being on the spectrum, I want to learn more about the condition and maybe provide some insight into the daily life of an autistic person.
  • I want to learn more about the autism spectrum, and what it looks like to proactively involved.
  • more information about life with autism and advantages or disadvantages
  • As a Psychology major, I find that I haven't actually learned much about autism in my classes, although I've learned about mood disorders, intellectual disabilities, and learning disorders. So, I'd like to learn more about the realities of autism and treatment options available.
  • I would like to get a more holistic view about autism from different disciplines as well as hear from the guest speakers!
  • why they have tendency too hyperfixate. how to navigate social situations with them.
  • I've seen autism depicted in media, and am curious to see if their depictions are accurate, and i just want to understand and be able to empathize more with people who do have autism.
  • I've always wanted to take a class focused on Autism, and I came to know of this class through Obama's Instagram ;) I would like to learn more about Autism through the perspective of someone with Autism. I also would like to learn more about the biological basis behind autism. Overall, I am most excited to meet more people and hear everyone's various experiences.
  • Just want to gain some general understanding about Autism to be able to broaden my sensitivity to and understanding of the needs of neurodiverse people :)
  • I'd like to hear about what it's like to be autistic from someone who has autism and how to be a helpful ally.
  • I am pursuing the disability studies minor and would like to educate myself more around the topic of disability. I think this will be a great way to know more about autism as we are taught very little about it in school.
  • I would like to meet other people on the spectrum, hear there stories / experience and have a safe place to share my own.
  • I'm interested in this course because I've learned a couple of things about the autism spectrum from my child development and psychology classes, but not a significant amount, and I guess I've just realized recently that I'm relatively ignorant on the subject. I'd like to change that. I don't have anything specific in mind to learn more about but I'm very excited to learn more!
  • I would love to learn more about autism alongside disability justice. I took a city planning for disability course a while back and it was very valuable and I learned a lot!
  • I would like to educate myself about people with autism. I took a course with professor Hinshaw and it was really interesting and I would like to learn more about Autism.
  • I joined this class because I have a family member who was recently diagnosed and I wanted to learn as much as I could about Autism Spectrum Disorder so that I could support that family member. I'm interested in learning about family dynamics and learn more about the current research on ASD.
  • I would like to better understand autism and learn how I can positively impact the community.
  • I have a twin brother who was diagnosed with ASD in the 5th grade. From this course I want to learn more about ASD in hopes to better understand my brother. My brother is considered "high functioning", so I'm really curious how doctors diagnose someone with Autism and how they decide if they're low/high functioning. My brother has also struggled with IEP accommodations growing up, so I would like to know how disability programs work at public schools and how schools decide if a student qualifies for IEP/DSP accommodations.
  • I study neurodevelopment with relevance to ASD. I would like to learn more about ASD from perspectives beyond my research area, particularly disability rights/advocacy and intersectionality. I am hoping to have a better understanding of how I as a researcher can interact with the autism community in a positive way that doesn’t cause harm. I’m hoping this class will give me the space to think about ways to center the interests and needs of folks with autism in my research and beyond.
  • Really excited for this class
  • It’s felt like talking about autism was taboo, but I really want to understand what the experience is and how to support folks who may have autism.
  • Excited about the reading list you put together. 

Class 1: 9/31/2020

A little weird doing this all remote but we adapt for the times. Also have a grad student auditing the class which is kind of cool. 

Registration for the DeCal

 Registration for the 1-unit, seminar-style, 1:54 Autism Spectrum Disorders Decal is now open. Class has filled up very fast in past semesters.


Course #23457 Enroll through CalCentral
Timings: Monday 5-7pm.
Class Starts: Aug 31, 2020
Class limit: 40
Contact: SpectrumDeCal@gmail.com

The Autism DeCal got featured on President Barack Obama's Instagram in July on 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

About the Decal: In this DeCal, not only will you learn about possible neurobiological roots of ASD, you will also discover its research beginnings, possible intervention therapies, family dynamics, law, the role of technology, media portrayals, child and adult life, stigma, public outreach, and public awareness.

The primary goal of this course is to stimulate and encourage a deeper understanding about individuals who meet the DSM-5 criteria for ASD and their families.

Instructors: Hari Srinivasan, Eli Oh, Helen Lee, Kate Bierly

The RadMad Disability Lab at UC Berkeley

Lab Website,  Facebook . Twitter@RadMadLab1

The Spring 2020 URAP Team

Semester 4

Semester 3

Week 1: 9/16: : First Lab meeting for the incoming URAP' ers. We had a sizable turnout, not just students from Cal but also from UCLA. I love the collaboration. 

Semester 2

Week 1: 2/5: Rad Mad Lab is Back: First Lab meeting for the incoming URAP' ers.
Good to be back at this very unique "makerspace" lab at UC Berkeley 

2/12: The meeting focused on projects for the semester and deciding the teams. http://disability.jp/madlab/2020/02/12/deciding-on-projects/

Holding a Raspberry Pi

Rad Mad Lab in the Time of Covid.
What the Rad Mad Disability lab has done this semester can almost be split into what had was started and planned at the beginning of the semester and what the teams have been able to do to the limitations of the shutdown.. Read on.

Light Sensitivity
Light Sensitivity is an another important, albeit less talked about accessibility issue. This is another project started by the Rad Mad Lab this semester. Read on..

Sense-Able Computing

Team Sense-Able Computing of the Rad Mad Lab continued the groundwork laid by Teams "Sense-Able Input P3" and "Sense-Able Output Apple Pi" from last semester.

They aim to build a coding environment that expands beyond the the monitor and keyboard. 

Radical Mapping

Team Radical Mapping of our lab is working towards an embodied navigation system on and off campus. They also just received funding from the campus administration to continue the project.

We will be back in Fall.

Prof Karen Nakamura and all the students here at the RadMad Lab wish everyone a safe summer. Stay healthy everyone. We will be back in fall.


Semester 1 @ RadMad Lab

I started as a URAPer at the UC Berkeley Disability Lab, also known as the RadMad Lab

I think my role at the Lab this semester is best summed up by Prof Nakamura who heads the lab: 

"Hari is the newest student member of the lab. He’s a proud autistic activist and student leader on campus. While he comes out of a deep personal experience with autism, he isn’t familiar with other disability spaces — and as a current and future disability leader, he needs that experience. He’s heading up what we’re faking Team Propaganda - which is to help broaden the public reach of the lab, especially to crip communities.
More posts on the Lab's work this semester by me
The Nakamura Disability Lab is one of UC Berkeley’s well-kept secrets tucked away inside one end of the Hearst Annex complex. With its mission of "Making Better Crips," the lab has been operational since 2018 and led by Karen Nakamura who is the Haas endowed chair for Disability Studies and Professor of Anthropology. (more...)

Power Wheelchairs are meant to be mobility devices, but counter-intuitively not manufactured for outdoor use.

Community Guest speaker and visitor to the Disability makerspace lab, Corbett OToole was interviewed on some of the challenges that wheelchair users have to contend with. (more...)

Most, if not all mainstream gaming controllers assume and require the use of opposable thumbs and a lot of manual dexterity. Commercial controllers are high cost. The goal for " Team Thumbless" at the RadMad Disability Lab at UC Berkeley was to make an accessible and affordable controller using Arduinos, open-source software and low-cost everyday supplies. (more..)

People who are blind or low vision are often excluded from sex education. If they are mainstreamed, health classes rarely have accessible models or diagrams. And even at schools for the blind, teachers don’t always have access to tactile models (which can be very expensive) and must jerry-rig something themselves. (more...)

A wheelchair user often cannot see what is behind them – so they end up hitting walls, doors and sometimes even other people which can be very frustrating. The Free Beep is essentially a backup sensor for power chairs, scooters, etc.(more...)

Lab members set out to provide solutions to a disabled dog in the community. (more...)

Traditional STEM and Design Tools are simply inaccessible as most assume or even require the ability to use the screen, keyboard and mouse. As a result, many people with disabilities are dissuaded from going into the STEM fields and potentially making valuable contributions. When such a huge field is cut off, disabled people are essentially disempowered from feeling that they too can change the world.
Thus, a major goal for the Lab has been what Prof Karan Nakamura has termed "Sense-Able Computing" or creating a multisensory, tactile, screenless, Turing-complete programming environment. The target audience would be learners who want to change the world but find keyboard/mouse/screen programming environments inaccessible.(more...)

The input team of Sense-Able Computing focused on prototyping a tactile input coding language to help the user learn the basics of coding.(more...)

Team Apple Pi (output arm of “Sense-able Computing”)is trying to make a programmable robot prototype a reality -which would not only move but also have a sensor that would work with the programming language of the input team.(more...)